do u really believe that there is life beyond earth!!

@Viralg (66)
May 10, 2007 8:35am CST
Earth is da best planet which inhabitates n number of ppl it is da best cus all da conditions favourable for a life are already avilable but it has been recentle found ther there may b lofe on sum planet in other star system as our solar system but do u think this asumption is true cus it has just been predicted not been prooved!!! DO u reeally think it is possible if it is... then da alieans would b much more advanced thn us dont u think?????? thn y cant they contact with us!!!!
3 responses
@murciaman (441)
7 Jun 07
YES yes and double yes...of course there is life out there is the universe...think about the math..... how many stars are there in the universe? How many planets are there orbitting those stars?..scinetists have come up with a rough estimate of 100 million stars in ONE galaxy.... there are something like 300 BILLION galaxies in the universe based on the size and the mass of the universe( which has been calculated by scientists)based on that alone there must be many many planets with similar conditions to ours that would support life .... the one constant in life is carbon..this is the one organic element that is necessary for life and is abundant in the universe...anyone that say there is no other life out there has the intelligence of a pea......becaue our lifespan is so microscopic in terms of the age of the universe .. the chances of us coming across other life forms are we have to take into account the lifespamn of the stars...our sun will be gone in 5 billion years.. ill take a bet that we will be gone tooo... there is no intelligence out there much greater than ours simply becasue it takes too long to evolve before the natural disasters of the univeerse would wipe any species out... my friends we are on borrowed time .. so make the most of it...thats my philosophy anyways...
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
4 Jun 07
I'd like to think aliens would be more advanced than us. Or at least that they'll be able to type in a more understandable manner ;) You ask why these advanced and obviously superior aliens haven't contacted us, but quite frankly I'm wondering why they should. Sure, earth has very favourable conditions for all life to exist, but we human beings are slowly but surely destroying everything that's worth living for. We're wiping out animal and plant species as I write this, why would aliens want to come into contact with such a destructive race of people? Having said that, what makes you think they haven't already come in contact with us. You must have heard about all the UFO sightings, what's your opinion on that? There's more to this universe of ours, lots more. I can very easily believe that there is life on that planet, just as much as there's probably another copy of our Milky Way out there with a planet very much like ours and with life like ours. I think it's a marvelous idea and do hope that it's true. Being alone in the universe really isn't much fun, don't you think? :)
1 person likes this
• India
5 Jun 07
yaa i believe in this concept which has become the fact.people have gone on moon and stayed over there.They proved it also i suppose.It relly feels good to listen to these things.As far as aliens are concerned they had a visit to our earth,i heard such stuff may they would at the time when we will be in environmental crises..