What man is capable of

Melbourne, Florida
February 23, 2007 10:04am CST
History has given us sufficient examples of what the power of faith and the harmony between spirit and matter can accomplish, as such is the example of Noah, Joshua, of that Moses whom the water, the rocks and winds obeyed, the example of the prophet Elijah and of the Divine Master who had authority over the elements, and even over death itself. But it is not about a blind faith that would lead us to believe that by just merely ordering, the elements would obey; it is about a faith born in the knowledge of what we really are, born in the practice of good, in obeying the law, in the struggle against our own materialism, in the respect of one for the other as brothers of creation. When an incarnated being accomplishes to harmonize in this fashion his two natures, it is easy for him to comprehend the words of our Father when He tells us: "You have been formed with perfection; your spirit has been illuminated so that you know the grandeur of My creation, so that by studying its spiritual part you understand that you are similar to Me and knowing material nature, you can make use of it because it has been placed by Me as a humble servant before man." "When will you be able to know and dominate it? When will you be worthy to be able to order an element to detain itself or change in benefit of your brethren? It is true that they obey the laws dictated with justice and love and you have authority, and I have told you that when you become spiritualized you will be able to detain in My name sickness, the inclemency of the weather, the harshness of calamity and sin." "You can do everything if you have faith; the moment will arrive when every spirit will be moved and all intelligence wakes up, and upon searching for the fountain where light and perfection originate, you will find Me". "I do not lie nor exaggerate when I tell you that the elements can hear your voice, obey and respect you; the story of Israel remains written as a testimony of my truth, and within it you can find that one and one hundred times the people of God was recognized and respected by the strengths and elements of nature. Why should you not be recognized? Do you think that My love for humanity could have varied with the passage of time? No, multitudes that listen to My word, the light of My spirit bathes you, my power and My love are eternal and immutable". "I do believe in you, I know the seed that exists in each of My children because I formed him, because I gave him life with My love". "I do expect from man, yes; I do believe in his salvation, in his dignification and in his elevation. I created him to reign on Earth, forming in it a mansion of love and of peace, and so his spirit can be forged in the struggle and be able to inhabit in the light of the kingdom of perfection through merits, which belong to him by eternal heritage". All quotes taken from The Third Testament
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1 response
• United States
23 Feb 07
I as a minister know of the old testament ,the new testament but where pray tell me is the third testament .Im not arguing with the point you made however i know of no third testament?in the new testament we are told we can do all things !