Second Life can became real Life?

May 14, 2007 5:47pm CST
Now a days there is a lot of technologies that allow you to stay at home and earn money, study, work at no office. And Second life is almos doing something like that, but is it possible that someday it take over life it self and reduce the human contact? I hope note. but it's possiblem, don't you think?
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3 responses
@Ephylyos (154)
14 May 07
I tried Second Life, and i found that quite boring to be honest, there is nothing better than a real life, not virtual !
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• Brazil
14 May 07
I've never tryied it before, but i've heard good and bad things about it, and some people are making they life over there. earning almost 1,000 dolars month, and sometimes even more. i don't belive it will go over the real life either. Thanks for your comment.
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• Australia
14 May 07
Let me know if you do go in I will give you some landmarks to all kinds of free things if you give me your av name =).
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@Ephylyos (154)
14 May 07
I personally deleted the software from the pc !! But i hope you enjoy it !!!
@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
14 May 07
I've played SL for over a year. When you first get into it, I'd say the first 6 months it can ALMOST replace real life socializing, especially if you start making friends and creating items or end up in the naughtier parts of the game. For myself and most of the people I know that play it it loses a bit of its charm after you've had to weather the countless bugs Linden Labs likes to introduce to the world. I still find it a lot of fun. I just spent 4 hours in it as a matter of fact, but the person above is right. It couldn't replace real life. Not in the long term especially.
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• Australia
15 May 07
It's worth giving it a try since it's free unless you want to spend money to buy some things. I think with your attitude towards not getting too addicted you would get on fine. I have actually drastically improved my skills in Photoshop because of SL. It can be played so many different ways. Some people roleplay and make families others just come in and build while quite a few people even just go to welcome areas and chat and do goofy things. It's not a very limited place.
• Brazil
14 May 07
Uow, you hang in ther for hole 4 hours? my god, it might be really nice. i've never played it before, but for what people told me i'm not really interested in it. i rather real live then a virtual one. phisical contact to me is everything. i belive that being a parto of the virtual life is cool, but there is a lot of nicer things that can get you busy instead of the internet, virtual word.
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@TeamGDI (23)
14 May 07
I do work from home, not just online, but my own business. I find whilst it can dominate your life and time sometimes it can also make your life a bit more flexible. The ultimate target is to be making enough money so I can live comfortably and in fact spend more time with family and friends. People need people! I for one could not lock myself away day after day and not see anyone. MyLot is actually helping to bring the world together in it's own way, if you think about it, not all contact has to be physical, whilst we may not be meeting face to face it has brought a global community to me via my PC! So I have my friends that I meet up with and a growing group of friends that I have meet here at MyLot!
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• Brazil
14 May 07
Well, working at home has its pros and cons. like you can do whatever you want to, and sometimes you may leave the work to do some other time. you may be discipline enought to work at home. as i said, it has it benefits. The better part of myLot and Second life is the worldwide communication. Thanks for the comment.