If you send out Christmas cards, how do you pick them?

@AmbiePam (86257)
United States
November 19, 2023 12:50pm CST
I know some of you don’t celebrate Christmas, and a lot of you don’t send out physical Christmas cards. I was wondering for those that do, how do you pick them? Do you go to The Dollar Tree, and get a different card for each person? Do you go to the store, and get a box of them, all of the same kind? Or a box with like, four different kinds? Are your cards focused on Jesus, Santa, the winter season, or does it vary? I like seeing what catches the eye of people. I appreciate whatever the them people choose. After all, postage is very expensive. Does that prompt some of you to send virtual Christmas cards?
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30 responses
@snowy22315 (171951)
• United States
19 Nov
I tend to send out physical cards to the few I send to. I send a few cards as well. I might send some to the Bunco group, or find some Dollar Tree cards or something
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
19 Nov
Do you tend to send them at the beginning of December? I think I should do it at the beginning so I don’t forget.
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@snowy22315 (171951)
• United States
19 Nov
@AmbiePam Just when I get around to it.
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@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
19 Nov
I sometimes go to Dollar Tree but in recent years their boxed cards have become exclusively secular, at least in my area. Too bad, the prices were great! I will choose individual cards there sometimes for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas but rarely. I bought a box of cards some years ago with 4 different designs and messages, all focusing on the birth of Jesus. I noted who I sent which design to so I wouldn't duplicate them. I've run out now and got some beautiful faith based cards from a charity that I'll use this year. I don't send out too many cards anymore since only a few people even check their mailboxes these days. The cost of sending a card to someone like me on a small fixed income is high so there are only a few people that I send them to. I still consider postage a bargain since you get to send a card anywhere for a couple quarters. Imagine what it would cost otherwise!
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
19 Nov
A few years ago I found a Hanukkah card for one of my friends at The Dollar Tree, and I hadn’t found one anywhere else. I haven’t been there since, and it is kind of sad to think the Christmas cards are mostly secular now.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
22 Nov
I buy mine after Christmas when they are discounted. I go by what I think is pretty and has a nice message.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
22 Nov
That’s a great idea.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
23 Nov
@Tampa_girl7 That’s great!
@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
23 Nov
@AmbiePam A few years back I got enough to last me for awhile.
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@wolfgirl569 (97248)
• Marion, Ohio
19 Nov
I just buy a mixed box of cards
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov
I still like to send physical cards. I often include a bit of a 'round robin' newsletter as well. I know some people dislike those but then several of my friends also send them out so I know that at least they are happy to receive them! As far as choosing the cards goes, I generally buy packs of charity cards (direct from the charities, not those ones that are called 'charity cards' but in fact only 5% of the price is shared out between a whole slew of charities) because I want to support certain charities. Having said that, if I see them on sale after Christmas then I stock up for the following year! They are usually packs of 6 or 10 or 12, either all one design or five each of two, or four each of three designs, or something like that, so I buy several packs of different designs and then we all use them. We select whatever we think is most appropriate for the recipient from what we have in stock, so a traditional Biblical scene perhaps for church-going relatives, a robin or some holly or some other traditional but less religious-themed image for others, funny ones for some friends... I do sometimes send and receive e-cards, especially to/from those further away when I normally forget to post physical cards in time, but really although the e-cards can be very entertaining with music, moving images and all sorts, I like the traditional cards because I can hang them up and look at them any time without having to go to the computer, and seeing them there reminds me that someone has thought of us and taken the time and trouble to send a card : )
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
19 Nov
I love how you put such thought into them! And, I’m one who likes the newsletters. My kindergarten teacher sent me a Christmas card with a newsletter until, God bless her, she passed away a few years ago, and her newsletter was my favorite thing to get in the mail at Christmas.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
19 Nov
@AmbiePam Oh that is so sweet!
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@noni1959 (9922)
• United States
20 Nov
I only send out about five a year now. Gone are the days of sending several. I buy a box with different ones if I go that way. A week ago, I went to the ministry thrift store and bought a huge bag full of Christmas cards for $1.50. I bet there are over 200 various themes like Santa, religious, animal, snow, and other art. A few were the longer skinnier ones for cash and gift cards. Some of the writings are lovely and Ill of course add my own as well. I probably won't have to purchase any again in my life time.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
Wow! What a great deal!
