Best investment............

A clip from a video that shows a little of that vest of his.
@rebelann (111564)
El Paso, Texas
March 14, 2024 2:03pm CST
Yep, a couple hours ago I found out just how valuable that vest I bought Roscoe is. It's one of those vests that has a loop on the back so I can get a grip of him if I needed to. I've used it to get him in the house even when he didn't want to go but today I found out just how strong my boy is. He's 67 pounds of determination. What I objected to was his needless barking at a young boy standing on his own area so I told Roscoe he wasn't allowed to bark like that at a child. Then, one of the neighbor girls let their dog out, I'm assuming they wanted to see what I would do. So I tried to catch Roscoe for a little while then finally he got into a fence type fight with the neighbor dog and I caught him, HOT DAMN IS HE STRONG but so am I and I didn't let go, he almost knocked me over but I wasn't going to have it, I hung on til the girls that live there finally got the little boy and their dog into their house then I let go, I was out of breath. It's also the first time I've ever hit Roscoe but the damn fool wouldn't stop trying to fight or bark. Well, guess whose on leash restriction for a few weeks? Give up yet? In the following video you can see the kind of vest he wears, I'm so glad I got it for him, its a really good $59 investment, what do you think?
Yep, he loves to chew the branches after I cut them off the trees.
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16 responses
@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
15 Mar
Roscoe is a beautiful dog and I am glad this vest seems to work. It's hard to train a stubborn dog.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
Thank you. You are correct, it is very hard trying to train my stubborn boy and when he is focused on other people or animals he does not want me to get near him so he runs ...... maybe he just wants his overweight human to get some exercise?? ..... now he will be on a long leash for a few days and I think he knows exactly why he cannot run freely. I do not believe many dogs will listen to owners if they are having fun barking at people or animals.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
Yes, he must and he will ......... eventually
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@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
16 Mar
@rebelann Poor Roscoe he wants to run freely, but he must learn to listen to his human.
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@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
15 Mar
Looks like a good investment. Roscoe is such a cutie; but he's bigger than I thought he was! I couldn't hit my dogs. Poor Roscoe was just protecting his territory. I hope you have a good weekend.
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@vandana7 (99282)
• India
16 Mar
Even I expected him to be pretty small. God knows why.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
He looks a lot like those small terriers I have seen @vandana7 but he is over 65 pounds.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
I do agree with you but the pup next door was protecting her little boy and could have seriously injured him. I will keep him on a long leash for a few days.
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@kareng (56243)
• United States
15 Mar
Sounds like he has a big adjustment to get used to!! Good luck!!
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@kareng (56243)
• United States
15 Mar
@rebelann I bet you can't wait for the day the wall is finished!!
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
He's not used to having these new neighbors yet but the man of the house is building a rock wall around his yard so eventually Roscoe won't have any more problems, his yard is completely fenced in.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
If the wall he wants to create will be as tall as the one he's building at the back of his property then yes, it will be a good deal the sooner he can finish it. I'm just praying Roscoe does not discover that my property fence is only about 4 foot tall, not too hard for him to jump over if he had a mind to.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Mar
That vest is a good investment. Roscoe is either chewing on the wood to sharpen his teeth for battle or getting rid of tartar
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@vandana7 (99282)
• India
16 Mar
@rebelann Spoil sport. I could do with a dog like that. We have parking issue. If I put him there, I am sure nobody would dare to come. LOL
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
He would simply bark all day and night then you can feed him the good food I give him.
@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
Hopefully he'll never be in a battle with any kritter or human.
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@sallypup (58552)
• Centralia, Washington
21 Mar
Dog fights are scary. I'm glad you were able to stop the action before things got too out of hand.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
21 Mar
Yeah, and it was pretty scary realizing I'm no match for Roscoe when he's in the I wanna play growl kinda mood. Soon the fence will be up and I can let Roscoe run as he wants.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Mar
It's the heeler in em, they're known for being stubborn and need a tight hand to handle them, just like Roscoe.
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@sallypup (58552)
• Centralia, Washington
22 Mar
@rebelann Twice now Rufus and Moxe have had to be separated. We are doing super well then boom. I think Rufus has too many male hormones even though he is neutered.
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@JudyEv (328090)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Mar
He is such a good-looking dog. That's a great photo of him and it's also easy to see the handle in the clip.
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@vandana7 (99282)
• India
16 Mar
@rebelann How old is he?
