what is your opinion of people who sleep in church?

@pomwango (1353)
January 7, 2013 9:26am CST
i find it funny that some people actually feel no shame and sleep peacefully in church, except for the small children or very old or someone who is unwell why do you sleep in church,its better you walk out and go sleep in your house.have you seen such people and what is your opinion?
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32 responses
@JamesKYTan (1605)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 13
I am sorry I sometimes sleep in the church. The night before I slept late and and feel tired. So the next morning is Sunday, going to church. I am already 64 years old. In fact now I hardly sleep in church. I have seen people besides sleeping they are snoring away peacefully and blissfully. God bless you.
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• Malaysia
9 Jan 13
I apologize is because I slept in the church before. I am being truthful. I like your comment too. Blessings to you.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
8 Jan 13
I like your answer except for one thing. You start off by saying I am sorry... No need to apologize!!! God bless!
@vandana7 (99278)
• India
8 Jan 13
I think it is unfair to expect people to be at the church or other places of worship in time like clockwork...as if we were manufactured like a ford or toyota..we all have varying sleeping patterns...and at times we may have our own stress levels due to what transpires during the day and cant sleep worrying about it...so it is natural to have some overspill...it is priests who should be having smaller sermons, and more number of services so that people can choose to attend mass later if they feel their sleep is inadequate..
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@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
its possible to go at your convenience because the church will offer different time slots for their services so that you go when you can,in my country there are even early morning, lunch hour and evening apart from the daytime services so you can go when you have the stamina.
• India
8 Jan 13
LOL! What is so shameful about sleeping? Nopes, I haven't spotted anybody sleeping in church, but there are plenty of people who sleep in their classrooms.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
7 Jan 13
Well, to be perfectly honest I can think of no better place to sleep! I have tremendous respect for those who can drift off during a boring sermon. What better way is there to spend a Sunday morning snoozing?
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@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
i realised if you keen eve in a boring sermon you should get at least a point to better yourself, so how will you when you are asleep?
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
a pleasant day to you pomwango, there are times i do also saw some people who get asleep whenever they are listening to the homily that is being delivered by the Priest. however, i just extend my understanding for them. as i do believed, they do not mean to do it. hence, they just can't avoid it. as a result, they fall asleep while inside the church premise.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
i think its just effort,do such people sleep at their work places or its just because God will understand that they are tired.
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
I admit that once or twice I've doze off during the mass. I feel bad but sometimes there's more to it than just me because it's not intentional. I don't know with others but whenever the priest's voice is not audible or monotone it makes my focus go astray. You have to admit that some priests don't know how to speak in front of people and it makes it very challenging to listen. I do commend and listen attentively to those priests who makes effort into speaking more clearly and upbeat.
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@maclanis (2371)
• Belgium
7 Jan 13
Why go to church if you fall asleep...? I don't go to church myself, but it seems really disrespectful.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
good question,infact if i was given permission i would paste it on the church entrance.thanks for sharing.
• United States
7 Jan 13
My pastor always says, "If this is the only place you get it, well snooze away." Though I hope he's joking. I've never fallen asleep in church. Oh wait, yes I have! But not during the service. I don't think I've ever caught anyone sleeping in church during the service either. It's really rude, and disrespectful to the speaker and the people around you. Especially if you're snoring.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
the pastor must have said it in a light note,its good to participate with the others by listening and not sleeping there is a place for everything.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 Jan 13
Ehh, it's human. Surely, it's not the priest or pastor or somebody whose "job" that church is! (When my church-fellowship's pastor doesn't feel 'up to delivering a sermon,' she just DOESN'T COME to the meeting!) And that's the right thing to do. If I haven't gotten the full '40 winks,' I'll usually SKIP church-meeting that day. They SAY they're there to 'celebrate the Sabbath,' but if that's what it really was then they would ENCOURAGE sleep! The meeting there is REALLY 'to glorify Our Father in Heaven' or something.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
its good to do something when you are up to it,that's why even most churches do more than one service so that you choose the one most conducive to you.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 13
I think it is very rude of people to sleep in church! It probably makes the pastor/preacher feel bad like they are boring or something. It is just not right and its something I would never do. That is why I did not go to church this week, because I was sick and I was falling asleep at random times because I was SO sick! I didn't want to get anyone else sick and I did not want to fall asleep in church either.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
thats true, the preacher may think his sermon is so boring and you end up also making him feel bad about himself, if you are not upto it, sleep in your bed.
