What did you crave?

United States
April 26, 2007 11:11pm CST
When I was pregnant I craved chicken and green beans. I absolutely hated chicken before I got pregnant. I also craved Big Macs from McD's and Taco Bell which never sat well on my stomach. I knew better than to eat Taco Bell cause before I was 5 blocks down the road I would be throwing up all over the place. My pastor kepts saying I needed to be eating pickles and mayo together like every other pregnant woman was. I guess I was different cause I didn't crave all those weird foods. What are some of the things that you craved during your pregnancy. Was it weird things or just every day things.
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33 responses
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Ive been craving sweets. Snowballs, red kool-aid, iced tea. I love taco bell. That would suck having to throw up after eating it. I do have to go to the bathroom after eating it. I don't think I have craved anything weird. Last time I was pregnant I would get sick just looking at mayo and ever since I dont' care for it too much. Its weird how your taste buds change. I never liked nuts before and now when i have banana splits or ice cream I have to have nuts on it. Crazy huh.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
It is really weird how your taste buds change. I never figured it would happen to me but when I told my friends I really wanted chicken (before I found out I was pregnant) they knew something was "wrong" so to speak. They understood after I found out.
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@amydawn11 (906)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
I craved coffee crisp chocolate bars. I craved chili later on but everytime I ate spagheti I felt really sick so i didn't think it would be agood idea to eat chili even though I really wanted it..lol
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• United States
27 Apr 07
Sometimes my cravings would get the best of me and I would have to have eat it even though I knew it would make me sick.
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• Canada
27 Apr 07
I got sick so much I got to be afriad to eat at all. Even after I had my daughter there were certain foods i got sick of that i couldn't even eat them for up to a year later. like those bbq corn chips and nutella. It took me along time to be able to eat them again, the smell made me sick to my stomach. My still to this day can't drink grape pop.weird eh.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I didn't eat Big Macs for a long time after I had my daughter, the smell of McD's made me sick too for a really long time. Don't worry your not the only one.
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@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
I craved for GReen mango Juice!
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@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
30 Apr 07
yehey! I got buddy here... isn't it delicious?? I love it!
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• United States
27 Apr 07
Wow, now thats one I haven't heard of either.
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• Hong Kong
28 Apr 07
I craved for GReen mango Juice too!
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@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
when i was pregnant i craved for Filipino foods like banana que, champorado, chocolate cakes, ice cream, something like theres an icing on top, and something with chocolate and with brown color..and also durian,,yummy!! me, too, i didn't crave those weird foods, like eating soap, yucks!! but i hate to smell perfumes and lotions with strong fragrance..
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I'm allergic to most fragrances so it was a million times worse when I was pregnant. Any time I got too close to the perfume section of a department store I would have to run to a bathroom and throw up.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I craved KFC (seems to be a big thing these days) with my son. I had to have the chicken strips with macaroni. HAD to have the mac n cheese. This time around it has been Papa John's garlic butter sauce, mac n cheese again, and sweet stuff.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
Papa Johns is the only place I will eat pizza from. I ate a lot of their canadian bacon and pineapple pizzas when I was pregnant.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I had a mad craving for spagettio's, they were my most favorite. I'd go like eight cans a day of those things, they were the best in the world. Especially the ones with the meatballs in them, that made them like super good.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I'm traumatized by those things, ok not really but the smell of them make me sick, when I was little I threw them up. Its changed my mind about Spaghetti-O's for forever.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
I craved for fruits mostly when I was pregnant and none of the weird stuff. I like to have kiwi, watermelon shake, buco (young coconut) and mangoes. The sight of fried chicken made me nauseous, and I had one craving that I never ate- Sbarro's white pizza. Whenever I had a craving and went to the restaurant, it's always unavailable. No wonder why my daughter loves that pizza now that she's 5 years old. I always tell her she wanted to eat that when she was still in my tummy. :)
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• United States
27 Apr 07
Isn't that funny cause my daughter won't touch hamburgers, I think its from eating so many big macs while I was pregnant with her.
• United States
30 Apr 07
I craved McDonalds double cheeseburgers, pizza, Wendy's Frosty, and ice cream. It was weird because I usually never eat fast food and I'm lactose intolerant but I was able to handle it while I was pregnant. After I deliverd I tried to eat a bowl of ice cream and my stomach hurt so bad. Isn't it funny the things we can eat while we are pregnant.
• United States
30 Apr 07
I'm lactose intolerant too but I was able to handle milk and ice cream the whole time I was pregnant too. Isn't that weird.
