Smokers: Do you smoke in your bedroom?

@breepeace (3014)
May 6, 2007 12:08pm CST
This year I will have been smoking since for 10 years. I used to smoke in my bedroom for the first 7 of those years, but in the 3 years I've lived in my current house I've never smoked in either of the two bedrooms I've had (when my ex roommate moved out, I moved into his room as it was in the basement and cooler). My parents both smoke in their room at their house, and I hate sleeping in their room since it always smells musty and dirty, even though by all other accounts, their room is always very neat and clean. I hate the smell of stale cigarette smoke first thing in the morning, and I noticed that it's really difficult to get the smell of cigarette smoke out of a mattress and duvets. I've aired them, steam cleaned the mattress, sprayed room spray and air freshener on them but even after 3 years, it still smells faintly. I don't think I'll ever smoke in my bedroom again, and I've never allowed anyone else to, either. So what about the rest of the smokers on MyLot. Do you smoke in your bedroom? Or is it strictly a smoke-free zone, like mine?
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17 responses
@sidyboy (284)
• United States
6 May 07
I don't have a smoke free zone- I pretty much smoke wherever I want at home. Now I don't sit in my bedroom and chain-smoke or anything, but I do smoke while I'm getting ready for work in the morning. I do have an air purifier in the bedroom which does help, and when it's nice out I have the window open, and have never noticed a bad smoky smell in there. My ex-idiot has never smoked in his life and hates smoking and he never could smell it. A few years into our relationship he wanted me to quit smoking, but I just switched to menthol and he couldn't tell I smoked unless I just had a cig. I always found that to be very strange, but I "got away" with it for years lol
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 May 07
Well when I lived in a dorm that was the only place to smoke, was in my room. It was a private room and the only place to really sit was the bed. For the most part though when living in apartments or homes no I didn't smoke in the bedrooms as a general rule. I did occassionaly but for the most part I didn't. The reason for it was safety. I've seen too many people who will lay in bed to smoke and watch tv and before you know they have fallen asleep. It's too easy for a fire to get started then. So I avoid smoking in there. It's not due to smell because I find if you wash things regularly the smell comes right out.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
7 May 07
We allow smoking only in one room in our house, and even then when the weather is nice we only smoke outside. Frankly, all of us smokers, shouldn't smoke at all...
@Bizziebod (3497)
7 May 07
Hi, It's a very rare occasion that I smoke in my bedroom, the only time I will do it is if I need to take a private call, then I'll take my ciggies in there but otherwise no I don't.
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@tomatoe39 (298)
• United States
7 May 07
I do not smoke but my husband does and he does not smoke in the house at all..goes outside to smoke
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
7 May 07
I'm not smoking all my life. Just wanna share you that when we're in Dallas for two years for the company I'm working with sent me and my family to work there. My youngest sister is living in Houston with our parents. They're both retired already here in the Philippines. They're not smoking before when they're still living here. Just wondering why when we visited them, our kids told me that their grandma and grandpa were smoking inside their room. My sister doesn't want them to smoke in their room. Till one night when she arrived from work she saw them doing it. She was so mad for she has two little kids. From then on, they're doing it outside already.
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
7 May 07
We strickly smoke outside at our house. We have two children that are prone to breathing problems and choose not to have them around it. Plus, I can not stand the smell of smoke in the house or on our clothing and such. My friend and her husband smoke in their house around their 3 children....and if you just got to smell those kids....I dont think you would ever smoke around yours again.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
7 May 07
i dont smoke, but my mother does, but she has never smoked in her bedroom, and anyone that stays here they either smoke in lounge room or go outside. thats just the rules in my parents house.
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@nhoj05 (49)
• Philippines
7 May 07
honestly, it is your discretion. It is your room anyway but just remember that smoking is bad to your health
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
7 May 07
We have always smoked everywhere in all the rental houses we had, i guess it was because it was only ever the 2 of us & since we're both smokers it didn't really matter. When we bought this house 3 years ago we decided that since it was owned, we'd never smoke in it & we haven't smoked in it yet - now we have a baby we definitely wont smoke inside. We also don't smoke in the cars when the baby is in there - occasionally we do when she's not in there but whether she is or isn't - my good care never gets smoked in, i bought it new & it still smells new, 4 years later. I think my daughter is healthier for it too!
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
6 May 07
I used to live in a smoking house. There were three of us out of 4 that smoked. (my poor mom was the only non-smoker). When I had my son he was born and had a lot of health issues (I wasn't even supposed to be able to give birth). We decided that from then on the house and the cars would be non-smoking. And they have been. There isn't even a designated smoking room because the toxins do travel. If we want a smoke we now stand outside or if its raining you can go to the woodshed or barn. I agere with you that smoke does stink and is very hard to get out of things. Now our house smells cleaner and looks cleaner. You will not believe the smoke stains that I have scrubbed from off the walls, yes the walls! There are no more ashtrays to worry about emptying and cleaning or dropping and creating mess. And we all have better lungs!
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@gemille (12)
• Philippines
6 May 07
when i was in highschool.i smoke in my bedroom because i won't let my parents to me smoke. i sprayed i lot of air freshiner to hide the smell..:)
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• United States
6 May 07
I don't smoke. This sounds stupid, but I have cats that spend their lives sleeping on my bed, and I don't want to bother them with the stench 8D I usually go out for a smoke, or smoke out the window.
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• Philippines
7 May 07
i used to smoke in my bedroom way back in college but when my parents found out that i'm a smoker, we started smoking altogether in the garden.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
7 May 07
eeewwww. I am a smoker and I dont even smoke in my house let alone in the bedroom, I couldnt think of anything worse. I couldnt even imagine the smell that would reek from a bedroom and you could never get that smell out (yuk). No definantly not.
@anirai (12)
• India
7 May 07
It is not just bedroom. I do not smoke anywhere
@anubiz (43)
• Philippines
7 May 07
WEee iam proud that iam not a smoker hihihihihi i hate smoking it gives you bad breath :(