Beating your children in public!

April 29, 2007 12:47am CST
Yesterday I saw a parent beating the hell out of his 3 year old kid in public. the helpless kid was screaming and shaking at his father's rather large and powerful fist. If any of his blows ever got on me, it would have defiantly left a mark and I am an adult. Imagine what that poor kid was feeling. Tell me, do you ever beat the hell out of your child like that for JUST being naughty? I do believe in a simple slap on the hand or a spank on the butt, but beating your kid, almost to death, is barbaric and would certainly pi$$ the $hit out of me! Have you ever come across something like this? would you walk up and talk to him? What do you think of parents that do that?
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35 responses
@Impervious (1147)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Yet another shining example of why there should be a licence to have kids. Don't get me wrong I have NO problem with giving my kid a good smack in the butt or slap on the hand in public. But Firt of all I would never hit my children with a closed fist. I have to say that given the same situation I would feel compelled to walk up and talkk to him. At least his attention is off the kid.
1 person likes this
29 Apr 07
Sir, you have my respect. Rated positive And best response! A licence to parent is a good idea and will help prevent child and domestic abuse before it starts. Thank you so much for the positive input!
@impaktita (965)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
Wow that's horrible.. I can never imagine myself beating up my son. Maybe I will scold him when he's done wrong things but NEVER beat him up and especially in public where everyone can see! I grew up with an abusive father myself. His way of disipline is to hit us with a belt when we have bad grades or when we do something wrong. Even the smallest mistake like dropping a plate and breaking it will cost us a beating. I've had a phobia on my dad before. One of the reasons why I grew up hating him and ended up being a Rebel. In my opinion, it's okay to teach your kids the right from wrong, but don't handle it physically. children can be taught by using calm and soothing voices (I learned that when I became a part time kindergarden teacher). And parents, just have to be very patient about it.
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@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
29 Apr 07
Hi silver, I definetly dis agree with this kind of carry on, parent or not, thats straight out abuse. If were there I would have reported him to authorities, people like that, dont deserve to have children. These type of people have big issues where they themselves need help
29 Apr 07
Authorities differ from one country to country / culture to culture. They might take him away, but some will not press charges. That's why I think an immediate intervention is good action. For the child's sake.
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
29 Apr 07
For the child's sake? If you were really concerned about the child you would have called authorities.
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
29 Apr 07
I don't think anyone here would admit to abusing their children. I hope that you call the police and child welfare on this father. If he is beating his child in public can you imagine what he would do in public? I would have called the police right there and then.
• India
29 Apr 07
What a comment that was!!!!I cant beleive a mother to behave like this
• Malaysia
29 Apr 07
When I was still a child, my dad usually will beat me up whether it is public or not. No one dare to speak up 4 me, even my relatives too. I hated my father, but when I grown up, I began to understand that he is an ego man, n wud never ashamed to do such things in public to let other to know that he is capable to teach his children. But wat he did is for my own good too, as I think that had make me forget whether I have a stage fright or not. =P But with tat kind of attacks, is consider brutal n wat a good job that u had done! U stopped him from continously beating up his child, n u risk ur own life to help that poor child. In Malaysia, many ppl will ignore things like these if it happened jus in front of them. But if me, I will gather myself n face him like a man! (I am a girl, to be precise) =P
• Malaysia
29 Apr 07
I want to add that, Consider ur child's feeling before beating him up. If he did something wrong punish him accordingly, not abusively. He do not deserve to get hitted like tat. If u r not ready to become a parent, then think twice before having a baby. Do not let ur child become a victim of love. If u r right by beating ur child like tat, then u will get back for wat u had done to him. No matter wat mistakes he had done, he was not born for u to beat him like tat but been brought into this world to know wat this world are like. I hope u guys understand wat I am trying to say. ^^
@student7 (1002)
• United States
29 Apr 07
OK where are the cops when you need them? Did anyone stop to call the police? If it were me, I would walk by the guy casually take a pic of him, follow him to his car and on the way, call the police and take down his license plate, model and make of his car. Apparently, this father has way too much anger to be dealing with his son. I want to know is did anyone call law enforcement or anything or were they like the rest of this society so stupid and not caring for this child's welfare.
29 Apr 07
Well I wouldn't go on doing that at all. As if he would let you. Or maybe I will, that will deter him away from the child. Which is the whole point. to save that kid. Good IDEA!
• Malaysia
29 Apr 07
If u walk toward him to tell him to stop, he will tell u that this is none of ur business. But if u take his pic beating the child, I don think he will be kind enof to let the camera/phone exist. =P
@tiff1496 (570)
• United States
29 Apr 07
That is so sad. Did you think to call the police? I would have. But I would not have talked to him myself. If he will beat his own child, no telling what he would do to someone like me.
29 Apr 07
No. Police wouldn't have arrived in time. The closest security person was . . . wait, I dont' think there were any around. lol I do understand that it's not an easy thing to do. But to get him to stop beating up that kid would be of HIGH importance. I swear to God, I was pi$$ed off like you wouldn't believe. The only thing I could tell him was, "How dare you do this to your child? He is just a little kid!" and he just simply replied, "Mind your own business. He is my son!" Then other people gathered around.