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@paidreader (5143)
• United States
2 May 07
For some reason I only craved tacos. All of my family was shocked that it wasn't Pancho's tacos, since they had built one in the same shopping center I worked at. Those I did eat for lunch quite often, but the ones I actually craved were the tacos from Jack in the Box. They called them super tacos way back then, but they're called monster tacos now. I don't know what was in it that I craved so much, but they sure were a good snack on my way home from work. mmmmm :)
@Hgateway (204)
• United States
3 May 07
I was craving "french fry"....which no one around me believe that, since I don't eat much fast food. At the time, I tried to limited myself, but can't help to have it sometime. Perhpas that's the reason why my kids love fries...
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@carpenter5 (6782)
• United States
27 Apr 07
This is going to sound really strange to most people. 20 years ago, KFC and Taco Bell were NOT the same restaurant. But they should have been. When I was pregnant with my oldest child, who will be 20 in August, I wanted Taco's from Taco Bell. No where else would do, just Taco Bell. All I wanted on them was meat and cheese. Then, after I ate my 2 taco from taco bell, we would have to go down the street to Kentucky Fried Chicken. My husband would buy me mashed potatoes and gravy. But the weird part of it was, that I wanted the potatoes filled with the little crunchy things off the chicken. I didn't want the meat, just the crunchies. The manager at the KFC by our house would pull the drip pan out from under the chicken racks, and take a spoon and dip the crunchies that had fallen off the pieces above, and put them on top of my potatoes. He let me have as many as I wanted. I still love the crunchy skin better than the meat.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I must say that is one of the strangest things I have ever heard of. :)
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• United States
27 Apr 07
with my first child during the first 4 months of pregnancy i craved spinach constantly, i had bad morning sickness and this seemed to be one of the only things i could really eat good, during the last 3 months i had to have fish fillet sandwiches from mcdonalds. at this time i was in school, my boyfriend would come with mcdonalds lunch for me because he knew my bad cravings lol! my second child i craved more sweets and i was bad for pickles, other than that i really didnt have any cravings, my stomach was weak so if i heard a weird combination of food it wouldnt settle that good, lol :)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Pickles weren't a big thing for me even though everyone told me they would be.
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
27 Apr 07
When I was pregnant I always craved chinese food. I had only had chinese food a couple of times before I got pregnant but for some reason it was the only thing I wanted to eat while I was pregnant. Everyone in my family was sick of chinese food by the time I had the baby.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I wanted to eat Olive Gardens soup and salad a lot. Everyone I knew hated Olive Garden by the end of my pregnancy. I think I spent more money eating out than anyone I know during my pregnancy.
@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
27 Apr 07
i crave something very sour when i was pregnant.If i cant eat them quickly i will be very angry.so my husband was angry too.he would leave me alone. at last ,i have a miscarriage.
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@amoreco (180)
• United States
2 May 07
me too!I hate chicken but now i want some..Mc donald's and taco bell anytime...I am craving salami,mango with salt and sushi (I don't eat cause is not good for pregnancy..)I am crazy about pickles too.
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@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I never really craved anything weird. All I was ever in the mood for though was chicken and chocolate milk. Everything else just sounded so yucky! My nausea went away at 11 weeks, but the feeling of cravings never went away.
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@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
Well, when I was pregnant, I craved for chocolates and fruits. Yeah, my doctor told me that chocolates in not good for the baby but I really, really must have a bite...
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
27 Apr 07
For me I craved different things with each pregnancy. With my oldest, I craved cheese, but it had to be monteray jack cheese, not just any cheese would do. I also craved ice, which they say is a sign of iron deficiency. With my second one, I craved watermelon and pizza, but my iron must have been better because I no longer craved ice, which is weird since my first two pregnancies were really close together. My third pregnancy, I craved meatball hoagies with lots of cheese and mushrooms, and freeze pops, it must have been the ice thing all over again. Oddly, every time I had my iron checked it was always good, so I don't know if the ice thing is true.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
27 Apr 07
with my daughter I craved chocolate,now she hates chocolate. With my son I craved pizza. Now he loves pizza he would eat it every day. I didnt have any of those weird cravings either.
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
27 Apr 07
My first son I wanted fried chicken and rye bread. My second I always wanted sub way. MY hubby said your gonna have to lay off the subs becaue I think the young girl at the sub shop is starting to get afraid of me. I said oh pish posh tell her your wife is pregnant as I pushed him out the door make it a turkey sub extra pickles. He came home and said that she was at ease after he told her. LOL
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