can anybody tell me what I do wrong?

a discussion - 2 people discussing things
@kylanie (1205)
United States
April 24, 2007 9:43am CST
I see all these discusions with anywhere from 29 to 200 respones and I want to know how I can get more responses to my discussions?
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6 responses
@worthy (2413)
• India
24 Apr 07
I wish I knew the formula my friend.But i can suggest you make friends here with whom you share interests. I think people come here for relaxation heavy subject kind of makes them little wary.So simple topics requiring just a few lines of amswer is what people here look for. But sometimes you want to discuss about serious issues too,I sure.May be you select friends who would like to respond to such discussions.
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@kylanie (1205)
• United States
24 Apr 07
thank you I will have to remember that
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@rsp9098 (755)
• India
24 Apr 07
hai there!i too think so at times!my highest response is 61!nd thatz for only one time!i hav seen many with even more than 500 responses!wonder how they do that!may be the topic they had is so interesting to all down here!thatz the reason i could find!all the best!
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@gberlin (3836)
25 Apr 07
I think it has more to do with how many mylot friends you have than the quality of your discussions. If you go to the profile of people with a lot of responses you will find that they have a lot of people listed as their friends. I posted a question about eye color yesterday and it received 10 responses right off the bat. I currently have between 30 and 40 friends on mylot. Some people I know have over 100 friends. They get a large number of responses.
• Sri Lanka
24 Apr 07
Even I want to know why some discussions get many responses. I think more general ones get more responses. Anyway I noticed that with a rating of 440 you have started about 70 discussions. I think you must start a few discussions and respond more.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Maybe wait to pick your best response for awhile. If I open a disscussion and the best response has already been selected then I usually dont answer. I just move on down the lists.
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@ozzydee70 (465)
• Germany
24 Apr 07
how i wish i knew why and whats wrong with my discussions also? but ive noticed in some that friends are supporting friends, its just my thought only or maybe they have a magic touch! hopefully one of this days we'll be on top discussions also. goodluck to us then!