Fog, Cold, Catnip and Seaweed

United States
May 19, 2024 1:31pm CST
I will be so glad when we get past the point of having fog all day long, it is to darned cold for my liking!!!! I have never liked being cold. Right now we're at 52 degrees, which I should say isn't bad, but it's still cold!!! Yesterday was a high pain day, and I have gotten really tired of hurting. I finally caved an decided to give a combination of ginger and catnip a try. I got some boiling water and packed a tea infuser and popped them into a cup and poured the water over them. It took a little bit for the water to cool down, but when it did I gave it a try. WOW!! what a difference!!!!. I brewed a second batch to take with me on my shopping trip. We went through our usual stops and just before the grocery store we stopped at the health food store. I got to thinking before we made the stop and decided to go in and see if they had catnip. If they did it would shirley be fresh! I went in and couldn't find it so I asked...(boy was I thankful I did, the grocery store didn't have any and even if they did it wouldn't be that fresh!!!) the lady went right to it and put it on the counter. I flinched at the price, $35 a 'POUND". I measured out a small amount and went to check out. The bill only came to $1.45. I was shocked and asked if they were sure...the assured me that they were, I told them to hold on and I went back and got some more. They looked at me like I lost some marbles, and I explained that it helped with my pain when I drank it with my ginger tea. They didn't know it was good for pain and made notes. I had read many times about catnip tea for pain.... Then earlier I had gone to another "different" store that got things in that not all local stores got. One of my favorite items to snack on is dried seaweed. I had seaweed soup and got hooked on seaweed. I missed it when I moved back to the U.S. from South East Asia. When I found seaweed dried for snacking I pigged out. Then the store I was buying it from quit carrying it and I had to go without again. Well this time I stocked up and will get some more as soon as I can, the stuff is great and it doesn't taste fishy or anything like that. This morning I got up and decided to munch on some seaweed and finish my cuppa catnip tea. Well sweet little Freya decided that she needed to help. Her head went into my cup of tea and she had a good long drink and then she snacked on some seaweed pieces and she was feeling so good that she rubbed all over my shoe with me in it. She finished loving my shoe and is now sleeping on my foot rest having happy kitty dreams, I can hear her purring clear over here (she is a very quiet purrer!!!) Well, the day has been somewhat interesting, I'm going to deal with the trash and maybe do some bear work. I'm not positive, I'm still working out of the dumps from having been so deep in pain. Nothing like having to do all kinds of heavy house cleaning for an apartment inspection and NOT having the necessary medication to control the pain from doing the heavy work. But at least the catnip is helping so I can get around. Have a great day and try to have some fun! Hugs to all!!!!! I have to add a P.S. to this, Have any of you checked the Ritani site? I've seen a couple of rings I would love to own, UNTIL I saw the price tags. Three rings = a car!
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5 responses
@jstory07 (134791)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 May
I am just going to finish the yard which is not fun but we will get lots of pretty flowers from the garden and vegetables to eat.
• United States
19 May
I've got a spaghetti squash that I'm going to sneak down to our spring water drain and plant. The squash got away from me and I know it would grow rather than cook well. I may wait until tonight and plant the other seeds...pumpkins, etc.. It will blow the management's mind having stuff grow where there is a water supply.
@dya80dya (34650)
19 May
Today I didn't do much. I am glad that the day ended.
@snowy22315 (172019)
• United States
19 May
Never heard of using catnip for pain. Glad that it helped you
@kaylachan (59767)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 May
I'm glad that you found something to help with your chronic pain. I have to decide what to take for mine today.
@wolfgirl569 (97320)
• Marion, Ohio
19 May
Glad you found something to help