Lateral thinking, how can you become a more lateral thinker?

March 5, 2012 11:31pm CST
Lateral thinking is a style of thinking which lets you think the least probable answer in a question. It is much like philosophizing making other options to make and not just the obvious way of thinking. So my question is how can you be more lateral in your thinking? I've been trying to think outside of the box but why can't i always do it when true lateral thinking quiz in real life happens? Any suggestions please? Thank you and i will be awaiting for your responses. Have a great day.
3 responses
@snam23 (3157)
• United States
14 Jun 12
I haven't heard about this lateral thinking but I've been presented the concept in many different ways in many circumstances. Something that helps me is to step back from the problem for a while and return to it later so you can get a fresh view of it. Another is to just brainstorm ideas without judging or turning any down and then distilling them later. Lastly, the best ideas are usually never the first ones so keep thinking and don't get too attached to one idea! Those are just my tips on how to think more creatively.
• Philippines
19 Jun 12
Hmm.. That's right, creativity is indeed important to us humans since it is the foundation to our thoughts and imaginations. Thanks for the tips, i'll apply it. Have a great day.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I've heard of this. It's kind of like opposing the more common linear thinking, or something. It's being creative in thinking for solutions for the problem. It's like saying "Jesus can walk on water, a person is 70% water, I can walk on people, therefore, I am 70% Jesus." Of course, that's not possible but I'm just saying, this how you should think if you wanna be a creative thinker.
• Philippines
21 Mar 12
I see, i'll try it. Thanks for the tip and that joke about Jesus and a human body with 70% water, it's funny. He he he. Well i guess it is thinking out of the box. Have a great day and thanks again.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
6 Mar 12
It's really quite a bit of a challenge thinking outside of the box. Our way of thinking has been greatly influenced by our surroundings - our family, school, society in general. That's why those who think "laterally" are sometimes thought to be eccentric. But you're right that life indeed poses a lot of questions that can't be answered by traditional thinking. How do we go about it? One thing probably is to think of an answer not related to the question then start rationalizing it. I mean, try to make it related to the question. In the process, you could encounter answers that you might not have thought of