What is your personal 'worse noise' in the world? (Here are some stats!)

@shywolf (4514)
United States
January 24, 2007 3:47pm CST
In a recent study that was a year long and received over a million votes, it was revealed that the sound that people dislike the most is the sound of someone vomiting. (I would have to agree with that. It's so hard to hear someone vomiting and not feel like you need to throw up yourself o_O) The second most hated sound was the sound of microphone feedback. Some other sounds that rated highly as being bad were crying babies (I agree, it's hard to listen to a baby crying, and they can reach such loud pitches.. actually worse than mic feedback, if you ask me. *laugh*) and train wheels making a scraping or squeaking sound. Anyway, it also seems that some sounds that were expected to feature highly on the poll, like fingernails on a chalkboard, did not. That one only came in at 16th place! So, what are some sounds that you personally don't like? Do you agree with the results of this study? You can read more about the study at this link: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2172271.html?menu=
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76 responses
@ram13288 (387)
• United States
24 Jan 07
the worst sound for me is when a knife and fork are scratching a plate and it makes that horrible. that sound can my teeth cringe sometimes because i hate it so much. i hate it even more when i make that sound myself on my own plate.
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• United States
25 Jan 07
Oh my gosh!! I forgot about that but I can not stand that one either...it just makes me cringe
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
29 Jan 20
Oh yeah, those are nasty sounds.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
24 Jan 07
-fingernails on a chalkboard -forks scratching plates -babies/children screaming i guess also any constant noise that i hear in the night that keeps my from sleeping! i tend to have a lot of really annoying noises outside my window that just wont go away.
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
29 Jan 20
Yeah, high pitched noises are irritating
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
24 Jan 07
for me it is someone elses child crying on public transport. This drives me mad, but when its my child its different lol. After this it is anything being scraped down slate, that drives me mad too
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
29 Jan 20
That makes sense
@ugachaka (297)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I'm probably a freak for this, but for some reason, the sound of someone else brushing their teeth just sends chills down my spine. I'm fine when I'm brushing my own teeth, but can't listen to someone else do it. Even if it's on the TV I usually hit mute.
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25 Jan 07
hey, I'm completely the same I hate the sound of other people cleaning their teeth..it's just the sound the brush makes against their teeth! It gives me goosebumps!
• Canada
24 Jan 07
Hha the thing i hate the most is actualy either styrofoam rubbing together i also hate the scratching of a black board. These noise just make me go crazy. When I do these noises with the black board and think of it i will think of the sound and again go crazy! I can't stand these noises...
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@seanymph (10)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I still can't stand the sound from the alarm clock, I'll wake up early, just to turn it off. People smacking their food is a real turn-off. My husband says and I quote, "Police sirens in my rear view mirror" I'd drink to that
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Oh! You have got one there! People smacking their food! I hate that! My dogs like to sit there and lick their chops over and over and over...it drives me crazy! I have no clue why they do this. But wow! That just really irritates me too! LOL
@jmintuck (114)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
I hate fire and police sirens wailing all night.That is really the WORST noise at ANY time.
@Catkin (480)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I don't have all that much experience with hearing people vomiting, but it's not something I'd like to listen to often... My ears are very sensitivng to high-pitched noises, so the worst ones for me are indeed things like mic feedback and other high electrical noises. A sometimes small, but very distracting one, is the sound fluorescent lights make. I don't care much for fingernails on a blackboard, but I have found that I can bug others who do hate it by making a very similar sound (fingernails on ruled paper XD).
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
I would really have to agree that the sound of someone being sick is the worst sound in the world. and usually if your close enough to hear it you are probably close enough to smell it, and i dont know about you but the SMELL of vomit makes me vomit! *GAG*
@brihanna (381)
• United States
25 Jan 07
As I sit at my computer, on mylot, while my baby sleeps-I would definately have to say "a crying baby" mine, yours, anyones. Can't stand it. I have even comforted babies that I did not know. It just breaks my heart.
@mchoneyz (35)
• Australia
25 Jan 07
My worst noise is an alarm clock, you know the really old school alarm BEEP BEEP BEEP. Over and over again, so loud? I hate it so much, and you only hear it at the worst time - WHEN YOU WAKE UP!!! But no any time of day, even on a commercial on tv I hate it!!!
@nkife52 (207)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
I can't stand the sound of pieces of Styrofoam rubbing against each other. Also, yes vomiting is a pretty gross sound.
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• United States
25 Jan 07
Alarm Clock! It's so obnoxious!!
• United States
25 Jan 07
Oh yeah! Totally. I forgot about that one. I have mine set to play the radio but it takes a few minutes to wake me up sometimes.
@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
29 Jan 20
Yeah, those are horrible sounds to say the least but one that I personally can't stand is the sound some neon lights make.
@pendragon (3350)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Chalkboard scratching, forks scraping across plates or the beeping that the fry machine makes when the fries are done at McDonalds, my gf nearly jumps the counter and turns it off for them she hates it so muich,lol.
@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
The worst sound that drives me crazy is metal scrapping on metal. I can't stand it and it makes my skin crawl. To be honest I really don't know why though? Vomitting is also hard for me to tolerate.
@umavarma1 (926)
• India
25 Jan 07
these are Top 10 worst sounds according to a survey done, 1. Vomiting 2. Microphone feedback 3. Wailing babies 4. Train scraping on tracks 5. Squeaky seesaw 6. Poorly played violin 7. Whoopee cushion 8. Argument in a soap opera 9. Mains hum 10. Tasmanian devil
• Canada
25 Jan 07
Like another poster, fork scratching a plate, hate it. The sound of a balloon when you rub it, arg. Chills with that one. Fire alarms for the loudness, brutal.
• Canada
25 Jan 07
The sound of someone vomiting would be the worst for me , when I hear that I have to go to another room and block out the noise or I will vomit on the spot . The sound of a baby crying I cannot handle either . I have to pick up a baby if he/she is crying ,especially if he/she is my own becasue all I want to do it cry with them because I don't know why they are crying . And the third would have to be someone scraping their nails down a chalk board , that just makes my ears ring painfully and then I get a headache from the sound .
@meowsy (116)
• United States
25 Jan 07
i had a bad dream last night that my lil dog got hurt nd she was crying and i couldnt find her!!! that noise has been stuck in my head all day!!! so as of last night that is the worse noise for me!!!