Pandesal Today: Does eating it help a lot with nutririon?

May 2, 2007 5:57pm CST
Today our pandesal is getting more and more smaller. The contents of a 2 pesose pandesal is like air that when you bite it you cant expect that much. There Pugon de Pandesal, etc. which sells pandesal for 20 pesos(large) and 10 pses(small) and if you eat it you can really taste its inside. And so you can easily compare each other. So would you still care to buy a nutritious but expensive pandesal? OR You would go with the cheap but crappy pandesal? OR You won't buy at all?
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14 responses
• Philippines
3 May 07
i remember that the pan de sal that i used to eat were very big and just two pieces of it will sustain me for the morning part of my school. i did not eat pan de sal for quite some years and i was totally surprised when i saw it's new look. i remember my reaction then was 'ito na yun?!' i think it's not worth our money any more to buy those pan de sal which even at 20 pesos worth cannot fill our family's stomach.
• Philippines
3 May 07
Also Got that reaction when I saw its new look!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
23 Jul 12
I would always care to eat wholewheat but never would I care to buy any other kind o ordinary pandesal. If bread is made of bleached wheat it is not at all healthy. So whether it be pandesal, tasty or what ever, if it is not wholewheat it is certainly not at all nutritious and not worth eating.
• Philippines
4 May 07
Certainly, if I am the one buying, I would prefer a nutritious expensive pan de sal than the cheap ordinary ones. I have never been a fan of pan de sal though. I hate the crumbs that you get in your hands when you hold it. My favorite is sliced bread, of which there are many varieties now that you can eat even without sandwich spread. Even then, I don't usually eat breakfast. In fact, I don't eat the same kind everyday. One morning (if ever I take breakfasts, that is) I have cereals, the next I will go for yoghurt or occasionally, I eat fried rice with sunny side up eggs. One of my sisters love pan de sal for breakfast and for snacks. It is good that we live near a place where we can avail of a hot pan de sal with a local bakery that do not serve shrinked or pan de sal with shortchanged ingredients. I think it depends on the bakery that sells them.
• Canada
3 May 07
Well since it is part of our daily lives and I have eaten it almost everyday since I was 5 years old. I don't see anything in it that is harmful. Although it is made up the same as white bread and health freaks don't eat white bread. They say whole wheat bread is the best if you want to stay healthy. But of course it doesn't taste like pandesal. I love it with butter or cream cheese.
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
3 May 07
I see, what we have here is of only 2pesos pandesal. It tastes ok and good enough.
@leechamp (186)
• Philippines
24 Jul 07
Hey, try, pan de sal made by merced bake shop...smiles...its real tasty...
@tholitz (1127)
• Philippines
3 May 07
It would have been good if we can buy the expensive and nutritious one. But usually this are only available in the supermarket or far away places. Buying cheap "pandesal" in a nearby bakery or delivery boy (usually every morning riding in a bicycle) is more convenient and easy thing to do. Just put a nice topping or favorite spread (mine is with a chili sardines) and its ready to eat.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
3 May 07
I love eating both the expensive ones and the cheap ones. That has been my breakfast habit I used to loved every breakfast time. I love the taste and everything on it. But its very different now that prices are going up. It has shrunked significantly already and eating one piece is just not enough to satisfy my hunger.
@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
2 May 07
Defintely, the pandesal bread of today is not the same as before. Nobody could ever get feel full with a P10 worth of pandesal these days. I think it is time to think some alternative to this. Just like you, I used to eat pandesal before but not now anymore as I think it is just a waste of money. I better eat directly a breakfast. Pandesal has become a symbol of our shrinking national economy and to this way there is no way for that pandesal to get to its former glory.
• Philippines
3 May 07
true, either the price goes high... to get the same size and quality... or maintain the price but forsake either the size or the quality or both. i still get to enjoy pandesal. by the way, i'm not promoting this pandesal but i just wanna share to all: a few months ago, we were able to discover a place in marikina city that sells nutritious, delicious, humungous pandesal for a very reasonable price of 4 pesos each. 1 piece makes you full already. no kidding. this is pan americano. their pandesal is a 2005 awardee. it's not just air inside, it's filled to the last bite. :)
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
3 May 07
My friend introduced me pandesal. I loved it. I don't know whats the real pandesal like as its not very comon here. can anyone give me the real recipe for pandesal.
@Chadanne (253)
• Philippines
3 May 07
Pan de sal has been around for quite a long tome. I still remember when I was a kid, I used to wait for the pan de sal bicycle that passes to our house. My day is not complete without it. I love to eat it especially with butter. But as I observed, time passes by and the pan de sals becomes smaller and smaller. I think the shrinking of our favorite pan de sal is a symbol of the growing poverty here in the country that even a piece of bread shrinks along with our economy.
@joice86 (1078)
• Philippines
3 May 07
Yes, pandesal now a days is no longer the one that we used to have before. They became expensive with less flavor and content in it. But im still happy that here in our place, we have this hot pandesal which is still one peso and it is still delicious.
@jep2874 (26)
• Philippines
3 May 07
well i still prefer the cheap one, why because you can easily find cheap pandesal in every bakery around your house. while the pugon de pandesal etc. you have to commute to find one hehehe.