Knowing You Are Doing Something Bad/Doing It Anyway

@AmbiePam (86270)
United States
October 23, 2023 10:09am CST
I got the biggest migraine last night, and I couldn’t get rid of it. I’m used to ones that can last days, but last night I just said, nope. I can’t go through this right now. So, I went through my medication, found everything I thought could knock it out (because I can NEVER sleep them off, even if I manage to sleep), and took it all (the specific migraine medication was not working). Well, after awhile, the migraine was gone, and I went to sleep for a very long time. Yes, I know it could have caused a rebound headache or something else, but desperation is a dangerous thing! When is the last bad thing you did, knowing you shouldn’t have done it? I have a feeling sweets are going to make it into this discussion somewhere. *Apparently, I should add I would never do anything that could kill me. But until you’ve had a history of migraines, you probably won’t “get it”.
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32 responses
@Juliaacv (49128)
• Canada
23 Oct
I am thankful that you woke back up again. The last thing that did that I knew was bad but did it anyways was to not stop at a yellow light and continue through and it turned red before I reached the other side. I should not do that.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
Yes, I have unfortunately done that too, but a police officer was around. My tale of too much differing medicine probably sounds worse than it was. I’m much too smart to take something that would kill me; the biggest danger was a very upset stomach. Which wouldn’t have been any worse than the nausea.
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@Juliaacv (49128)
• Canada
23 Oct
@AmbiePam Here they rely on the red light cameras, I have recieved a ticket once as a result.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
23 Oct
There are a lot of things I shouldn't do that I do anyway. Drinking soda is one of them... eating bread is another... I noticed you weren't here last night and wondered about you. I'm glad the migraine is gone now.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
Aw, thanks for noticing. If I cursed, I’d have cursed migraines.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
23 Oct
@MrDenata Hello... I'm doing fine. How are you?
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@MrDenata (12195)
• Indonesia
23 Oct
hola young man, how are you?
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@wolfgirl569 (97326)
• Marion, Ohio
23 Oct
It would be eating too many sweets for me. But once I did several shots of cinnamon schnapps because of a toothache until I could get a ride to get pain pills. Then I took the pain pill
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
24 Oct
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@wolfgirl569 (97326)
• Marion, Ohio
23 Oct
@AmbiePam I was in enough pain I never got drunk. But we all know you are not supposed to mix those
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
23 Oct
@ambiepam I have a weakness for cheap flights that I really shouldn’t book.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
That’s an original response!
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
23 Oct
I've had migraines, so I get it. I haven't had them as bad as you get them. Yes, sweets do play a role here. I had been doing well with my diet plan and decided a couple of years ago to enjoy the holidays. I gained twenty pounds. Then I gained another twenty last year. I also listened to my doctor about the diet plan I should be on. I gained another ten. I no longer have him for a doctor and I'm on a diet where I'm finally losing weight instead of gaining it. I know the holidays are soon upon us. I will not be stupid again this year. The plan is to be well on my way back to where I was two years ago by Christmas.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
And I bet you accomplish that too!
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
23 Oct
@AmbiePam Yes, I will. I have no intention of gaining back what I lost this time. I didn't gain it all back, but fifty of eighty is not good. So far, I'm down sixteen pounds since June.
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@MarieCoyle (30218)
23 Oct
Oh, I get it, I really do. I have fought those headaches for years. A couple of them put me in the hospital, because they spiked my BP to wild levels. But I usually can't swallow any pills for them, as I am just too nauseated. I'm so sorry you felt so terrible, Amber. The last bad thing I did? Friday night, driving way too fast to take my son to the ER. The ambulance lady told me they were 20 minutes away due to a wreck taking up so many first I just took him myself. Please don't ask me how fast I drove...ugh.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
24 Oct
I would have done the same thing. It is completely understandable.
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@MarieCoyle (30218)
25 Oct
@AmbiePam I was thinking on the way, if I see flashing lights behind me, I will stop and the policeman can take him with the lights and siren. That happened once to a friend who was way out in the country at a picnic when her son fell and hit his head, blood everywhere, he wasn't consious. She put him in the back seat and took off at top speed, got pulled over, and the police took over. She didn't get a ticket, and thought she would. My one instinct was, just get him there as fast as I could without endangering someone else as well as ourselves. Thank you, Amber.
