Do you believe in ghost?

April 28, 2007 3:14am CST
Do you believe in ghost? Do you have any first-hand experince with these paranormals? Well, I do not believe in ghost but I happen to experience one. It was 4 months ago. In our school, the door was lock but it was suddenly openned partly them slammed. When we tried to open it, it was lock again. But I do not believe in such paranormals, I would only believe if an apparition was infront of me smiling. (I would not argue for the existence of it.)
9 responses
@zaccheo (74)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
yup. i think its impossible not to believe in them if you have seen them face to face. to see is to believe, though. i know some people that does not believe what their friends says and refuses to acknowledge the existence of ghosts. well, not until they experience it themselves, ahaha
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
kailangan lang nila ng tamang takot, LOL.
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
you bet, just try to scare me and let see.
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
yes, you are definitely right. Skeptics are hard to please with something they haven't experienced yet
@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
28 Apr 07
I see things sometimes, and sometimes they see me. It could all be in my head, but I have had strange experiences I can't explain away :)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
whoa~ that is weird... or maybe being tired can affect the organization of different stimuli that a body receives - well, that's what my friend told me.
1 person likes this
• Singapore
28 Apr 07
Perhaps your friend is right, perhaps I am. It's not something else of us can really prove :) It does expand your horizons though, you start wanting to know more about the things around you, seen or unseen.
@r0131n (357)
28 Apr 07
There seems to be a lot more stories about ghosts in the Philippines than here in England. When I was back there in the province, my grandfather had a lot of ghost experience. I may have experienced one myself with like a sudden cold air brushing against my hand or I suddenly get goosebumps for no reason at all. I am very scared just thinking of it so I'm glad that there are only a few stories that I hear in England. I feel that they don't exist in the Philippines for some reason or another. lol
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
Yes, and some ghost stories are for parental purposes. Like, they tell ghost stories so that children would behave or will not go out at night or something like that. And Philippines is really rich with oral literature, ghost story or not. And it is an archipelago so expect that we have various horror stories from different islands.
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
i haven't seen ghosts really but i have enough experiences to prove that these things exists. there was one time that me and my peers went home late (about 9pm) from a contest. we decided to walk since we have to secure each other's safe return to their houses. finally there were only four of us left and we were then walking in a cemented bridge above a creek. then my friend who was walking next to me said "Kai, don't look back. whatever you do don't look behind you. we are now 5!" after that I felt that there was something or someone following us. we quickened our pace and finally broke out into a run. not until we reached the end of the bridge did we stopped running. after that incident i vowed never to walk in that bridge again during the night
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
yes, I do believe in them because it is written in the bible that they do exist. but if it is not written? I doubt, because I haven't seen one. but dwarves maybe I will believe because I have seen many, I use to play with them when I was still a child.
• India
25 May 07
check tis ghost story 44444444 The Man On The Bench I hope you enjoy it. This happened few years ago in my home town, Driffield, and I remember it was on Valentine's day. Me and my friend, Kerstie, were walking to her house one night. I forget what we were doing, but on the way to her house we had to pass this memorial garden. It has a few flowers, and a bench that faces a monument from the war, it's quite a nice place with a small river. There is a path that runs behind the bench, and this was the path we had chosen that day. It wasn't quite dark and I remember it was around 6pm because there is a church not far from the garden, and the bells struck just before we walked by. We were both quite happily talking away until we came close to the bench. Then we both went silent, and turned to face the bench. It was very strange because we both did this at the exact same time, in mid sentence, and just stared for what seemed like ages. There was a man sat on the bench with his back to us. He seemed to be wearing a rather large coat, with a biggish collar, it was a greenish color, and he had a large bag next to him. I originally thought the bag was a small child huddled on the bench until I realized how large it was. After what seemed like ages, but was most likely a few seconds, we both realized we were staring but we didn't seem to understand why. Then, at the exact same time, we both realized the guy had no visible head (I know it sounds lame but honestly it is true). Kerstie started to scream. She ran across the road and waited for me on the other side. I didn't quite know how to react and just continued to stare in shock. The guy didn't seem phased by Kerstie screaming, and this creeped me out a little. I thought maybe he was leaning forward, and his head just wasn't visible, so I slowly walked round the side of the bench, to see a front view. The whole time, he didn't move an inch. As I got closer, I saw that he wasn't hunched forward... He really didn't have a head... Just a gaping collar with blackness. Yet he had hands, and feet and everything else. He just sat there with his hands on his knees. At this point, fear got the better of me and I ran after Kerstie. As I caught up with her I paused and looked back... The guy was moving his arms... We then ran all the way to her house. When we actually got home, it was the first time we spoke since we went silent and she said to me "You did see that didn't you?" We then talked about the whole experience, and we had both witnessed the same thing... A headless man in green, sat with a bag on a bench. She also said that she thought the bag was a child too... I thought that was kind of odd. We thought maybe it was a guy from the war waiting for his lover, or grieving for a friend lost in the war, but I doubt we will ever know. I know it seems unlikely but this really did happen, and if it wasn't for the fact that Kerstie saw it too, I'd wonder if I really did see it. I have seen other things but this is by far the scariest.
@euqaj18 (252)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
not really but I feel afraid when my friend talks about ghost stories... but I guest experiences could make you believe about something.
@LouisJ (488)
• Turkey
28 Apr 07
yes i believe in ghosts.i never had a experience with ghosts but my mother says she can see them and that our great-grandfather is always watching us,kinda weird but cool.
@divya_222 (117)
• India
28 Apr 07
no i will not beleive ghost......