The Happiness Trap

Happiness must float on love to be real
@innertalks (21246)
May 19, 2024 2:23am CST
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." Albert Schweitzer, a French writer, and philosopher, (1875 to 1965), said this. And yet, happiness can make you its prisoner, when all you seek is happiness. Greater than both success, and happiness, is living for truth, and living from the energy of love in you, connected to you, via God. When you are living from love, happiness does not need to be sought after, but exudes from you, as an attribute/ facet of that love. What place should happiness play in our lives here now, then? Happiness is not a player in your life, more a spectator, as it comes alive in you to spectate, and so give you its feelings, only when you are really living from love, truth, and faith, in God. Happiness seeking alone always makes you unhappy, as without a connection to God, all happiness is a falseness, and real joy, better than just the spectating happiness, becomes you, a part of the condition of your heart, and so you then live from joy, of which happiness is an outer showing of joy only. Inner happiness is a furphy, or an illusionary concept, as happiness can only come from inner joy, being expressed both inwardly, and outwardly, so, and so happiness is always a surface phenomenon, not a deeper one, like joy is. "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." George Sand,( 1804 to 1876) a French writer, said this. And so, any real happiness must be linked to love, and must come out from us, from the inner joy associated with us linking our life to God. Happiness must float on love to be real, and not be too top-heavy in us, that it just weighs down our life, sinking us into itself only, without us being anchored in love, joy, and the real truths, of God too. Do not seek happiness in idle pursuits of happiness. Get real in your life, and live it from love, for God. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site,
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3 responses
@dya80dya (34617)
19 May
Knowing that God can help us and knowing that He is real would help a lot. But we can't know this. There are millions of unanswered prayers.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
20 May
I would rather believe that there is a God out there somewhere, as the alternative of there being no God, I do not like, and it would depress me enough to be thinking that our whole life here is just a wasted effort, a waste of time, and all in the end, just for nothing. I want to think that in all of this creation of the Universe, as the Scientists say, nothing can really be lost, everything just transforms into something else, and so after we die, memories of our life, will remain a part of the Universe's overall makeup, and in some way, we must continue, either in it, or out of it, somewhere else too. If God exists, maybe other worlds do exist too, that we will move to in some other form, and occupy a new body, with our soul self, or spirit essence too. Some part of us, I would like to believe, lives on, as otherwise, I would just be totally gone forever, after I die, and I think that some spiritual energy in us moves out of us, and can be used for some other purpose then too.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
20 May
I have found happiness, or rather fulfillment, in not going after it A selfless life enriches our lives and brings real rewards in terms of joie de vivre Generally, those with little are happy and those with more than they need are unhappy. So wealth has nothing to do with happiness if our basic needs are met. One needs to live a contented life but not become lazy.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
20 May
Wherever we find ourselves, we find ourselves, and so the way is the way, and we should not remain unhappy, looking for other ways, or other places, or other ways to live, but to simply make the best of where we are right now. When we are happy with life as it is, we will remain happy, but if we look for happiness down the track, that track always keeps us away from happiness, as we never get to that point of that track without living life where we are now first. It is difficult to be happy, when we project ourselves into a different frame in the future, where we will never be, if we do not go through now first.
@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
21 May
@Shiva49 Yes, we all are dealt different cards from God's pack of cards, and so we should play our own hand of cards, making the best of it, rather than trying to obtain a card from somebody else's hand, and try to play their hand, instead of our own.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
21 May
@innertalks Some are jealous thinking others are lucky but forgetting the blessings showered on them too. When we enjoy the ride here and take it as a challenge, happiness and fulfillment follow. We are dealt some cards, and it is up to us to use them well.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
25 May
I love what I do and loved my job until I retired.
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@innertalks (21246)
• Australia
25 May
That is really good if we can love what we do, as that helps us to be happy about our doing of what we love to do too. Love works well with happiness, and brings happiness to us too, I think.
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