are you going to theather?

January 13, 2007 7:27am CST
nowadays less people go to theather. are the plays less enjoyable? or the actors can not perform as the older ones? do you go to theather? why yes?why not?
5 responses
• Romania
13 Jan 07
i love theatre, but time is not right sometimes.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
15 Jan 07
• India
1 Feb 07
No I am not going to see any play in the theater because I don;t like to watch plays. But I like to watch movies so I go to cinemahall for enjoy romantic movies with my hubby.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
15 Jan 07
i donot go to theatre as i cant walk.
@bogdanel (1208)
• Romania
15 Jan 07
I don't go to theaters because here in my city we don't have too much theaters.. and I'm not passioned by them.. I'd like to go once with my girlfriend.. but I don't know when.
@klttl3s (40)
• United States
15 Jan 07
I love going to see plays! In my hometown the general play going crowd is very old, so most of the plays they have are geared towards that crowd. A lot of people my age stay away from it because of that. BUT! Next month they're putting on Suessical and everyone my age that I know will be there, especially since a friend of ours is in it.