Can love be attracted to us, or not?

Love can be given away freely so but it can never be attracted to oneself
@innertalks (21246)
February 27, 2024 8:27pm CST
Somebody once wrote an article about our attracting love to us, and he claimed that how much love comes towards us, is a result of our personality type. Of course, he had it all back to front. Love never has to be attracted to us; we have it inside of us all of the time; we just need to give it out, not try to attract it to us. Love is an energy that is God, and God's energy goes out, and fills everything with itself. All you need ever do is to live from this love in you, and there is no need to think you need to attract more love, as you cannot attract love, as love is attracted to nothing, but remains itself, in all vessels it is in, and it is the vessel then that blocks the love in itself, and which must unblock love to live fully from it in itself, again. God is love, and as God created us based on himself, we are, and can remain, love too. "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr, (1929 to 1968), an American minister, said this. It is the same with love; we do not have to be able to love like God does, right now, but we can take the first step, and love as best we can love, right now. God placed the energy of love in our hearts, which is connected to him, and to our soul too. We should live from this love in our hearts, and not allow the desires of our mind to take us away from this connection to love, to live in its own way, which can only ever be a delusional way, without its connection to love, influencing it to work for you in love's way, not your ego, and your other emotion's way, either. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, Love can be given away, freely so, but it can never be attracted to oneself.
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5 responses
@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Feb
I totally disagree. Love is a magnet. God's love attracts us because we have love in us. We are not to hold on to that love but give it away. When we give it away, we keep it because it draws love from others around us. We cannot attract God's love if we don't allow His love to attach itself to us. We love Him because He first loved us. His love is the magnet that attracts us to Him.
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
28 Feb
@innertalks You're right in saying God doesn't force His love on us. However, when we have God's love in us, we are attracted to His love. It's not forced. When we see the same love in others that is in God, we are attracted to it. It's not forced. That's what I mean by magnet. We are drawn to His love because of the love we have in us. His love is what attracted us to Him in the first place. Only His love could draw on the love we have inside. Nothing forced, natural. You can't keep love to yourself. It isn't possible. Just like you can't keep a smile to yourself. Everyone sees your smile and smiles in return. It's natural. Our love for God is a natural attraction and response to His love for us.
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Feb
@innertalks I agree.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
28 Feb
@just4him We have the same love in us as God is love too. Can a drop of love be attracted to the ocean of love, or does it always remain a part of the love, and so no attraction to its greater body of love is required for it to love as its creator loves too? The we that is us, our body, mind, and heart are attracted to things, and perhaps to love too. I am talking about love itself though. Love itself just remains love. And yet, you are probably right too, the love in us wants to go home to the greater love of God, and so wants to connect with the love in others, and to the love in God too. This is a type of attraction. I was putting across a point of contention I suppose by saying that love itself is greater than our attraction to it, and we shouldn't confuse an attraction to love, to the love itself. We should not attach ourselves to the attraction, or to the shadow of love, and then be so enamoured by this love, proud of it in our self, in/with our mind, and then forget to fully live from it then too, from our heart.
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@sarik1 (6792)
28 Feb
Right . i agree your point.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
28 Feb
Thanks. If something could attract love, it would be larger than love, and there is nothing larger than love. Love is just love. God is love. Nothing can attract love, as love naturally shines on all, in all, without ever needing to be attracted. We just need to ensure that we love from that love within us.
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@sarik1 (6792)
28 Feb
@innertalks Absolutely Right
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@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
28 Feb
Love is not something that needs to be attracted to us; rather, it resides within us at all times. It is an energy that is inherent in us, and our task is to give it out, not to seek to attract it. Love, being an energy of God, naturally emanates outward and fills everything. By living from the love within us, we do not need to strive to attract more love because love is not attracted to anything; it simply exists and fills all vessels. It is the vessel itself that can block this love and needs to be unblocked to fully embrace and live from it. As God is love and created us in His image, we too are capable of embodying and maintaining love within us. Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed the idea of taking the first step without needing to see the whole staircase, the same applies to love. We may not love as profoundly as God does immediately, but by taking that initial step and loving to the best of our ability at present, we honor the love placed in our hearts by God. This love within us connects us to Him and our soul, urging us to live from this place of love in our hearts rather than allowing our mind's desires to lead us astray from this connection. In essence, love is a gift meant to be shared freely; it cannot be attracted to oneself but should flow outwardly from within.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
28 Feb
Thanks. You got what I was trying to say here. This idea seems to be a bit controversial, in its subject. Yes, we cannot try to attract more of God's love towards us, nor anybody else's love either, for that matter. We can become a loving person, which might encourage others to want to love us, but loving us is their choice, and the idea is for us to love as best we can, not try to preen ourselves as a peacock does to try to attract a partner to them. I was not talking about romantic love, but more spiritual love here. Yes, love should not be blocked up inside of us, but be allowed to flow out of us, and to warm others with its warmth of compassion, and understandingness, too.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
28 Feb
Love is always inside of you and when you find your one and only true love you are very lucky. Love your family, children and friends. Love is great.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
28 Feb
Yes, l agree. We all have love inside of us, and we should do our best to live from that love, as fully as we can.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
28 Feb
When we exude love as a matter of lifestyle without any iota of hypocrisy, it attracts like-minded people to us automatically. It can be akin to the charisma some people seem to have which draws others to them like bees to honey. However, love is not a commodity for sale. The more we give the more it spreads to those we come in contact. I am altruistic to the extent one could not stand it and thought I was faking it. I embraced all without any distinction and that too was not the norm. The general view was to talk down to those who were reporting to me. That is not me, I told them.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
28 Feb
Nobody is drawn to anybody else, as we are not automatons. If we feel something like the energy force of another person affecting us, we then have the choice to allow it to affect us then, or not. We are always our own person, and somebody else's charisma is their charisma. Sure, it can affect us, but it is more like the sun warming us up with its heat. Love has many facets to it, and causes many reactions. One is to warm us up inside so we feel comfort, but this is an effect in us, and attraction is more of the mind jelling with another mind, and love is never of the mind. Love is of the heart. Love cannot be attracted, as it is more that just an energy or something that can be attracted. Love can be fired up in one. We can help another to light their candle of love in themselves again, but we can't attract their candle to us, as it always remains their candle, and it is always their own choice to keep it lit inside of them, or not. It is their choice to connect to love, or not, inside of themselves. They cannot connect to the love in us, and love from our love instead. There is no backdooring love.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
29 Feb
@Shiva49 Yes, a bright light shining in the darkness does tend to attract moths to itself, and yet those moths have little understanding of how to love, and what the light of truth really is, so such a beacon of truth, and light, can point the way for them as an example of how to tread the right path. All moths will eventually get more used to living in the light of truth too, as more truth shines around them too. That is why we must do what you have done, and live our truth, and shine our light, rather than hiding it, and not having the courage to live from our own conscience, and convictions.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
29 Feb
@innertalks When we live by love through our thoughts and actions, we stand apart from the crowd who are lost in worldly ways to survive and controlled by their minds. That attracts positive reactions towards our personality and approach to life. We have in history those who could be called freaks of nature. They have left lives hard to follow. I have been told by a few they can't be like me meaning emulate my approach to dealing with others. That way there is a lasting impression. Likewise, I recall a few who were role models of selfless behavior that is inspired by love.
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