Why do people believe this stuff??

@MarieCoyle (30224)
October 3, 2023 11:23am CST
Some of the conspiracy theories people post literally make me stop in my tracks. I am completely amazed that a supposedly educated and intelligent person would actually believe some of this stuff. Just a few... JFK is still alive ( He would be 106.) JFK Junior is still alive, he would be 62. They, along with Elvis and several others--oh, including Bigfoot--are all said to be cryogenically frozen in an underground bunker. Okaaaaayyy.... Many theorists think that man never walked on the moon. It was all a hoax. Personally, I don't think we were advanced enough back then to have pulled off a hoax that big. Oh, most Walmart stores are built on a tunnel so that they can use the tunnels for human trafficking, so it is widely believed. I don't like Walmart, but I can't see this happening. But this is the most ridiculous theory I have heard yet. ~~ tomorrow afternoon, there will be an emergency test for cell phones, conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This is just a test, in case we ever needed to be notified of a nationwide emergency. But OH MY have people gone crazy. I mean, REALLY crazy. There are people on my facebook feed, telling others to wrap their cellphones in a sheet of aluminum foil, as they think the vaccine had a microchip in it. Supposedly, if you have the vaccine, the signal will turn you in to a zombie. A ZOMBIE. I can't help it, I find it astonishing that people are falling for this. News flash--a microchip cannot fit through that tiny needle for the vaccine. ''One of the odder conspiracies mixes long-standing fears of 5G wireless technology with fears about the virus. According to the COVID 5G conspiracy, electromagnetic frequencies from cell phone towers undermine the immune system, making people sick with COVID, researchers reported in 2020 in the journal Media International Australia. Another conspiracy theory claims that the COVID-19 vaccines contain tracking chips that connect to 5G networks so that the government, or possibly billionaire and vaccine philanthropist Bill Gates, can surveille everyone's movements. As CNBC points out, 5G chips are too large to fit through a vaccine syringe, and even the smallest RFID chips that could fit require a power source that couldn't make the squeeze. '' aka, livescience.com People are also planning to shut off all electronics, and unplug them. I read of several people saying they were taking tomorrow off, or calling in sick for work. Do you believe these things? Do you know anyone who does? I think it runs thick in the midwest and the south in the US, but of course I do not have facts and figures to back that up.
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14 responses
@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
3 Oct
If you don't go into a Walmart and carefully check it out, how do you know there AREN'T tunnels under every one of them? After all, there are locked doors all through the place... just because they all say "Exit" above them doesn't mean that's what they are... You don't know that Bigfoot ISN'T sitting on the other side of a computer screen talking to you on myLot, now do you? In my recommended YT videos there is one about a rocket that disappeared 52 years ago that just reappeared with three skeletons on it. (If the rocket is in space, there should be frozen bodies on it... )
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
3 Oct
@MarieCoyle I do have beautiful red hair like Bigfoot but I take showers.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
Oh, my....I guess I could use the 'tunnels' as an excuse not to go to Walmart, but... Oh, wait. I don't go to Walmart! I've always known you were really Bigfoot on the other side of the screen, but now, you've let the cat (or Sasquatch) out of the bag, so don't blame me, DE!!
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
@DaddyEvil My natural red has become mostly white, I do have one reddish streak...but that's it. I love the Bigfoot legends, they are truly fun and very interesting in their way. I do think if they existed, we would have found solid proof by now, but hey...I could be wrong, who knows? I would just have to see proof, I guess. Showering is good...and maybe Bigfoot creatures would like one if they tried it? I don't know, I haven't seen one to ask...
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
4 Oct
To me it's all hogwash. The only myth I want to believe in is Nessie in Scotland. Have a great day.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
5 Oct
@MarieCoyle I know he/she is not there; but I still want to believe!!!
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
4 Oct
I love the Nessie stories, Linda.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• Pikeville, North Carolina
5 Oct
The vast majority of people who believe these things are lacking in intelligence, education, common sense, a combination of these, or all three of these.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
5 Oct
DW Davis, you hit that nail on the head...or on the tinfoil hat!
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
4 Oct
The only one I know and that circulates from years is "Elvis is alive". There are so many weird fake news and the web is a fast vehicle to spread them.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
6 Oct
@MarieCoyle I have the feeling that too many believe everything they are told.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
7 Oct
@LadyDuck They really do. Last winter there was a lady in a city not far from me (it was on the news) who burned her house down. Someone told her she could heat her house if she took her firepit inside (it was metal, you put wood in it to burn for an outside fire). She set it on a carpeted living room floor and filled it with wood. She burned the house completely down. She said...are you ready?...''but I read it on the internet!!'' It's been said before. They walk among us, and they usually reproduce.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
6 Oct
@LadyDuck I just find it amazingly crazy that people actually believe this stuff.
