Do the Trolls and Fanatics Get To You On Here?

United States
May 23, 2012 6:13am CST
when you post a discussion and you get those few (theres always some one right?) that either just dont want to even think any other way but theirs and go off on you for your post or you get the people that dont even read what the discussion is about and answer in gibberish does it irritate you? some days it does. most days it doesnt. i try to have an open mind and i have found myself changing a lot of my views by doing so and listening to other peoples views on here BUT it when i get the people that reply attacking me for the subject as if i took a stand one way or another (i usually try to not or i would state my opinion but that maybe i was wrong what do you think type thing) and make me out to being a monster. when if they had READ the discussion they would read that i put my disclaimer on what i thought or was wondering and that it wasnt an evil question etc. of course you gotta love the ones accusing you of lying all the time when they dont even know what they are talking about and they REPLIED to YOURS! i had some one answer with a totally off the wall subject that barely had anything to do with it and call me a liar etc. i was like uhh... most the time (99% of the time) i just laugh it off or just roll my eyes at their ignorance but the other 1% when my italian roots and pms is flaring up i just have to not even go on mylot. so do these people get to you? do you ignore them? i try to answer every reply (even if months late opps) so even if i dont agree i try to acknowledge them. do you have this problem at all? if your a veteran mylotter do you think its gotten better or worse with time?
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7 responses
• United States
23 May 12
They don't generally get to me, but like you that also depends upon my mood and what else is going on at the time. Mostly, I can take it - I have been told that I am full of crap, and maybe I am ... flowers do need fertilizer to grow, you know. If I know that I am right, then I might defend what I am saying or just walk away depending upon the situation as I do not necessarily feel the need to prove myself correct, especially if I know that I am. If I think I might be wrong, then I will admit that I could be wrong, but I will also give information for why I believe that I am right.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
23 May 12
LOL at "flowers do need fertilizer to grow"! I know that your responses are good and that you never attack anybody. It is weird to get comments like this for your efforts. I suppose that walking away is the best to do, but not an easy task for a flower.
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• United States
23 May 12
LOL! Yes, it is definitely not an easy task for a flower to walk away, especially when she has an extensive root system that tends to want to dig in and remain steadfast.
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• Canada
11 Jul 21
I’ve been lucky in that I haven’t had to deal With them when I’ve been on this site.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
24 May 12
I have had a few maybe 2 or 3 and I think I just answered back in kind that they needed to read the whole thing and then think it over. on one I got 2 friends out of it lololllol
@allknowing (130518)
• India
24 May 12
As a newbie everyone gets flustered and frustrated when such a situation arises but with experience one learns to move on ignoring those who contribute to one's misery.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
23 May 12
Well ignorant and mean people are everywhere, definitely not all people are nice here in MyLot, I tried to see only the bright side but wow there's a lot of mean evil people. I just don't answer, it's been some years that I avoid to pay attention to these people, they are unhappy and they can't discuss, just point flaws and criticize and it can be like the worst times to discuss with someone like them cause it's just a waste of time.Well trolls started on the web, they will be everywhere . But when they get out of line let's report them and get them banned.
• United States
23 May 12
Yupp...and worse with all these newbies
• Philippines
23 May 12
hai moonlit.. We have different behavior,own beliefs,own opinion,own ideas and have the right to pick,to choose,sometimes they are people easily judge us,criticize us and discriminate us. I am a new MYLOTTER but i should go on to expect some of these, and prepare for some comments that is not good to read and hear but i must to be patient and to accept and understand, as long as I know my self and who i am really. Nice topic,,have a nice day