Iraq War

@bobmnu (8157)
United States
May 6, 2007 4:10pm CST
I wrote to my Senators and Congressman, from Wisconsin, several weeks ago and finally received a letter back from Senator Kohl. In my letter Iexpressed concern over the troop funding and troop withdrawl. I wanted a clean bill on troop funding and a seperate one on troop withdrawl. In his letter to me Senator Kohl told me that the last election was only about getting the troops out of Iraq and ending the war. Senator Finegold was not up for relectiona dn I did not hear much from him other than to impeach the president. Senator Kohl was up for relection and I hear a lot about how bad President Bush was and how we needed to clean up the corruption in Washington with the Republicans. Congressman David Obey talked about Electing Democratics to end the corruption and he could get an important committee chairmanship and help Wisconsin get its share of the money out of Washington. Were there candidates talking about a troop withdrawal who were up for relection? Or because the libveral media has said, post election, this was the issue and the will of the people does that make it true?
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2 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 May 07
The last election was a lot like Global Warming... it was apparently all things to all people. There were only a few Senators and Housemembers who ran on getting out of Iraq, but all sorts are jumping on that bandwagon lately. The thing is, Congress could end this war whenever they want to. All they have to do is defund it. Since they have no interest in ending it anytime soon, they don't. They won't end it at all until they can end it making it look like it was Prs. Bush's fault. That's why they voted to fund the war, but put so much extra crap in it, Prs. Bush had to veto it. The democrats in the House and Senate are cowards. Not only won't they stand up to terrorists, but they don't even have the spine to stand up to the president. They have no ideas, no plans, no nothing. They are pathetic.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
7 May 07
For the Democrats to to defund the war would require them to take a stand on an issue and accept responsiblity for the decision. I hope that people realize that the Democrats are the party of objection and does not have any plan or idea of what they are doing or how to use thier power to help anyone but them self.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 May 07
I think they were hoping after this last election that many people would just put on the rose colored glasses and say "oh, look, the dems are in now, everythings gonna be ok", and they wouldn't actualy have to do anything. Well, democrats, your in, NOW WHAT? I see it this way. they have another year and a half to prove something and then the gig is up. Truth is they have no solid plans, nothing feasable anyway, other than to enact a bunch of feel good legislation, non binding bills and wasted weeks on a piece of legislation that the president said he would veto before they ever even started debate. Election 2008 is going to be a very interesting year indeed.