MRI and Ultrasound results....

Perth, Australia
February 28, 2023 3:32am CST
As requested by some, here's the results of the MRI and Ultrasound. The Ultrasound was fine. The sore lumps all around my ribcage were just fatty tissue. I am happy to get a real diagnosis rather than just a "It could be...." answer. But I can do things to try help lessen the size of them. The MRI for my neck....I was so hoping the results were like a trapped nerve or something. But she basically said it was arthritis. I am strong in many ways but I crumble a bit when it comes to medical stuff especially when I'm not that educated in a specific thing and arthritis is one of them. My head instantly thought of my Nanny who has it badly and I had a quick flash thinking "Will that be me?" I'm already in so much pain so is it only going to get so much worse? Again, not knowing exactly what arthritis is or what happens from here on out. My doctor said that it isn't severe but does appear worse than it should be at my age. I ended up crying which I apologised for and I felt stupid. I'm glad I now know what has been causing me so much pain as well as numbness in my arms and hands sometimes. Sometimes when I wake up, when trying to reach for something, I struggle to pick it up and I was confused as the arm / hand that was weak wasn't the one I was laying on. Now I get it. But I was also stressed out when she said I can "manage it" meaning, this cannot be reversed. She made me feel better by saying "Maybe arthritis is the wrong word as it's just a general term. Think of it as Stress on Joints or even Wear and Tear." Those terms sounded less scary to me. I am sorry if I sound dramatic. I only just got told this and I am still learning about it. My dad knows me and how I can stress about medical stuff so he has been assuring me that I will be fine. I kept having bad images in my head of my bones breaking down or something. Man, I don't know exactly what I was thinking. I worry if I cannot dance anymore or what if I one day become worse. But the doctor told me I can make changes at home as well as seek physio therapy which I would like to do. Typing this out, it's processing more and more that one day I will be in a position where I will have a routine of looking after it and not be stressed about it because I will have a better understanding of it. For now though, if anyone has it, or knows someone with it or can literally speak in simple terms about it, I would appreciate it. I asked the doctor if I need to be stressed about it and she said no. I appreciate that. I think I just wasn't expecting to hear of something I couldn't actually reverse. I was also annoyed because I wondered if this was my fault. That was the main reason I was crying. Was it from all the times I got depression badly and had no desire to look after myself. Or could it be the opposite of me enjoying dancing too much and I over did it. Or maybe it was just meant to be. I don't know, anyway thank you for reading the update. I just need to learn more about it. I am a worry wart by nature. But I'm sure one day I will be fine with everything.
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13 responses
@Shivram59 (32344)
• India
9 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 My younger sister had undergone both these tests;but I don't know much about these tests.MRI is a very painful test.Is not it??
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@Shivram59 MRI isn't painful at all. Just a bit uncomfortable if you don't like small spaces.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Mar 23
@Shivram59 aw no. I am deeply sorry for your loss! I'm sending you the biggest hugs.
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@Shivram59 (32344)
• India
10 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 Thanks;my friend.Awesome friends like you are source of my strength.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Apr
I was just told the same thing myself, how ironic is that?? I have it in my neck, & that's what I'm fixing to deal with therapy, & if that don't help then we do a MRI & go from there. I can't blame you for being worried cause I'm just as worried that I end up with surgry & I'm not looking forward to that if I can help it, so I'm right there with you.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@2ndchances24 Ah so you have arthritis in your neck? I haven't yet been able to be updated yet with you. If it's arthritis, I don't believe much can be done. Stretches though is great to keep the fluids moving around the joints!
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• Perth, Australia
13 Apr
@2ndchances24 I'm so very sorry.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 Pretty much, I always wondered why I kept hearing my neck make noise I just never thought about it till now & when they took Xray's yeah it's all messed up.
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Mar 23
Did the doctor say how this may have been caused? A friend had neck and headaches . . . probably from her IT job sitting in front of a computer all the time . . . poor neck/shoulder position. She went to a masseuse who said her neck/shoulders were very tight and tense . . . she went through several sessions of kneading it out. But that was her. Ask the doctor A LOT of questions . . . about WHAT may be causing it and HOW it could be managed (since that's what she said). I do think learning more about it from the doctor would put your mind at ease . . . even to ask for what you can research on your own (besides "general arthritis"). I would think the doctor would have some helpful resources. If you can get physical therapy, that would be great. Other friends with arthritis were told it is better to be moving than keeping still, but make sure with your doctor as she knows your condition best. I'm glad that there are some answers now. Did they call that ribcage fatty tissue "lipoma"?
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 Oh good . . . I hope the tests can tell you exactly the info you need. These steps are getting you closer to the road to healing . Ah, I'm glad those rib lumps are of no concern now. The less worries, the better !
