Jobs You Hate: Should You Stay Or Go?

@wachit14 (3595)
United States
May 8, 2007 8:13am CST
I'm leaving a job I hate and I can't wait for it to be over. I'm back at school two nights a week and hope to embark on a new career very soon. I have to ask though, if you had a job you hated, but was bringing you a decent paycheck regularly, would you stay to keep the money coming in or leave for the unknown in the hopes you will find something that you enjoy doing and that is satisfying in other ways?
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9 responses
@creb11 (416)
• China
9 May 07
I think you should think about lots of things,when you leave your job you should face lots of problems,do you think you can manage these.If you can then do what you want to do,if you can not maybe you should drop the idear.
• India
9 May 07
see...if i would be at your condition ..first i would try to resist the situation but if if really heart not allows i will leave...its nothing good to spend a sad life having money..its better to search a good one..even have to suffer crisi for little time...see.. slow and steady wins the race..and may be if you are waiting..,you will be getting a good job..which you really love to do just wait and watch and keep searching even if you are doing that job or leaving the job..keep your search on always for a better opportunity...
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
8 May 07
If you hate then why stay and look for another one.
@lucy67 (819)
• China
8 May 07
i will stay to keep the money coming but at the same time i will try to find if i can find a better job. i will not quit the old job before i find a new one no matter how i hate it.
@barlow662 (279)
• United States
8 May 07
I guess that would depend on if there is someone else in your home that has a stable income. I recently left my (very good paying) job to stay at home and work. It has been a bit of a financial struggle, but we are managing. My business has began to pick up quite a bit, so things are getting better. I'm not even close to where I want to be with my home business, but I have found extra ways to make up for what I am lacking. If you are the only one bringing income into the home, I would suggest that you stay where you are until you have found something else. Depending on the area where you live, jobs are getting harder to come by these days. I can tell ya that I have done administrative jobs in the past and everytime that there is one listed in the newspaper or online, people flock to it. I applied for a position with a small company a while ago, during my interview I was told that there were 176 applicants that applied for the same position. I was offered the position, but the pay was pathetic, so I refused the offer...I can make more money online in 4 hours than what they were offering for 8 hours of work.
@acmepride (1546)
• United States
9 May 07
I think life is too short to waste it on something that you do not truly fully enjoy. However, as some of those who've initially responded said, I agree that if you're current job is the only stable source of income for you, and it is the sole source of your daily subsistence, then, for survival's sake, stay in the meantime, and, if you're financial situation gradually improves overtime, and you can already leave such job, then wholeheartedly do so. I hope you'll find the happiness you're yearning for in the new career that you plan to embark on. Good luck!
• United States
8 May 07
I would stay to keep the money coming in but I would also focus on looking for another job that would make me happy. Your job is a big part of your life you should at least enjoy it
8 May 07
It's a tough decision to make hun. If you are in a job you hate, and you have the chance to get a better job, then it's worth going for. However, you need to balance your income with the uncertainty while you find another job.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
8 May 07
Hello,wachit,it depends,if i cannot survive without that job,i will stay in the job even i am not happy with it, i will have no choice in this case,if i can still support myself with another job which pay me lower,I will quit the current job, in this case,i hope i will find other jobs or something i can really enjoy doing later. Good luck.