Short story: Consciousness is not who we are

@innertalks (21246)
February 22, 2024 8:31pm CST
Sri Gustav Norabindo, a spiritual master, was discussing consciousness with his students. He said that consciousness, is not who we really are, but we use consciousness, in a similar way as to how we use our minds. Here is some more of what he said: "We are a spiritual being, and we use all of these tools, our body, our heart, our intuition, our mind, our consciousness, our emotions, as addons to our soul, that we can make use of in our life." "None of these, on their own, reflect the real us to anyone, as the real us, is always more than all of these parts combined too." "We cannot expand our consciousness then, because it is a tool to use, and the idea is that what we do is to use more of this consciousness, or connect to it more strongly, more fully." "Consciousness as the tool, stays as it is, the same always." "None of these parts of us, including our consciousness, is the cause, or the creator, of our life." "The cause and creator of our life is, of course, God." "We can be more of our self by living more fully as our soul through all of these parts of our self, coordinated to act wholly co-operatively together, as one." "Our soul is also growing in the wisdom, understanding, and truth, of God." "If we try to grow our mind alone through various measures, we are really just playing games with our life, on a diminutive way, as we need to be our soul first, and use our mind, which will expand naturally, as we need it to do so in our life." "Mind enhancing drugs, hypnosis, and other forms of mind control, then, only ever slow down our growth as soul, digging a pit that we sit in for a while, before our soul can dig us out again, and so we can keep moving forwards again then as our soul." "Our life is said to be driven by our choices, so make sure that your choices, your decisions, come from your soul on down, and are not made first by your mind, emotions, or consciousness, reactively, before you allow your soul, to make the decision for you, with its connection to God, via prayer, and love, so that each decision you then make will be part of God's plan for your life, and not work against it." "Any decision made by your mind, your heart, your emotions, your body, or your consciousness, made on its own, without going through your soul first is always a wrong decision, and will end up working against God's overall plan for your life." "Only our soul, working with God, can know the right way for our life to go in." "Soul is the vehicle, love its fuel, and God was the maker." "Never forget the proper order of things, and never live by/from any lesser part of you; live as/from your soul." Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site,
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3 responses
@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
23 Feb
Our soul is that part of us that is in constant communication with God. There are no addons to the soul. Those parts you mentioned belong to the mind, will, and emotions. Not the soul.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
23 Feb
Perhaps the use of the word, "add-on" was confusing. In computer terms, they could be called plugins, or built-ons, but perhaps Judaism describes these parts of us well, as our soul's clothing. Our soul wears its body, mind, and emotions, during its life on Earth, and that is why we should ensure that our body, mind, and emotions are always pure, clean, and pristine, as they reflect our soul through them too, in one way, but a dirty mind, and a cold heart, can block the shining through light of our soul too, as we place these dark screens over the incoming light of our Soul, and God, and cut off our connection to who we really are, and to our maker too.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
23 Feb
@innertalks I can go along with that.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
24 Feb
@just4him Thanks. The clothing analogy is a better one.
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@RebeccasFarm (87036)
• United States
23 Feb
Yes live each day like its your last. So they say.
2 people like this
• United States
24 Feb
@innertalks I am the Alpha and I am the Omega sayeth the Lord God. Follow Him.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
24 Feb
@RebeccasFarm Yes, when we stop following God, our life starts to go awry.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
23 Feb
Yes, if today, we do not do God's will, and be loving people, tomorrow might be too late; we might die overnight, without changing ourselves for the better, or asking God to help us change, and forgive us for our wanton ways too. We should live each day for God, then, not for ourselves alone.
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@sarik1 (6792)
29 Feb
It is good story.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
29 Feb
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