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• Perth, Australia
11 Mar 23
@much2say Thank you so much. I like how you said that. It's so positive. Exactly. The less worries, the better! Now I don't have to worry about those lumps. Just nine hundred and ninety nine more problems on my list to work through.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@much2say She gave me information on how it could have happened but it's hard to pin point it exactly. I am glad your friend did something about it. I know that my neck and shoulders are also tight and tense. I am getting close to seeing a physio so maybe they can help me with that. I had a blood test this morning because I wanted to check a few things including what type of arthritis it is exactly and hoping to get more guidance on what to do exactly for that specific type. She didn't call it lipoma but I am assuming that's what it is. But thankfully I am no longer concerned about it. Another thing to cross off my list of worries.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
20 Mar 23
I’m glad you finally got some answers, even if it isn’t exactly the news you had been hoping for. But with a diagnosis, the good news is that you can take steps to manage it. And I can relate to you, I have arthritis in my knees, and my first reaction was I was too young for something like that (but it’s hereditary in my family). Anyway, in my case, it was “wear and tear” just like your diagnosis, and pretty much all my cartilage in my knees are gone. But during my knee surgery for a torn MCL, my surgeon did some extra work to try and clean up my knees to make them less painful with the bone-on-bone grinding. Eventually I’ll need a knee replacement, but for now I’m pain free and able to keep living life normally. I do have knee-specific exercises and stretches I do that will help prolong my knees longer. I’m telling you all this so you can know that you’re not going through it alone, and that it’s not the end of the world. Just follow the advice of your doctor and you should be able to manage it well.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
11 Apr 23
@VivaLaDani13 I've got this great stretching program that my physical therapist gave me that has been doing wonders to minimize all my aches and pains in my body. It definitely helps me feel at my best each day.
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• Perth, Australia
13 Apr 23
@moffittjc Oddly enough I was Googling things about stretching last night. I mean I always knew the benefits of stretching but even more so now with what I have. I think it's great you have that! Do you stretch every day? Is it ok to share any with me if it's not too much of a bother?
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• Perth, Australia
10 Apr 23
@moffittjc Sorry about your arthritis. I'm glad that things were done for you to help manage pain. Since doing this post, I have been learning more about it and seeing a physio. I now have a much better understanding of it and no longer think the worst. Only thing going on is learning what I can do to help manage it as every morning I wake up in pain but the good news is the pain doesn't always last as long as when this first started happening. So yeah going stretches every day and use a hot water bottle a lot to help keep those joints / areas warm and keep the blood flowing. Thank you very kindly for sharing your experiences and sharing information. As always, it's much appreciated.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Feb 23
Arthritis is painful. No, your dancing didn't cause it. Neither did your depression. It can be genetic, but mostly it's wear and tear on your body. As we get older, we break down. We need fixing like our cars that need regular maintenance. There are exercises we can do to lessen the pain and make life easier. Overall, once you've been diagnosed with arthritis it's yours for life. I have arthritis in my spine. One of the reasons why I have a compression fracture in my lower back. I know what I can and can't do because of it, but it's not the end of the world. You can still function as a normal human being. I had arthritis in my knees, but knee replacement took care of them. I have arthritis in my fingers. Sometimes it's hard to type, but I keep at it because that's what I do. Don't stress about it. Just do the exercises and when the pain gets bad, take a painkiller. That's what I do.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 There are many things I can't do as much of as when I was younger. Age slows you down, you long for the energy you see in a child who doesn't seem to run out of energy. Knowing that doesn't stop me from being active in a different fashion, geared for my age and limitations. I can still swim and one of these days I will get back to the pool. I can walk and when the weather turns warmer, I will walk on the trail again. I can ride the bike in the community room. These are the things I can do. I also need to keep my cognitive functions active. I do that by writing, and working on online games such as puzzles, mahjong, solitaire, and interactive and computer games. An active brain is a happy brain. My mother had Alzheimer's. My dad had dementia. I don't want either, so I feed the brain and keep it as active as possible. Being here is also helpful and feeds the brain. I also eat healthy foods to help me lose weight and become more active. What you might want to do is look into foods that help with your depression. If you can limit your depression, you will feel better about yourself and you will have less anxiety.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@just4him That is wonderful with all that you do to keep yourself active and keep your brain active too. And that is very true. With the support I am getting soon with the pains, I am also going to see someone who will help me in the food area. So I am working towards eating better and better foods to help me all around.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@just4him Thank you Valerie. I know depression didn't cause it. I meant, depression has made me very unmotivated to get up and exercise a lot to which I worried if that lack of moving caused it. The more I research it, the more I am learning about it. I got a blood test today to check which one I actually have though so I can then learn about that specific type. I'm sorry you have it. I know that it doesn't mean I cannot live my life like usual. I was upset because I feel like I am losing control on some things and being told I have arthritis and it's worse than it should be just made me feel like another thing to worry about. I'm glad that you know enough about it to look after yourself, that is great. Thank you for your advice. Always much appreciated!