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@wolfgirl569 (97331)
• Marion, Ohio
3 Oct
I hadn't seen that on FB yet. But I deleted a lot of the crazies the last few years
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@wolfgirl569 (97331)
• Marion, Ohio
4 Oct
@MarieCoyle Still nothing on mine thankfully
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
4 Oct
@wolfgirl569 I can send some your way if you feel a lack!!
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
Eva, I thought I had. But there is a new crop of crazies now, ugh!
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@paigea (35974)
• Canada
4 Oct
Oh my, crazy stuff. I hadn't heard any of that. Well, if I'm not here tomorrow, I'm a Zombie. My phone will be on.
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@paigea (35974)
• Canada
4 Oct
@MarieCoyle I suppose there's a way we could post links to our photos.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
4 Oct
@paigea I don't know if the links we post would work, unless the members here copied and pasted them to see them.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
4 Oct
Mine will as well. Maybe if we turn into zombies, we can post pictures if it gets fixed.
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@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
3 Oct
I think you have a lot of conspiracy theorists on the coasts as well. I’ve been on Twitter, and there are people with advanced degrees located in Boston or Philadelphia, and the Covid vaccine conspiracies are unbelievable. Several years ago I referred to Bigfoot as a myth on Mylot, and a lady went nuts on me; just absolutely crazy. It doesn’t help when famous people like NBA player Kyrie Irving claim the world is flat.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
I prefer following the science rather than these wild theories. If Bigfoot really does exist, why are there no corpses, remains, etc.? And of course there is the Loch Ness monster, Nessie. I honestly think if you told some of these people that they would grow horns or fangs if they got a vaccine or whatever, they would believe it.
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@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
3 Oct
@MarieCoyle I completely agree. It’s maddening.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
@AmbiePam I have a few of these people in my own extended family. I refuse to even discuss it all with them. They believe it all. Maddening!
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@snowy22315 (172022)
• United States
3 Oct
I have heard some wild ones in my day.I once used to chat this was guy from Australia..he never met a conspiracy theory he didn''t like or believe in...WHat a nutcase!
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
It amazes me that some people are intelligent (or they fake it really well!) and seem logical, yet they fall for this wild stuff, Snowy. So crazy!
@kaylachan (59767)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Oct
Every month the emergency broadcast system runs on a test. This is not new. This does include cell phones. It'll sound obniox for a couple of minutes, but it's just a dman test for god sake. geez.
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@kaylachan (59767)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Oct
@MarieCoyle Yeah, I know, right?
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
Yes, I completely agree. The idiocy in this is just amazing!
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
4 Oct
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
11 Oct
Sorry, why don't you like Walmart?
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
10 Oct
My mother told me about the zombie conspiracy. My best friend and cousin didn't know about. and no, we didn't turn into zombies.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
11 Oct
Some people are not reasonable or logical. They will believe anything anyone tells them, or anything they read on the internet.
@dya80dya (34650)
3 Oct
I know people who believe these things.
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@dya80dya (34650)
5 Oct
@MarieCoyle It's true. We don't have to make our lives even more difficult.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
I do as well. I am not one of those people. We have enough to worry about without having to believe this stuff.
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@porwest (78788)
• United States
5 Oct
Some things just go beyond the pale. It's entertainment value, I guess. At least we get to talk about how crazy some of this stuff is.
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@porwest (78788)
• United States
6 Oct
@MarieCoyle lol. That does seem a bit extreme. I mean, perhaps the only crazy thing I do is I absolutely will not allow an Alexis or any other such device into my home convinced Big Brother is listening. I remember someone once told me, "It only listens when you say its name." I said, "It has to listen to everything else if it's going to hear its name." lol He was like, "Oh, yeah. I suppose you've got something there."
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
6 Oct
@porwest It was no different than any other warning we've ever received, at least not ones I have received. But oh, people really wigged out. One guy made tin foil hats for his entire family. He made his kids stay home from school, and he and his wife stayed home from work yesterday. These people used more aluminum foil in a day than I use in years. Good grief. I do not care for Alexis. It's annoying. If I want to look something up that I don't know, I am more than capable of doing that.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
6 Oct
It certainly does make me a bit leery of certain people and the ridiculous things they believe. One lady said they wrapped the phones in layers of foil and a ziploc bag, and hid them in a bush far from the house. What that was actually supposed to solve, I'm not really clear about.
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@Gilljane (2904)
• Sutton, England
3 Oct
There was something in the paper today about the shooting of JFK
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
3 Oct
There have always been many theories about the shooting of JFK. They just never stop.
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@MarieCoyle (30224)
6 Oct
@Gilljane We live in a place that is overrun with fools.
@Gilljane (2904)
• Sutton, England
5 Oct
@MarieCoyle So silly
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