How fares thee writing?

United States
April 22, 2007 6:14pm CST
I just didn't see this question anyway and thought I should post it.. So how goes it? I hope it's doing well and that you're having a blast with it..but any snags? Hard opsticles? Interruptions? Me..I'm kinda on writing hiatus. For now anyways..I'm hoping to get started again soon. I'm lookin's forward to hearing how you all're faring :)
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6 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I guess I'm on that same writing hiatus you's not that I'm not motivated...I have three novels in the works...tons of short story ideas, rewrites of my old short stories...etc etc...My fall from grace is time...but then being the renaissance person I am trying to find time to do all is enough to drive me dingy---Do you have trouble finding the time to write...cause I sure do...although I do try to see it that I'm still keeping my writing faculties going by writing things I'm not completely stagnant...
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I too have taken a bit of a break and have stayed at a hotel this weekend of this discussion. I have written 5 articles and will take the time to submit them over a few days upon my return to home. Time away can do wonders and restart your brain when you get too bogged down in day to day life. Good luck with your writing.
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• United States
22 Apr 07
I'm banking A's in comp112, lol. Where were you when I needed help with a Hitchcock paper? j/k
@patgalca (18209)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 Apr 07
I have done about 5 edits on the manuscript of my novel. It took forever because, let's face it, editing is boring. But I finished and then passed the manuscript on to a friend to read. She returned it with notes and noted some unanswered questions. I sat down right away and fit them into the story. She told me she loved the story, that it was a real page turner, that she wanted to stay up half the night to read it. That has gotten me very excited so I am going to push myself to make my sixth (and hopefully last) edit.
• United States
23 Apr 07
I've hit a snag myself. I have so little time to work on my writing that when I do I"m just so tired that I don't feel like thinking. Hopefully during the summer I will have more time.
@tommy408 (361)
• Malaysia
23 Apr 07
I wish I could also say I am on a writing hiatus. That sound really exotic. LOL Truth is, I desperately want to write, but the sentences, the feelings, are not coming out to my liking. I have a fiction project that is collecting dusts on my table. It has been sitting there for almost three years now, not even half way through. I've been practicing a lot these days, to make myself believe that, its not that I can't write, its just that I'm having writer's block. Just like any other famous writers. Hahah!!! That makes me feel good. Although just like opium, the feelings are only illusionary and won't last