Who thinks the Bush administration is completely out of touch with us?

United States
January 23, 2007 11:05pm CST
Bush's overall approval rating is at an all time low of 28%. Surveys on the web and tv show that people don't agree with his decisions and don't approve of his policies. They can't be polling only Democrats. His own party is ready to jump ship as well.
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3 responses
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think that the Bush Administration is the worst we've had in a long time. It seems like everything he does is against popular demand, wishes, and voting. Yet, somehow he got elected, which I don't' really understand. I guess he's let down all those who had faith in him. A president is supposed to work FOR his people, not against him. I think he missed that point this year.
• United States
24 Jan 07
No need to apologize. We all screw up. Except Bush, of course.
• United States
6 Jun 07
I think the administration is out of touch with the WORLD, not just the U.S. citizens. He seems to think he can do whatever he wants with no consequences. His party is faltering and most don't even want to have him associated with them at this point in time.
• United States
6 Jun 07
Much better put. I was thinking small not on a grand scale. They are in shambles because their leader is no such thing. Oh how the little people suffer because of the sloppy chess game many politicians play. ‹(°¿°)›
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think that the Bush Administration is the worst we've had in a long time. It seems like everything he does is against popular demand, wishes, and voting. Yet, somehow he got elected, which I don't' really understand. I guess he's let down all those who had faith in him. A president is supposed to work FOR his people, not against him. I think he missed that point this year.
• United States
24 Jan 07
That's what happens when power runs unchecked. he has too may allies and made all the right appointments to those who he knew would back him to the end, if need be. The reason you don't understand how he got re-elected is because he didn't. I know it sounds cliche but it's true. He's not smart but he has powerful friends who make things happen.