It's been 1 of them weeks

Cloverdale, Indiana
December 15, 2023 11:23pm CST
I have had my fill of the week I've had NO let me restate that, it's been a hell of a WEEK I've had to deal with. From trying to get the meds they want me on to the insulin pens I have to have to waiting on the dr calls I haven't got. I swear to be danmed what is the hold up or the problem?? are they stoned? or from another planet, I just don't get it. My meds they have me on I asked for a refill & they come off with off the wall crap that I had already picked them up, REALLY? I don't abuise my meds I'm not a druggy & I keep up with when I pick my meds up so that was the START of my week to begin with. A few days later I get a call from the drug store to tell me my meds was ready for pick up, Yea right, that's what I thought. Now they are putting me on a fast acting insulin to add to the rest of my meds I'm on & the long lasting insulin pen I'm on. I've been home 4 mons & came home with a HIGH sugar level, but it's taken them this long to get me on what I need. I swear these people have their heads in their butts or something, it shouldn't take this long to get the stuff I need. I have been waiting PATIENTLY on getting things done without making a fuss or pissing them off BUT? ? I don't want to raise a fuss cause I don't want to lose my Dr, but if this keeps up I may HAVE to get another Dr, which sucks cause they all suck. I had better care in the Hosp than I am getting with my primary dr, she seen me right after I came home. She read the full hosp report on all I went through & it took her (4 mons) to get me the insulin pens I needed. They talk about how bad Diabeties is & how it can mess up your heart & kiddneys, & your WHOLE flipping LIFE. But yet take their ever loving time to get the meds you need KNOWING how high your sugar is just coming out of the hosp. I was suppose to get a dr's call today but AGAIN NOPE that didn't happen either cause the Dr was swamp in surgeries. So that is sheduled for Mon at this point I don't think any 1 has my health on their minds & just talk like they do which sucks. I know there's a lot of sick people & I'm not the only 1 with health issues but is it too much to ask to do your danm job? I've been writing down what I find on the internet about what I can eat to lower my sugar but you know how that goes right? I worked out in the cabin today to get my mind off all the craziness I'm dealing with nothing seems to be going right dr wise. It's like they WANT you to get sicker B-4 they get off their ass's & DO SOMETHING then it's TOO LATE to fix the problem. I didin't ask to get sick, I didn't wish this to happen to me, but yet here I am & can't get things done, what am I to do to get my health back on track? do you know?
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6 responses
@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Dec
I'm so sorry the doctor didn't call when she was supposed to. I hope she calls on Monday. You should have your medications right away, not wait for several months for them. I hope they get it all sorted out. I'm prediabetic. I'm looking for ways to make certain I don't become fully diabetic. That doesn't work for me. In my search for the right food to eat, I found a wonderful Keto bread with zero sugar, 9 carbs, and 8 fiber. It's also 30 calories. It's by Healthy Life. They also have cinnamon and Hawaiian bread. All no sugar and Keto friendly. Another thing I do is use zero calorie sugar. Swerve or Monkfruit. They're just as good as cane sugar but better for you. You can eat healthy and keep your sugar under control.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Dec
@2ndchances24 Have you gone online to look for one? I'm sure you could find one.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Dec
@2ndchances24 I found several online you can look at before you download it or print it up.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec
@just4him yeah I have & from what I can see I want 1 I can be face to face to see what I'm looking for, you know what I mean? I went to the local hosp to see if they might have 1 & ended up with a ph # to call mon for a appt ??
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@Dena91 (16009)
• United States
16 Dec
Can you get your medicines from a different pharmacy? I know Mike's Mom had hers transferred to being delivered directly to her home through her social security plan. She only has to go to the pharmacy if she is sick and needs an anti biotic now. When Mike's dad was alive, all his diabetic medicine, and others were delivered on time. Not sure if you are old enough but if so maybe check into it. Hope you get your medicine soon.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec
belive it or not that's what thy're working on I went from a 60 day to a 90mday & they're trying to get them all in sink
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@RebeccasFarm (87035)
• United States
16 Dec
Where are you again Gayle, Florida? My youngest sister is diabetic and has the same issues you are talking about. The docs and pharmacies do not seem to give a hoot about her health. I am so sorry you are dealing with is.. The world has gone mad.
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@jstory07 (134797)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Dec
I feel for you. I hope you get it all figured out soon.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec
I will or die trying, but I don't plan on dying anytime soon cause of their B S ways.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60716)
• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@2ndchances24 Unbelievable! And yet doctors are treating you like YOU aren't taking it seriously! pffft! I'm so sorry!
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• Perth, Australia
24 Apr
@2ndchances24 I'm happy you let them know because it's worth letting them know. I hope you get all you need as soon as possible.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 It's a task to say the least.
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@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
16 Dec
It does seem to take a long time to get anything done with the NHS these days. I know somebody who waited six months for a scan result earlier this year, he was going out of his mind with worrying about it. They said it would take less than six weeks. I think there are too many people not doing their jobs properly these days.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec
I have to agree with you, no 1 should go through what the sick goes through to stay healthy.
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