How many of you just HATE the socity you're forced to live in?

October 3, 2006 3:56am CST
With peopole who're not like you. With people who're not worth your time. With people who're just too violent to be friends with. With people you'd rather avoid than be friends with... And if so, then, what's the most hateful thing in your surroundings.
3 responses
• United States
14 Oct 06
I hate the people that think they are better than everyone else. We are all the same not matter what skin color, race, nationality..whatever..I see everyone the same..In my neighborhood there's a few people that have lesser things than we do(my family)....and I swear they think they own the neighborhood...and they think they can talk to you how they want(w/disrespect) and do what they want.....I really hate that about people..they come to this country with nothing and with the little they have they think they are everything....
16 Oct 06
I know what you're saying completely with that.
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
18 Oct 06
I really enjoy living in Canada. There is a huge mix of different cultures. It's not perfect, but most people make an effort to get along with one another, and violence isn't a huge problem.
16 Oct 06
I can deal with violence and crime, it won’t be prevented by people sitting down and tutting over the activities instead people who get out there and help the causes that force people to do these acts.