Do You Print Your Digital photos?

@mivarg (277)
May 15, 2007 5:18pm CST
I think the old kind of photography was better, where you took prints of all the pictures you took. Now I can take arounf 100 pictures at a time in my digicam, and I see them on my computer screen, but don't bother to take prints. The value of the photos we take have diminished this way I guess. When there are too many photos, we find it very difficult to categorise them, take prints and arrange them beautifully in an album. I am a person who loved to look at the pictures in our family albums. Now, I am becoming so lazy to collect and preserve pictures for posterity. I am seriouys about the snaps I take, and I need to organise and save them. So, I guess I must slow down a bit, and take a lesser number of pictures and spend some quality time to print some of them. What do you feel about this? Do you feel the same predicament, or are you happier in every way with what digicams promise you?
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24 responses
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
16 May 07
You must learn to keep only the best. I keep maybe 1 in 10 of the pictures I take. And most of the ones that I take are cropped and edited for best effect. Just because you took the picture, it does not mean it is worth keeping. If you have 30 pictures of your kids at the beach...keep only the best. It will make organizing them so much easier. The advantage of digital photography is that there is no cost in taking a crummy picture, so take a lot and keep a few.
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@ashjoe76 (1422)
• India
15 May 07
yes, I have just realised that I had not taken print outs of the photos I take in my digicam for a while. I am very meticulour about categorising them based on their theme, significance or chrono logical order. But I just keep them in my hard disk and back up Cds. It would be a good idea to take print outs of the really worthy ones, as we may be able to glance at them more often. I have both a digicam and an old film camera. I use both, depending on the circumstances. Digicams let you take more pictures at a very low cost, so i prefer using them when I am experimenting.
@mr_ilham (1608)
• Indonesia
16 May 07
sometimes i print my photos but not all just best picture thank you
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
15 May 07
Awesome Art Sculpture - This was taken at The Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis Minnesota USA. I have made a few prints for some friends that loved it.
You're not really serious about your digital photos then if this is happening. I love my Canon A540 digital camera taking it everywhere I go for those special moments. I print quite a few from them also. The photo paer gets exspensive but cheaper than old film processing. As far as ornizing them. Use Windows and make seperate folders for the photos. I have, Family, Friends, Nature, Animals, Outdoors, Buildings. and a lot more. After I upload them to mu computer I then go through them sorting them out just like when we would place them in photo albums. Some people have just gotten too lazy with this digital age as far as the photos etc go. Thanks and have a great day/evening. Attatched is a sample of one photo that I've had friends requesting a copy. So I made copies frok my printer on 4 x 6 photo paper. They love it too. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
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• Philippines
16 May 07
i have sony dig cam. Most of the photos I,ve shoot were apploaded in my laptop.
• United States
16 May 07
yes i do some times .....but when i dont have a mood i dont do it ....i dont knew why :) family also insists me to make them printable .....but they look ok ...not too diminished or not to bad looking when printed its better one make the film and convert it into a photograph far as i am concerened i some times do this some times not !! ...
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@gberlin (3836)
18 May 07
I like it that I can print out any picture at any size. I like it that I can save my photos on my computer. They do have computer programs that allow you to make a photo album where you can turn the pages, etc. just like a real album.
• United States
16 May 07
I mostly use my digital camera to take photos for use online. But, I have printed them out. I have a great photo printer. But, when I print them out, it's usually because of a project. I also use film, but the problem I have is that I don't know how the photos are going to look unless I have the film developed and printed. So, I waste a lot of money and paper. I would say that only about 10% of the film shots are good enough to use for anything other than artwork.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
16 May 07
I agree, we do not print that many photos and photoalbums are just a memorei, now they are all virtual. I miss that so I will make a promise right here and now that from now on, I will develop more photos... =)
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
16 May 07
We have a digital camera and a photo printer. We used to buy throw away cameras and have a cd made along with prints. Only thing about having all the prints made is that some pictures are not always the best. At least when we take pictures now we can upload them and print the best or even put all on a cd for save keeping.