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@noni1959 (9922)
• United States
20 Nov
@AmbiePam Cards are so expensive in the stores now. Even the Dollar Tree can add up if buy individually.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
@noni1959 Yes, absolutely.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
19 Nov
Way back when, I took pride in designing and making my own cards - I never bought them. Then it got too busy to create, but I was too stubborn to buy them. But then I started needing to give cards - I caved and bought the boxes of them - usually on clearance from a sale the year before. From my skating days, ice skating cards were a must . . . but later on I guess the cards could be described as "artsy" - just different.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
Your cards must have been so cool!
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
26 Nov
@much2say I like that!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Nov
@AmbiePam I tried to make 'em "cool" . Once I made this huge watercolor painting and I cut it up. Each person got a piece of it . . . the outside folded envelope said PIECE as a play on "peace" - the idea that all of us were a piece of the whole.
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@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
20 Nov
Oh, what a festive topic! Choosing Christmas cards is like picking out tiny pieces of art to spread holiday cheer. We usually bought it in bookstores a month after December. On that, it will be on sale price and stock-up for the next December. I lean more towards the classic yet jolly or heartwarming messages inside the card.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
20 Nov
I only send virtual cards. All my friends live outside Switzerland and often physical cards were lost in the mail.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
That’s such a bummer!
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
21 Nov
@AmbiePam It is totally wasted money.
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• United States
21 Nov
I still send out some Christmas cards and I usually buy a box that will fit those I'm sending to. I think the last box I bought was on Amazon.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
21 Nov
They have some good ones!
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• United States
22 Nov
@AmbiePam Amazon is my "go to" for almost everything
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@Missmwngi (12926)
• Nairobi, Kenya
20 Nov
Here we don't send any but we do celebrate Christmas in various ways
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
That’s great!
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@Courtlynn (66918)
• United States
26 Nov
Card boxes, no religious ones.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
26 Nov
There are some good card boxes too. It’s like the companies stepped up their game.
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@Courtlynn (66918)
• United States
29 Nov
@AmbiePam some times yes
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
20 Nov
I only give Xmas cards to family attached to their gift at our Christmas dinner . I phone or text to say Merry Christmas to others. I usually buy a box of different cards..
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
I think a phone call or text is appreciated too. People just like to be remembered.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
21 Nov
@AmbiePam I looked at The Dollar Tree this morning and they have no boxed Christmas cards I’m disappointed.
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@dya80dya (34584)
21 Nov
Sometimes I send virtual cars, but often I don't send anything. I don't have many friends now.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
21 Nov
That’s too bad because I bet you’d make a great friend.
@xstitcher (30649)
• Petaluma, California
25 Nov
I look for cards that show the real meaning of Christmas (aka Jesus), and usually a Nativity and or/Bible verse.
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@RasmaSandra (74555)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Nov
There are only a few people I have to send cards to and still have a box of them. If I can manage I will write up those cards because each will have to have a bit of a message in them and send them off,
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@JudyEv (328039)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Nov
What an interesting question and everyone is going to give a different answer I think. I am on the mailing list for the Mouth and Foot Painters Association and they usually send out a pack of cards well before Christmas. I usually choose mixed boxed cards as well then try to match the card to the person. My Catholic friends get religious cards but I avoid sending those to some.
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@AmbiePam (86257)
• United States
20 Nov
I remember you talking about them before; they are impressive!
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@Metsrock69 (3518)
• United States
22 Nov
I used to buy a box of cards every year at the end of the season
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@Dena91 (16010)
• United States
22 Nov
Dollar Tree, mostly focused on Jesus but have gotten winter scene ones to mix in as well. I have cut back on the cards I send out the past several years.
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@dgobucks226 (34586)
23 Nov
The last few years I've bought those 12 packs of Christmas cards at the Dollar Tree to send. This year no cards. Guess inflation is to blame or I went to buy them too early. I'll have to make a return trip after Thanksgiving.
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