Always smiling
@allknowing (130247)
Joined myLot 15 years ago
Writing is a habit with me. I have been writing ever since I learnt my alphabets. Hope to do justice here as well.Mine is a multi faceted personality

Always smiling's Likes

Always smiling liked this  2h
Green chillies
Always smiling liked this  2h
Ordinary yet exotic
Always smiling liked this  2h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  11h
Welcome Henry!
Always smiling liked this  11h
Dripping faucet
Always smiling liked this  11h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  11h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  11h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  11h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  11h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  11h
Peppie is really funny
Always smiling liked this  10 May
Bitty the annoying kitty
Always smiling liked this  10 May
Lilies in May