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
He had his 3rd birthday in January @vandana7
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
Thank you, I think Roscoe is blushing. I need to find out how to become stronger if it's possible for oldsters like me to do that.
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@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
15 Mar
You are one smart cookie for buying that vest. I think that rascal pup deserved a whack. He has got to listen to his fearless leader. That was not helpful for the other people to let their dog out though. Thank God the fence was there
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@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
15 Mar
@rebelann and potentially dangerous
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
It almost was to me at least
@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
I agree with you, I think those stupid girls just wanted to see what would happen if they let their dog out. Kinda stupid of them if you ask me.
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@vandana7 (99282)
• India
15 Mar
He sure does not look that menacing. LOL India has recently restricted having some of the pedigrees as pets. There have been cases of stray dogs eating babies.
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@vandana7 (99282)
• India
16 Mar
@rebelann I think it happens because people don't want the dog after some time, or when it is old or unhealthy. So they leave them on roads to fend for themselves.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
If dogs are raised by humans it's less likely that would happen.
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Mar
It's definitely a good investment - it also shows you are a responsible dog mom. You care for your dog AND for other people. Some people don't think their dogs will actually do anything and let them go freely . . . oh but when instincts kick in, they WILL kick in full force . . . I see that even with little teeny dogs. Wow, Roscoe's got some super muscles!!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Mar
@rebelann You are conscientious and you care! Yah, it really wasn't right for the other dog to be let out like that - that could have caused a real bad situation. You must be pretty strong too to be able to hold Roscoe back like that! At least you know Roscoe is a pretty fine guard dog .
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
18 Mar
Yeah, I'z strong til the next day when my arms were hurtin, he was so determined to tear that pup a new one. But I did find out today that he's really good when on leash. Thank GOD for that.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
Thanks for that. The funny thing is that my property is totally fenced in but I refuse to allow my dogs to bark viciously at small children and to make matters worse the women that live there let their dog out and she was determined to protect her little boy, it was not a good situation for me as I hung on to Roscoes vest but it proved to me that I still need to work on Roscoes manners. He'll be on the leash for the next few days but I kinda feel sorry for him, he does need to run sometimes. Today is too windy for me so he's not going out too often but if it calms down we'll walk around my yard again in a while.
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@kaylachan (59718)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Mar
It's always important to maintain control of your animals. So I'm thankful for that. I'm glad that vest works so well for you.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Mar
Yeah, but it also showed me just how strong Roscoe is when he's determined, I really need to learn how to properly train him but I'll have to save up for that, trainers aren't cheap
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Mar
Oh yeah that works well until he sees another dog or person then he's completely tuned into them and ignores everything and me, he won't stop barking at strangers no matter what kind of treat I offer him plus he runs from me because he's having too much fun and knows I'll stop him.
@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
14 Mar
Poor ol Roscoe just doing his job.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Mar
I suppose in a way he was but the child couldn't be more than maybe 5 years old and I won't have Roscoe bark like that at a child.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Mar
@rebelann Yes I understand that Rebel.
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@jstory07 (134785)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Mar
That vest is worth what you paid for it.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
18 Mar
I agree.
@dgobucks226 (34586)
15 Mar
That will keep Roscoe's chopper's strong, lol. Guess you won the tug of war battle.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
Yep, he does have really clean teeth for a 3 year old ..... as for won, more like a standoff, I realized just how strong I am not and I think he noticed that too
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Mar
Hmmm, that's a good idea, thanks. For now though my right arm is sore from yesterdays workout. I'm at an age when I count my lucky stars if I heal from these setbacks in less than 3 months.
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@dgobucks226 (34586)
16 Mar
@rebelann Oh no! You may need to buy some resistance bands to strengthen those muscles
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@sarik1 (6792)
15 Mar
It is good investment . have a great day.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
15 Mar
Thank you, I hope you will have a great day as well
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@marguicha (216917)
• Chile
14 Mar
I have such old legs that I don´t dare walk with Luna. PLUS I did not teach her to walk at my side when she was a pup and now she is a giant German shepheard. I don´t dare.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Mar
Luna can still learn but it is not going to be easy. Roscoe is huge and I am having a tough time with some things but overall he does pretty good.
@Juliaacv (49088)
• Canada
14 Mar
It sounds like a great investment.
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@rebelann (111564)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Mar
It does help that's for sure and now I know I need to buck up and get stronger if that's possible.
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