• Saudi Arabia
29 Apr 07
Hi friend What would i think of parents like that ? They need to be educated and also at the same time stopped somehow either by law or by someone the parents may listen to. What would i do ?? Well if he is someone i know, i may speak with him about it. If he is not, i will see coz it all depends on the situation, time and place. If he is gonna really hurt the kid like that i may call the police or other people 2 cool him down In your story, that guy is sick and not only did he cause a physical damage to the kid but he also caused psychological damage that'll be there for years or as long as the kid lives. Damn.
29 Apr 07
You should have seen that S.O.B. He was totally out of bloody control. Literally a ranging BULL! Lack of education is one thing. Having no mercy is another. I wonder if he's this way with his wife too. Shame.
• Saudi Arabia
29 Apr 07
Oh.. I hate it when parents beat their children.. and the problem is not about beating them in public, kids shouldn't be beaten even at home.. As you said they are too little to handle being beaten... If I saw a parent beating his/her child, I will tell him/her to stop only if I know them :'( Sometimes parents think their children will learn the lesson faster if they beaten them, this is not true.. I think kids do understand right from wrong by talking to them the same way we talk to adults
29 Apr 07
"IF" you knew them? I think the whole general atitude should be "I would stop this with EVERYONE". Wouldn't you stop a murder or crime when you see it? I would. I think beating children up would not teach them anything cept feeling NUMB and grow hatred for theie parents. A little tap or spank should be used WISELY and SELDOMLY. As the kid would know he done a biggie biggie.
@stevevai (56)
• India
29 Apr 07
if i were 2 beat a child i wodnt.beatin any1 in public humiliates d if i come acros such people i wod definitly advice dem not 2 beat d hel ota their children
29 Apr 07
How would you walk up and say not to from someone from a traditional society? You would probably get the same answer I got. "MIND YOU OWN BUSINESS, THIS IS MY CHILD!!"
• United States
29 Apr 07
I've seen this kind of abuse before and it hurts to see a child suffer that way. To be honest I'd be afraid to tell the parent to stop but I would ask for help close by. I mean to be that is abuse, and it should not be done. I don't believe in hitting a child. I don't have kids but I've taken care of my nieces and nephews to know enough about them. Hitting is wrong, especially in public.
29 Apr 07
I understand where u're coming from about not walking up to him direct. It's a difficult thing to do. Imagine that all of the people around you thought the same. Will you let that child suffer? Apathy is not a good thing. "sometimes"
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
That's tantamount to child abuse.. . If I see something like that, it is better to call for the proper authorities like the DSSWD or the police. And to do that in public? How much more if the poor kids are alone with him, the father? Could be worse than that. . Parents should be humble enough to admit that they also have their own hang ups and emotional baggages, and that they should never vent them on their children. That's what usually happens. Adults who were abused as children are more likely to be abusive to kids themselves when they grow up. It's a cycle of violence, and if authorities can't stop them, who would?
29 Apr 07
We could. We're just not "omni-present" & that's a shame. Some parents think that they "own" their children & they think they have all the right to do whatever they want. Another "few" take out the stress of the married life on them. In some countries, parents don't get charged or jailed for even killing their own children. I just feel sorry that we can't do anything when required, as the right moment. I feel sorry for the whole family as well if that parent is always in a bad mood. God help them.
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
that is a wrong way of diciplinary action in a child, if i saw that man doing that i may spanked him straight in his face...
29 Apr 07
I tottally agree. Beating up a child in that inhumane way is not dicipline, only abuse. And I tottally agree with you, punch first, save the kid. Talk later!!
@lmccom10 (76)
• Australia
29 Apr 07
As a nanny and someone involved with UNICEF it kind of disturbes me when I see it, thankfully even just out and about I don't see it too much and even as a kid I didn't get hit in public. I remember being at a childcare centre not to long ago when I saw a mother smacking her daughter when they were in the parking lot to leave, you cannot do anything because technically she parked on 'public grounds' but none the less horrifying (I was actually walking up to her to say something but she drove off like a bat out of hell).
29 Apr 07
Public Ground? Is it that restrictive, or is it because of you had no jurisdiction? Sorry, I'm a little bit confused. But hat was pretty noble of you, just to feel compelled. And it's a noble thing what you're doing.
@nandans (1160)
• India
30 Apr 07
Thats very ridiculous beating a small kid in front of the crowd..
@lissaj (532)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I do think that if I saw that, I would have been on the phone to 911. That is just ridiculous. If I could have gotten over there, I would have been in between that kid and the parent. I don't believe in hitting a child, I have smacked a hand or two, but never beyond that, and my children are very well behaved. You don't have to hit your kids, if you teach them the correct way from a very young age. I hope that parent was reported to CPS. There is nothing that child could have done to deserve a beating like that.
@pclife (246)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 07
How dare mother doing like that... it will degrade child self esteem....
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I think i would whip out my cell phone and take video of the man beating his child then report it to a news station to air on the air so everyone can see what a barbaric guy this was. I never had to hit my children Not even a swat. There are other ways of discipline. That guy would definitely know I was not happy with his actions.
@fredgame (1260)
• China
30 Apr 07
I think as a teacher, the medium of awareness to parents on such issues is to have most of the kindergartens and elementary school teachers have regular meetings with parents on how to handle children since they learn sypchology and can share with parents. I've witnessed such incidents before and some parents when the child tries to resist the beatings, she/he throws the child away. A child lost an eye due to such. i feel bad witnessing such things.
@juntoboy (612)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 07
if you are a good parents you will talk to him