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@kaye33 (5)
16 May 07
I can totally sympathize with you! I loved the time when you take all these pictures of special events on your old film-using camera and take it to the developing station to see your pictures in print. After ejoying looking at your shots, the time putting them in the album is invaluable too. The only advantage I see of digital cameras is that you have the convenience of not using film and just snapping away as long as your batteries can take you. Also, you can instantly see if you liked the pictures you took or not. But still, nothing beats the good old times!
@takkea (393)
• United States
16 May 07
It is better to print them out so that you can have a hard copy that you can have access to to look at anytime you want to. You can take it with you. You need another medium to use for other digital photos. I prefer to print them out.
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@takkea (393)
• United States
16 May 07
I still do. I love to have a picture I can touch and have access to anytime as oppose to needing another medium in order to view it.
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@emckee (465)
• United States
27 May 07
Wow, I could not have expressed it better myself. This is a very strong and valid point about moving over to the digital side of photography. I recently graduated from a photography program in my area and your point is 100% valid. THEE BEST images I have are ones I shot with a bulky, one shot at a time, time-consuming large format 4x5 film camera. And I know why. The time it takes to set up, the time it takes to meter the light manually, the COST of a sheet of 4x5 film, all of it. My best advice is to go ahead and pretend that you are indeed shooting with a regular film camera with intentions of having one professionally printed. See? The thing is this: back in the day when we were all shooting film, the standard belief was that if you got ONE good shot on a roll of film, you were doing good in your craft. All the while, you are shooting with film in this belief. So you cross-reference that idea with the digital craze (where you're not concerned with time, precision, and the cost of film), and what does it add up to ultimately? There you have it. I hope my response helps. In photography, there are secrets everywhere!
• Canada
16 May 07
i don't print all of my digital photo's. my daughter has a box of photo albums for the first 4 years or her life. so i print out the significant ones like first hair cut photo, trip to the zoo photo, and so on to put in there. and the best pictures as well. the rest stay on the computer and then i copy them onto a disk.
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• India
16 May 07
i strongly disagree with your statement that 'old kinds of photography was better' because i think digicam is better.its because in an old kind of camera you cant know how your picture turned out unless you print it.but in a digicam you can delete the picture and redo it.moreover i dont like storing photos in big albums because i think it is a waste of time,money and space.i hve 9 big albums filled with photos feom my chilhood to my graduation.but i havent opened it in years.its just dust collector now.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
16 May 07
I actually like digital photos best. I admit that I don't print off as many as I did with the older kind but to me that is the beauty of having a digital camera. I can get prints of the best photos made. There are times that a bad photo is taken. Why would I want a copy of that? Now I can just delete the bad photo and retake a better one.
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@brand4less (1061)
• Indonesia
16 May 07
i put all my photos collection in pc and my ipod video.i always bring it in my bag so i can show it anytime.i only print the pics that i think the best or the pics that i want to put in photo frames.i prefer digital camera than the old one :)
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@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
16 May 07
Hello! I share the sentiments as u... I prefer those film rolls... At least, its for sure i will develope the photos out... Not like now, we take picture every now and then, and yet not developing them... But... When our comp crashes, everything will be gone... Its such a waste right? Also, yah... The quality of the pictures cannot be compared... Nowadays, if u used too good the resolution, the pictures will not turn out nice, too small the resolution, same problem occurs... But its more modern taking digital photo... But recently, my friend used his SLR to take my 21st pictures... It turned out pretty nice as well... U can give it a try too...
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• United States
16 May 07
I don't think the digital cameras take better pictures but I like being able to edit them in my computer and pick and choose which ones I would like to print. I have a Mac and iPhoto is a great program. I can organize my pictures many different ways and it's easy to edit the pictures right in the program. It also saves the original in case I want to go back to that one. I have over 6000 pictures in my computer which I back up on DVD's. I simply can't do that with a regular camera. Some stores have a deal on printing pictures as well. I had 100 pictures printed at a Hy-Vee for about .10 a picture. I think they are usually around .15 - .20 maybe. It saves your ink and if you can get a good deal like I did, it's cheaper than printing them yourself.
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