Who will the next secret ex-housemate evictee?

May 16, 2007 12:48am CST
Big Brother recently let the 4 ex-housemates namely Kian, Zeke, Wendy and Jasmine in the his house for the second time around. It might be because Big Brother believed that they had some "unfinished" business inside the house. But at the end of one week, only two of them will stay as housemates. So they must prove their worth as soon as possible! Who do you think is worth the vote?
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10 responses
@maxxine (610)
• Philippines
17 May 07
KIAN and JASMIN......
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@mayenskie (1307)
• Philippines
23 May 07
i second the motion... however too bad, it did not happen. They let Wendy in... she is so "feeling".. have you noticed,the moment she entered the girls room, it was her who shouted excitedly at first and got so irritated. Why does she have to scream that loud at the first place? yeah, i understand maybe she got excited but she really overdid it.
@mayenskie (1307)
• Philippines
16 May 07
I am voting for Jasmin and Kian to be back in Big Brother's house again. I think Jasmin being the first evictee and being the one who stayed in the house the shortest time has not yet proven herself. I admit i was one of those people who thought Jasmin was being annoying in the house before. I think now it was just part of the adjustment, she wants to belong but she handled that quite bad. Many people including myself have misjudged her. She turned out quite ok in her last days. The returning Jasmin has morph into a prettier gal, she lost some weight and looks really good. She does not sound annoying like before, although she really got that Visayan accent which might irritate some ears. I also want Kian because i think he was also one of the misundertood. Hmmm.. wouldn't it be good to see another love team in the house besides the over sensational and promoted Wendy-Bruce team up. I thought Jasmin and Kian looks good, although Kian -Geann might also be possible. Anyways sorry to Zeke but I already saw enough of him although he is a funny guy and many would miss him if he won't get in. He already got many followers who goes gaga over him, and definitely after PBB he already got a spot in showbiz. Im not sorry if Wendy has to go, her over dramatic act and dominating personality is already getting on my nerves. I heard that someone from ABS is backing her up. If that is so, could the balik bahay be just a set up to get her back inside the house again? Hope not.
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
16 May 07
All of the four have something "unfisnished business" inside the house. With Jasmine being the person with the attitude inside and being the first disliked person inside. Will it be exciting to know if she would be brought back in? Will that boost the viewership of the network if ever she will be back. With Kian I think he already has resolved something inside when he went outside he was practically ready at that time. The only unfinished issue he left was the Gee-ann thingy mini love affair. That was when Kian left a bracelet solely for Gee-Ann. What it means will be answered if he will be voted back in the house. With Zeke... he was ousted becuase of his involvement with Dionne which was also recently evicted. I really don't see what would be his unfinished business inside. It seem too he has some attitude to correct by himself but same question with Jasmine would that make the viewer glued to PBB for letting him back? With Wendy, I think there was alot of controversies that surround her leaving the house. First the issue with Bruce having fallen really to each other. It created a controversial angle when both have their BF and GF and both did profess that they have abandoned their BF/GF over each other. Hmmm... That sounds interesting how both of them will fair when they are allowed to continue their relationship inside. Will they missed each other more once Wendy is inside? Seems there is alot more stories that could be made out of Wendy getting inside there than Wendy out here.
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• Philippines
16 May 07
I think Kian and Zeke iw worth the vote, or it could be Kian and Jasmin. But definitely no to Wendy.I don't like her attitude.
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@raeine (89)
• Philippines
16 May 07
i like jasmin to come back.. also zeke.. i think wendy was included in the balik bahay because of the bruce-wendy thing..
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• Philippines
16 May 07
I think its worthy to vote for Jasmin and Zeke. If the reason why Big Bro think they have "unfinished business" then that would be Jasmin's attitude and Zeke's controversy with Dionne (I think this is not just coincidence but Big Bro done this balik-bahay thing because Dionne was ousted???).
@mizrak07 (557)
• Philippines
16 May 07
I don't like the idea but I think Wendy will be back inside. It seems she is the station's favorite and they're doing this "balik-bahay" for that purpose. I heard Kian is strong in the polls also.
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• Philippines
17 May 07
Honestly, I hate the idea of letting ex-housemates to get inside the house for the second time. It would be unfair for the other housemates. Anyways, we have nothing to do. That's the management's decision. Well, for me, I want Kian and Jasmin to stay. I really hate Wendy and Zeke as well.
@micamyx (916)
• Philippines
16 May 07
I think Jasmin should stay. She really has "unfinished business" inside. she had a bad image when she was booted out. It's time for her to prove herself. I want Kian to stay too because he is really a positive thinker. He needs to influence the rest especially Bruce, since we all know that he's going through a lot. Zeke and Wendy had proven their worth already. I hope people would vote for Kian and Jasmin to stay
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• Philippines
18 May 07
Jasmin and Kian is worth the vote...They still have unfinished businesses inside the house...XD