Deep Thoughts.

@Chryssi (828)
United States
May 10, 2007 12:43pm CST
~Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath we use, the bubbles are always white? ~Is there ever a day when mattresses are NOT on sale? ~Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator in hopes that something new has materialized? ~Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down to pick it up and examine it, only to put it back down to give their vacuum one more chance? ~How do those dead bugs end up in light fixtures? ~Considering all the lint you get in your dryer, if you kept drying your clothes, would they eventually disappear? ~Why is it, that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table, you always manage to knock something else off? ~If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? ~If swimming is such good exercise, why are whales so fat? ~If a person told you they were a pathological liar, would you believe them? ~Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, while dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons? ~If Jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why is there a song about it? ~Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on? ~If the professor on Gilligan's island can make a radio out of coconuts, why can't he fix the hole on the boat? ~Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" when afterward, it doesn't work anymore? ~How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges? ~If the black box flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole plane made out of that stuff? ~Why do banks leave both doors open, yet they chain pens to the countertops? ~Why do people order a double cheeseburger, large fries, and a DIET soda?
1 person likes this
2 responses
• Canada
17 May 07
Wow. Very deep thoughts. Who knows if they'll ever be solved~
@Chryssi (828)
• United States
18 May 07
lol.. I doubt they'll ever be solved. Just as well, because some things in life are better left unsaid. Thanks for your response. =)
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
10 May 07
Let you thoughts never end. However curiosity beyond limits is not advisable.. Haven't you learned: Curiosity , it kills the cat.
@Chryssi (828)
• United States
10 May 07
Yes, I have heard that. But, I'm curious and inquisitive by nature. Thank you for your response.