Help Name my hamster!

songo and her babies -  tis is one of my hamsters Songo. she came touse expecting and these are soem of her babies.
United States
April 20, 2007 5:40pm CST
Help me name my hamster! takiing suggestions,it is a girl panda hamster. she is a golden color with a peach colored collar! so cute and pretty!
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7 responses
@amydawn11 (906)
• Canada
20 Apr 07
I think the name Meeka is really cute, like your hampster :)
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@ergg78 (344)
• Malaysia
24 Apr 07
;) hmm.. reminds me of my fav tv series, HEROES :P
• United States
25 Apr 07
what about: Peaches n Cream, Twinki, Stardust, Daisy, Goldie, Kaluah. Hope you find a good name!!! Hope you like these!
• United States
26 Apr 07
all thenames are really great! thank you everyone who replied! we actually have a cat named goldie,and a rat named daisy. we did put all the names in a coffee can and my 4 yr old picked out two,some have named them, suki,and p-chan! thanks for all the names! we wll keep the rest fro futer references!
@peaceful (3294)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I would name her "Peaches" just cuz she sort of looks like one, so darn cute! :) Hampster Club for you! :)
• United States
20 Apr 07
cool! i iwll check it out! thanks for the link!
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
Hello full metal! I am Angel from the Philippines. Congratulations for having a new pet! Well, I like the name speecka for a hamster. I find it really cute. It's not original though. I just got it from a cartoon where the heroine has a pet hamster named speecka. I don't even remember its title. Hope you'll find the best name for your hamster soon.
• United States
21 Apr 07
I always liked naming hamsters after candy. I think Twix would be a really cute name for your new baby.
• United States
21 Apr 07
awsome suggestions! we got another new hamster today,another girl panda! so now theres 2 to name!lol! keep the names comming! we will choose 2 of them this Wed.!
• Singapore
17 Oct 08
How about.. Honey? Or perhaps Twitchy, Sniffy, Sniffles, Armani and Biggy. Sorry I'm not that good at choosing hamster names. I just name them according to their features XD. I have a male dwarf winter white named Sniffles. I named him that because he has a really big and pinky nose! His whiskers are twitching all the time too. He would sniff every single thing he sees. I thought he had taken up sniffing as a hobby. Or perhaps joined a Paid-to-Sniff website. Either way, it's adorable! Happy mylotting and good luck in finding the right name for your hammy!
20 Apr 07
call her suki, its a very pretty name