why do people feel the need to inform others what they are doing

August 21, 2012 2:11pm CST
facebook offers you the posibility to tell others where you are, what you're doing, who are you with an so on...why do people feel the need to do that? I mean what's so interesting in a message posted on facebook saying that you're sleeping for example
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6 responses
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
21 Aug 12
Well, I talk to you I started to say that I am not a Facebook-addicted. Facebook, a free and open to all, at the moment (unfortunately) without complaint, you can write anything. I could not refrain to join the social-network, number one in the world, but I'm not those just passing whole days to say the usual things such as: Hello everyone, today is sunny, it rained yesterday, are now on vacation, etc.. In my opinion people do this so as to communicate any time with their contacts. Although there would be the most important of which deal.
• India
25 Aug 12
I am also not facebook addicted and not interested to tell to anybody any information about me.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
22 Aug 12
They may want to keep their love one like friends and family members inform 24/7/30/365 of their activities, that is why they need to post every single detail of living in every minute or hour. It is their prerogative to do so even though it may seem a little bit of extreme and over board for some people. After all, it is her profile and FB, it is strictly her rights to do so, she may have gain a lot of fun by doing that.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
21 Aug 12
I don't do that but some of my friends do & unfortunately, sometimes I get "tagged" along... I don't mind... There are few times when I've gotten a phone call from another friend saying if I'm about to leave where I am... I ask them how they know where I am & what I'm doing & turns out, buddy I'm with tagged me there... There are times when we ended up having a crowd of 16, or more, in one spot because of it... Having a busy lives that everybody does, sometimes it makes it easier to make a "spontaneous plan" through Facebook posts... I don't know, everybody has their own thing, I guess...
@josga2008 (320)
• Canada
21 Aug 12
Some amount of telling people what you're doing is ok I supposed, but I really find it amazing that people will post details such as "going on vacation for a week", or or other details of where you are. This is perfect for would be thieves to just come to your house when they know no one is at home.
• United States
21 Aug 12
For me when I do post up silly things like that on facebook there is a very good reason. My mother in law is home bound and when ever my family goes on a trip we take her with us through facebook. She is able to see every thing that we see and get the experiences with out having to leave her house. I will also let people know where we are at in our trip and what hotels we are staying at. My family gets worried about us when we travel and letting them know we are stopping at a hotel to get some sleep lets every one rest well knowing we are safe. So perhaps that's why people are posting up their silly messages. You never know who is on the other side of that post reading it and knowing that their loved one is safe.
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Good question. I honestly don't think people ever saw that type of activity as important before. Now though that everyone is doing it, others feel compelled to do it as well. We live in a society now where everyone knows what your doing all the time. Look at Twitter for example. It's even worse than Facebook! The main purpose of Twitter is for those types of status updates. Facebook at least has other good qualities. I really don't think there is any specific answer to your question, just that it's what people do now.