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@Hannihar (130002)
• Israel
28 Feb 23
@VivaLaDani13 It is scary to hear bad news but knowing what is going on is better than no knowing. I am glad your doctor cleared up something for you. Take care of yourself. I know how you feel. I worry about things a lot too.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@Hannihar Thank you. And for sure, I am glad I at least understand what is going on with me now. Next step is hopefully managing the pains.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@Hannihar Thank you so much.
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@Hannihar (130002)
• Israel
9 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 I am glad you know what is going on with you and I hope they can solve the problem or give you the right treatment or medication that will help ease your pain. You are welcome.
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@snowy22315 (172022)
• United States
9 Mar 23
Well, it was the best diagnosis, but it certainly wasn't the worst. Thank God, you don't have cancer or something. I am sure they are coming out with new treatgments for arithiris all the time.
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@snowy22315 (172022)
• United States
11 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 Hopefully, you will soon find the "key" to make you feel better.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Mar 23
@snowy22315 I agree with you completely. I'm grateful it wasn't something major serious. I am just a little frustrated....well depending on the day, sometimes I'm just a lot frustrated dealing with the pains because it's pretty much constant and moves between different areas on my body. I have been researching a lot with what to drink or eat to reduce inflammation. And doing stretches. I am not feeling as bad as I was when I found out. I mean mentally. But I think it will take some time for me to adjust fully. I should be seeing some doctors soon to help me out further. I'm grateful for that too.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Mar 23
@snowy22315 Thank you kindly.
@RebeccasFarm (87035)
• United States
28 Feb 23
Wh tdid she tell you to do about the fatty things Dani? I was trying to read about them from what I can see. Harmless it seems, but they can remove them. Arthritis..I have a tiny bit in one shoulder mostly due to repetitive motion hairdressing. It doesn't hurt me much, but just at times. I hhope you willl be able to go to the phys therapy. It seems your issues there are mostly hereditary, just surmising. I wish I could have more experiences to help you and share, but I don't. You are such a brave soul and I know that whatever comes your way, you will be able to manage it and handle it well. Though you are naturally upset about it, who wouldn't be? In the meantime, I am proud of you for going to get all this tested and find out what it is. Some people leave it for years and never know what is wrong so kudos for you.
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• United States
9 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 If I were there Dani nearby, I could treat you..I studied body work in school, all sorts of body treatments to ease pain. You are so welcome no worries about here ..I am always behind too.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Mar 23
@RebeccasFarm Oh that would be so lovely! I would pay you for it and treat you to lunch or something. Thank you for the thought.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@RebeccasFarm She just said they were harmless and nothing to worry about. Just fatty tissues. I'm sorry you have some arthritis in one of your shoulders. I am very glad it doesn't bother you all the time. That is good! Thank you so so much for your beautiful, supportive and encouraging comment. Means a lot to me! I'm currently in pain while I type this. I am behind on MyLot and want to catch up but while doing so, my neck and lower back are giving me so much grief. I hope physio can help me with this pain. Thank you for being you.
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@Juliaacv (49131)
• Canada
28 Feb 23
Follow what your doctor tells you. Arthritis can take on many different faces. My Dad had Lupus, which was formerly known as a form of arthritis, but today we know so much more. So your diagnosis is probably much different than that of your grandmother's.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@Juliaacv That is true. Until now, I wasn't aware there were different types. I had a blood test today to find out which type I have exactly. Hoping to find out on Tuesday.
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• United States
28 Feb 23
I'm sorry that your diagnosis of arthritis is causing you so much stress. Take the advice of your doctor and maybe try the therapy. I'm sure it will be helpful.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@Marilynda1225 Thank you Marilyn. Once the doctor and I go through some paper work, I will be getting help for my pain.
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
28 Feb 23
My best friend is a worry wart too. She has been having problems with her arms and hands of going numb and tingly. Her doctor was talking about her neck too.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@JESSY3236 I hope your best friend gets some answers as to why that's happening. And I hope it's something that's an easy fix.
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@JudyEv (328121)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Feb 23
I think some families are more prone to arthritis than others but that's just my thoughts. I hope you are able to do something about the fatty tissue diagnosis. I have really heard of such a thing before. Hopefully you'll feel a bit more positive about both issues once you learn more about them.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@JudyEv Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment. I got a blood test today as I want to know which type of arthritis I have exactly. And after some paper work is done with my doctor, I can start getting some help with the pain.
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@MrDenata (12195)
• Indonesia
1 Mar 23
Dani, i'm sure one day you'll be fine with everything, i understand that its hard for you to processing all of it now, thats okay, youre only human, take your time then. Remember one thing, we are here always listening to your story, if you need someone to tell everything, we are here, remember that. Youre worthed and you deserved all the happiness in the world. I'm sending you virtual big hugs and pray Stay safe and take care, Dani
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@MrDenata Thank you as always for being so understanding. I really appreciate you giving me your advice and support. Means a lot! Thank you!
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@MrDenata (12195)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 youre most welcome, Dani
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