8 Jan 13
Not good at all. I tottaly agree with Pomwango.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
7 Jan 13
Some people may have an illness which will cause them to fall asleep at inopportune times. My Dad had sleep apnea and would fall asleep n the car. t's a dangerous disease. Some people do not no they have the disease. Ths person should get there oxygen levels checked and have a sleep study done.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
8 Jan 13
Very true. I think there is another disease called "Narcolepsy" that can cause people to fall asleep like that. If they are just sleeping because they are tired, they should have stayed home. Although, some men and women might go to church to support their spouse. I have also found some sermons very boring! They don't allow the church members to interact with service. This conversation reminds me of "The Middle" where Frankie falls asleep in church to get some rest and not get interrupted with the kids.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
if its an illness we cant blame them but hope they get treated.they should try rest and come to church when they are refreshed.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
7 Jan 13
The one, most meaningful word that I picked up on in your discussion is the word PEACEFULLY. I think that speaks volumes! Many people go to church to find peace, or to be more specific INNER peace. Maybe they have found what they have been searching for. They are so relaxed and at peace that they fall asleep. Personally I have never fallen asleep in church but if someone is so comfortable and peaceful that they do that's fine. It shouldn't create any negative responses or feelings from others.
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
8 Jan 13
Is not EVERYONE welcome in the house of the Lord, including the tired and the weary??
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
peaceful as you may feel,you went there to listen to a message why dont you finish with church then get hometo a content rest,otherwise people wonder what you are doing there,am sure no one feels like you are enjoying the peace of church.thanks for sharing.
@sadmeow (34)
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
They just don't know it yet. They just attend church masses just so to say that they are religious and other stuff. But soon they will realize and be ashamed of themselves. God bless them :0
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
i agree they are doing it meaningless,not to go gain anything but just to be among the number.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
I think it is kind of disrespectful to God and the household of God. It is better if one should walk out and sleep first in his house. Our pastor jokingly said one time, "Wake up!" and he said, "Look at your seat mate, he is sleeping tight already." I wonder then if the rapture comes, are those sleeping would be left behind? (joke) :-)
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
its disrespectful ,that i totally agree.you even end up disrupting the other worshippers especially if you are snoring or falling on them.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
7 Feb 13
Maybe they are actually praying and yet they look asleep. Or maybe the sermon or the voice reciting the sermon has a sleep inducing affect. I haven't known anyone sleep in church, but a few times I have seen people in the library fast asleep and snoring. I guess the embarrassment would be if the person who had fallen asleep in church had started to snore loudly!
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
That's not good. It is better not to go than to pretend that we are there but are actually snoring. It's a shame. We should respect the house of God. Sleeping means you're tired and you lack interest in the activity. It is better to stay home.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
i agree with you,there is no point of pretending just stay at home.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
7 Jan 13
I have seen such people, and, as you stated, except for small children and sick old people, it's not very normal, or decent, for that matter. At the least, it shows huge disrespect to the priest, to the believers, and to God. A true believer wouldn's afford that stupid behavior. If you feel sleepy, just don't go to church and better miss the mass then make joke of yourself. It creates bad impression on you and is disrespectful, as I wrote.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
i totally agree,stay in your own bed and sleep.you can arrange to go for a mass when you are refreshed, i agree its a bad behavior.
@vernaC (1491)
• Romania
7 Jan 13
Oh yes! Me too, sometimes I fall asleep but but I'm able to wake up instantly. We have to wake up them up because somehow it's our responsibilty as well to help them. They might be tempted because sitting for an hour and not moving the body can make us feel bored and ready to sleep.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
if you set your mind to listen to the sermon and enjoy the hymns you should be able to concentrate for just an hour or so.
• India
7 Jan 13
I think they find the most peaceful environment in the church and can't resist to sleep there or may be they are trying to find God in their dreams. But jokes apart, if they are not interested then they should not come to church. These people just come to church for their regular attendance only. They should not force themselves for all this. They should only come if they truly believe in God. Otherwise they should take a proper sleep at their home.
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
i agree with you,people who sleep in church are just there as a formality no wonder they dont mind doing something else while they are there like sleeping.
7 Jan 13
I agree, they should have set in mind that this is the only time to listen and have time for God. they should have sleep at home
@pomwango (1353)
• Kenya
8 Jan 13
thats true its all in the mind,if i prepare myself to sleep in church then i will but if i know i have gone to listen i will pay attention.