no health care coverge

@tibbler (229)
United States
January 22, 2007 3:52pm CST
Hi I have no health coverge & need to go see a doctor. What can I do..?All so I live in Michigan.
4 responses
• India
24 Jan 07
I dont know coz i live in india ...
• United States
24 Jan 07
Hi, I understand what you're going through. I live in Virginia and my husband and I don't have health care coverage either. There is a free clinic in the area, but our income level is just above the limit, so we can't even go there for emergencies. My doctor bills me, as long as I make large payments (at least $75) a month, and she often gives me "sample" prescriptions that are free, in order for me to avoid high prescription costs. I would call some local physicians and ask if there is a health care program in your area for people who have no coverage. If not, start asking physicians what their policies are for seeing uninsured patients. Good luck!
@lauriefnp (5111)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Most cities in the U.S. have primary care clinics where you can be seen on a sliding-scale fee schedule. Look under "clinics" in the phone book. Most of these places also have sample medications, like antibiotics, if you need them and do not have insurance. If you feel that you have a life-threatening emergency, go to an Emergency room at the nearest hospital. They will have to provide care and will worry about the bill later.
@icjackson (186)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I am also in Michigan. If you don't have about $40 to go to a local clinic (that's what services cost in's a very rough figure), then go to the ER and they will have a social worker help you apply for retroactive Medicare coverage. If you don't qualify for that, then just let the hospital bill you. Your health is the most important thing here. I.C. Jackson