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@GardenGerty (158149)
• United States
24 Oct
I would say that I spend too much time on a computer.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
24 Oct
But you are productive!
@snowy22315 (172020)
• United States
23 Oct
I do a lot of bad things I really shouldn't do. Where should I begin? However, yeah buying that super overpriced cheese danish was ridiculous, but I kept looking at it everytime I went in the store. I should simply avoid that aisle...I would be better off...
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
I love a good cheese danish.
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@snowy22315 (172020)
• United States
23 Oct
@AmbiePam Me too, obviously!
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@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
23 Oct
You're right. Sweets is entering the picture. My daughter and I have been eating the candy I got for Halloween. Now I have to buy more. And, I'm diabetic and I know I shouldn't.
@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
My stepmom has diabetes, and she can’t seem to stay away from the sweets either.
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@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
23 Oct
@AmbiePam I rarely eat candy, but if it's in front of me, it's hard to stay away from.
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Oct
Are sweets a trigger for you? Too much salt/MSG will give me migraine-like headaches. Oh yah, plenty of shouldn't-have-done-its. Last week it was a big bag of potato chips. And a package of Golden Oreos. I either have great will power or none .
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
Sweets aren’t a problem for me. My late mom was a sugar addict, but I’ve never been a big sweet eater. How do the Golden Oreos and regular Oreos differ in taste?
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@much2say (54011)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Oct
@AmbiePam Sweet tooths sure love their sweets. That' great if you don't get these cravings - much easier to keep up the healthier eating! Oh, well you know the regular Oreos. The golden ones have the same cream center - the cookie is yellowish - so it's more of a vanilla sandwich cookie.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
24 Oct
Sorry you had to go through all this pain!
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
24 Oct
Thank you, Marlina.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
23 Oct
There are many things I know I should not do, but I do anyway. The last thing? I know I should never eat Camembert cheese, I served it to my husband and I could not resist and I have been sick all the night long.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
Oh no! Are you feeling any better?
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
23 Oct
@AmbiePam -Yes, the day after I was better, but I should stop eating things that I know give me guts problems.
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@JudyEv (328093)
• Rockingham, Australia
24 Oct
I've never suffered from migraines but I don't judge you at all for doing what you did. They must be horrendous sometimes.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
24 Oct
Thank you for not calling my stupid like another Mylotter did (that comment is no longer in this discussion).
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@JudyEv (328093)
• Rockingham, Australia
24 Oct
@AmbiePam That is so unkind and so unnecessary. Who knows what other people are going through when it comes to pain? I'm glad you deleted the comment. Some people really have no idea and don't believe in the benefit of a doubt when they don't know all the facts.
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@MarieCoyle (30218)
24 Oct
@AmbiePam Extreme pain plays havoc on the mind at times. You are NOT stupid. I'm sorry someone said that to you, Amber.
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@LindaOHio (160320)
• United States
23 Oct
I hope your headache is gone. I ate a whole tub of spice drops in a matter of days. Jelly candy is my favorite; and I should NEVER keep it around. Have a good week.
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@xstitcher (30657)
• Petaluma, California
27 Oct
Yikes. Glad you're okay.
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@RebeccasFarm (87035)
• United States
24 Oct
Everyday I do something bad. So sorry you suffer those..I know they are hell. Mother had them bad..3 days knocked out and my son .
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• United States
24 Oct
I can understand your desperation about getting rid of your migraine. My mom suffered so much with migraines and she would have done anything to get rid of them. Yes, I'll have to say sweets. I knew I should have taken a smaller piece of cake but instead I had a huge piece.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
23 Oct
My mother suffered from migraines as well. When I said that my head was hurting when I was still a child, she was afraid that I had inherited the disease. But fortunately, this was not the case.
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
24 Oct
I’m very glad to hear that.
@jnrdutton (2644)
• United States
25 Oct
It's easy to think and say you'd never do anything that could kill you, but you'd be surprised what can. I'm glad you woke back up, gotta be careful with those meds but I do understand being desperate when pain overwhelms. As for your question, I'm reading this without my glasses, with the screen stupid close to my face. I know it's bad for my eyes, but my glasses lately have bugged me.
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@MrDenata (12195)
• Indonesia
23 Oct
I have a lot of lists but I want to lose weight now, so I should not eat too much LOL
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@AmbiePam (86270)
• United States
23 Oct
I wish you well!