I had a strange dream

@Jenaisle (14079)
June 17, 2023 8:18pm CST
I was standing in my room looking outside from my window when I noticed from the distance that the mountains seemed to be coming closer but I disregarded it as I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me. But when I looked again, the mountains were looming just a few miles away from my house. OMG! I panicked. The world is “crumbling” like paper. I had to get the kids out of the house and run for our lives. “Hurry,” I shouted to my older grandson, "Grab all the food you can from the ref, and get some water too," as I shoved the plastic bags to him. I ran to my room. I can hear the ominous rumbling of rocks crushing and the buildings collapsing. I grabbed my bag with my ATM and some cash and run to get the kids out of the house. I pulled off the electric switch and I was not sure whether it was the main switch, but I had no time to find out because when I gazed up, a mountain was already crushing the walls of our house. My heart went to my throat and I could hear my ragged breathing. I and the kids ran for our life. I was carrying my grandbaby and his two siblings were trailing behind us. “Run, run,” I frantically shouted at them. My knees nearly gave in, as I pulled the kids out of the house. Outside, it was total chaos. Dust and mist swirled around, while people ran away from the incoming disaster. “Where is the evacuation center?” I asked some people but they were all in a daze. There was semi-darkness and, in the confusion, to grab all the food and water we might need, I let go of the baby. When I attempted to pick him up again, he was gone. My heart leaped to my throat and I cried out loud for his name. The swirling mist and dust didn’t help me at all, as I groped on the ground for my baby. “Please, help me find my baby,” I cried in despair to no one in particular. But I couldn’t find him. Suddenly, the rumbling stopped. I look at the mountains and they had stopped a few distances away from me. The cloud of mist and dust started to disappear as well. The landscape that I saw had changed. In the area where the mountains rolled by, there were no more buildings or structures – just mountains. With so much despair in my heart, I entered a building, that was not ravaged by the mountains, and there I saw babies and kids who were all lined up, sleeping on the floor. “Have you seen a 14-month-old baby?” I asked. I forgot all about my older grandchildren in my search for their younger brother. “I think you’re looking for her,” they pointed to a chubby baby. I ran to the baby with so much elation. In my dream, I have forgotten my grandbaby was a BOY. Anyway, with that feeling of relief and happiness. I woke up. What a strange dream. It was so vivid. I could still see and hear the thunderous sound as the mountains inched closer and closer to where we were. I usually interpret dreams there are vivid to me, but this one, I can’t seem to. However, I will think of it as a good dream because of the happiness and relief I felt in the end. What about you? Did you have any strange dreams? What are your thoughts about this dream?
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13 responses
@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
18 Jun
My humble interpretation would be that you know, no what happens, you’ll all be alright in the end. I’m glad it was a happy ending!
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
A strange happy ending too. Thanks, and have a nice day.
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@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
18 Jun
@Jenaisle And hey, maybe it means you’re such a force you can move mountains!
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
@AmbiePam I wish that were the case,
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
18 Jun
I used to have scary dreams and nightmares. Now I don’t dream or if I do I forget when I wake up. Your dream sounds terrifying.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
Yes, it was. I truly believed it was real.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
18 Jun
@Jenaisle I used to have horrible dreams. I'm happy I don't anymore.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
18 Jun
I often have weird and scary dream. At least you could see a happy ending before you woke up.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
Yes, I am happy I didn't wake up before that, or I will be upset for sure. Take care
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
@LadyDuck That happens to me too in some of my dreams. I hope it is not true in real life. Have a nice day.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
18 Jun
@Jenaisle I often wake up before the happy ending.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
18 Jun
I'm glad you were happy at the end of the dream. I don't remember my dreams unless someone wakes me up while I'm dreaming.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
I think I was awakened too, because I was a little bit confused.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
@DaddyEvil Oh yes, I was still crying and laughing when I woke up.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
18 Jun
@Jenaisle That is entirely possible or you were forced to wake up by the emotions in the dream.
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@wolfgirl569 (97331)
• Marion, Ohio
18 Jun
Glad it had a happy ending. I seldom remember my dreams
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
I seldom too, but this one was so vivid, I can't forget it.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
18 Jun
I have strange dreams all the time. I don't know what your dream represents without knowing exactly what is going on in your life.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
Nothing special is going on. So, I guess it's a positive dream. Thanks for dropping by. Take care.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
18 Jun
@Jenaisle You take care too.
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@snowy22315 (172021)
• United States
18 Jun
Maybe the volcano got your scared, so disasters are on your mind. Good thing everything was OK in the end.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
You made me laugh. Perhaps, the volcano is still erupting in my mind. Yes, it is okay now.
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
26 Jun
That is indeed a strange dream.
@allknowing (130534)
• India
18 Jun
Never had dreams with events that lasted so long and amazing that you even remembered everything
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
19 Jun
Yes, it was so vivid. I really thought it was true.
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@jstory07 (134797)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Jun
I am glad that at the end everyone especially the baby boy were just fine.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
Yes, I am glad too, even if it was only dream.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
19 Jun
That was a terrifying dream. I'm glad it ended well. No, I haven't had any strange dreams lately.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
19 Jun
It was, but it ended well.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
18 Jun
That is a complicated dream. Dreaming of mountains is usually said to mean that you want to reach greater heights in your life, but a mountain crushing down on you, might mean the reverse. You feel at a low point in your life. This seems to be a rather violent dream, and might be saying that there are some unexpressed hidden emotions bubbling up in you somewhere, or that your current belief system seems to be inadequate for your life now, and so is collapsing along with that mountain. The good ending could be showing you that you can get past all of the turmoil, and reach greater heights of insights, again soon.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
I like your interpretation. Thank you. Yes, it could be. I hope to overcome whatever trials or turmoil life brings me. I like how you made it positive too in the end. I was thinking I had dreamt of the end of the world or the apocalypse.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
18 Jun
@innertalks I see. I mostly believe that they are warnings foretelling the future, just like the dream of Joseph about his brothers in the Bible.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
18 Jun
@Jenaisle Thanks. I think that most dreams are more about our inner life, than their possibly being about something that might happen in the outer world.
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@iammuy (84)
• Philippines
20 Jun
Many people, including professionals say that dreams can have a deep meaning. It might tell us about our own personality, what we desire, hate, a traumatizing moment or anything that we tend to prevent from happening, etc.