sadness about dead dog?

May 16, 2007 6:23am CST
hello my mother in law has a dog named zizi the dog was ill and no the pet doc made her to sleep it is very difficuld to us begause we all no that is was for the best of the dog but very painfull to us do you have a been thrue like this tell me
1 response
16 May 07
i am so sorry to hear about this as yes i have been through the same kind of thing. last year one of my cats went missing but before he went he had got one of my two female cats pregnant, which helped my grief when he never returned. i was keeping two of the kittens and one was due to be rehomed just after christmas, but one of the kittens i was going to be keeping started to get ill just before xmas and a day before christmas eve i had to have her put down because the vet said her kidney was failing and she was in alot of pain there was nothing they could do for her i was distraught and still am she was the only one that looked so much like her dad. as you can imagine i ended up keeping the other kitten as i couldn't bear to let her go after what had happened. I know what your all going through and my thoughts are with you. ;-)
• Netherlands
16 May 07
I thank you for your story and my thoughts are with you to