Absence of Stone Cold Steve Austin makes me sick....

January 4, 2007 3:54pm CST
How many of you feel the absence of the Rattle snake? Do ya think WWE is entertaining these days? Without the beer driker austin, WWE is nothing. Just think of the storylines and quotes that stone cold had. The way he was on the mic was rocking.. The way he walks, the way fights, the way he enters the ring, the way he speak, the way he drink beer, Ah. Ah.. We're missing him a lot. How many of you agree with me? Let us share our comments on Austin 3:16..
1 response
• United States
4 Jan 07
I do miss him too. I think DX and team RKO are doing a pretty good job keeping the fans entertained. It would be nice if the Rock and Austion would make an suprise appearance for wrestlemania
• India
4 Jan 07
Your right, even they are more entertaining than the wwe champion. Jhon Cena must fight with big wrestlers. Matches he had before with JBL, Edge, Jericho was not much good. Lita and Edge were doing well, but it was sad that lita left. I am now eagerly waiting for the storyline of Umaga and Jhon Cena.