Mother VS Wife... whome u LOVE more ?

@engrzia (1020)
South Korea
October 21, 2006 11:58am CST
Whome u love more and who u think is more important for you....:) (TELL truely. dont worry urs wife and mom will not know urs comment)
16 responses
• United States
21 Oct 06
Why is it that you think we have to love one more than the other? A man loves his mother in one way, and his wife in another way. The amount of love he has for each can be the same, although each one is loved differently than the other? I am engaged, not yet married, but soon to be. However, I can say that my love for each IS in a different way. But what it all boils down to is that I could not bear to be without my wife-to-be.
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
Positive thinking .... thanks.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Oct 06
You're welcome!
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
2 Nov 06
• India
21 Oct 06
I think there is no comparison in the love towards ur wife and ur mother both being totally different....when u r a kid ur mother is the most important person in ur life and as u grow up ur love for her does not get low...but infact u get busy in other things and ur u dont spend too much of time with her....then comes ur wife with whom u start falling in love as u spend lot of time with this moment tooo ur mom's love is the same as it was before but it is that u now u have to take care of another important relationship..thats marriage i think we can equally love both the important ladies behind us and try to maintain a balance between our realtionships....
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
thanks for comment. ... although is it difficult to maintain balance . one can do so or have to be diplomatic sometime. ?
• India
22 Oct 06
May be u r right...but its not tht difficult either...i have many examples in front of me...
@ahmar2 (682)
• Pakistan
22 Oct 06
Surely its my mom..I love her more than anyone else
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
22 Oct 06
Thats nice.... and thats where ISLAM placed the MOTHER, at the top of all the human relations.
@xxtreme (592)
• India
23 Oct 06
I respect my mom and love my girl the most
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
23 Oct 06
You can love her as well. Get idea from previous comments and enjoy a more loving relations :).
@exodamus (1625)
• India
21 Oct 06
By asking a person this qustion we area creating a confusion in hi. Where is the question of compition between mothr and wife.Mother is alsways a mothre. No one can replacae her. At the same time you havae brought a wife to your place. she is the future of the house. Mother cannot take th eplace of wife. so evry person has a placae in the cycle of life.No one is superior or inferior.
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
I agree totally with you. So discussion is going fine and converging. Thats why i have not gave direction to the point in start by giving my opinion....
@exodamus (1625)
• India
22 Oct 06
please give ur opinion also.
@redlynn (320)
• China
21 Oct 06
I love my mum,also love my girlfriend,for i don't married.i love them in different ways. my girlfriend says that i should put my mum at the first position,and then is one can instead of mum,because she give us life. i love my mum,so i give her a call everyday.and i love my girlfriend,so i kiss her every morning.
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
You r right.Imp thing is that wife understand yours love with yours mother.
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
You r right.Imp thing is that wife understand yours love with yours mother.
@nickel1191 (2790)
• India
21 Oct 06
Im still i love my mother....and even after marriage i will continue loving my mother like ever...
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
academically yours comment is perfect. LET c after marriage in practical life :P... i wish u keep loving both in a balance rather diplomatic way :)
@vipul20044 (5794)
• India
21 Oct 06
Well you have to give priorities to life. It isnt that you can give equal love to everyone thats obvious that one a new person pops up in your life you tend to love her/him more For example, Before you were born your mom loved your father more and when you were born the attention and love was diverted more to you Thats too obvious that once you are married , u divert your love to your wife and once you have children, the love gets diverted to them So its important to set priorities just thinking not to hurt anyone! Thats how it is There is no loving more or less it just gets diverted
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
well so love can be up n down but the poing is KEEP loving
@ansarkhan (2426)
• Pakistan
23 Oct 06
21 Oct 06
I'm female but I will answer whether I love my husband or my mum more and I would have to say that I love my husband more. At the end of the day I have chosen my husband I never chose my mother. I know that sounds horrible but I just find the type of love I share with my husband is 10x purer and more real than that which I share with my mother. I guess it also depends a lot on the sort of relationship you have with each of them.
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
I do agree last senetese of yours comment.
@easy123 (1484)
• India
21 Oct 06
i am first important my mother than my fathar than my wife
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
Urs clearcut hierarchy is REASONABLE... Love can be slightly less or more but important is to LOVE.
@kutchi (12320)
• Pakistan
21 Oct 06
Ofcorse mother and she is more important for me
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
Thats nice... keep loving both and tell yours wife friendly hey i love you TOOO much :P BUT.... even more to my MOTHER yumm... :)
@w1ssam (489)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
21 Oct 06
My mother then my wife, if my mother tells me to leave my wife who I will love so much, I will leave mum ...
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
yumm yours thinking.. right.
@disturbedgd (1819)
• South Africa
21 Oct 06
i would love them equaly some people say there is nothing like a mother's love
@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
21 Oct 06
some says such probably because no question about mothers love for their children. BUT in real life how many people give due weightage to moms love once they get married and may be emotionally involved more in wife.
@ransome (276)
• Nigeria
21 Oct 06
• India
23 Oct 06
In mother's Vc Wife. Both are different and both loves are also different. You love ur mother in different way and u love ur wife in different way. Something is shareable with ur wife and which is not possible with ur wife. and finally both love is different according to my mother is most important. bcoz in ur life mother come first then ur wife.