Do you always get what you have seen in the advertising??

big mac burgers - what you get is always different from what you see in advertising?
@easy888 (10405)
May 18, 2007 8:47am CST
''I had not been to McDonald for long time.I had a big mac meal with my friend in McDonald this evening, as i remember,in the TV advertising,the big mac burgers are very big,i can see two big meat in the burger with two pieces of cheeses and some big slices of tomatoes inside,i can imagine it must be very yummy. But we are actually very disappointed about the burger,not only it is very small which cannot fill me up,the meat seems like have not cooked well,the cheeses are like rubber,the tomatoes are small and i cannot see as many lettuces as in the picture.' Do you think advertising always try to make the product look much better? Are they always worse than the ones you get? Will you attracted by advertising and try something new? Have you had any experience in buying something because of the advertising but later found out that the goods were not like what the advertising said. Do share your thoughts:)
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21 responses
@SmokePiff (436)
• United States
18 May 07
i gotta agree with u on that. the commercial makes the burger look like one of the best meals u might ever have until u get that lil box and open it and realize its nothing but there cheeseburger with i lil extra friends. not to be a jerk or anything but the big mac never had tomatoes on it.
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
18 May 07
Never. Well hardly ever. I try to not order things and anly buy what I can see first hand, but in fast food I know that I am not going to get something that looks like the photo. I try to stick to the things I know in the fast food, then I am not disappointed. I did go a long time not getting a fish sandwich and then the other day when I decided to get one, I was let down at how small the fish pattie had gotten. They also try to put a whole jar of tarter sauce on it. I got more sauce than fish!!!
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
18 May 07
LOL.It is not a fish sandwich but a sauce sandwich:P You should ask them for refund in this case as it is not acceptable to be like that.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
18 May 07
On tv commercials they always show those nice big juicy burgers and then when you go there to buy them they are all small and dry.lOL but I still manage to buy one.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
19 May 07
The burgers i buy may be dry and small and it seems that the bun have been expired for sometimes:P
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
18 May 07
I lokk a few TV, I not cred in adverting, and in Italy, in my little city not have a MC.....but I not like MC......I like pizza, in Italy are the best.. So I dont have acttract to adverting.I try and decide......
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
18 May 07
I also like to eat pizza:)Do all italians know how to make pizzas themselves?
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
18 May 07
you go in You can found more ricept sr all pizza Bye
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
18 May 07
Your right it's not as big as it should be. I use to work there. I hated making salads because my manager would always tell me I was giving to much in the salads but to me they are paying like close to $4.00 so I figured they deserved it.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
19 May 07
well she didn't latter and I got it right. It was the salads that were the cup size. I hardly ever made salads I cooked more then anything.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
19 May 07
LOL.The managers should have told you the portion the food should be just enough for kids and no more than that.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
18 May 07
Of course it does. Especially for places like Mcdonalds
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@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
19 May 07
You've berely noticed? It's always been like that. It's as if they do one perfect example of that food to trick people into thinking it's actually like that. I get dissapointed too.
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@bindishah (2062)
• India
24 May 07
Welcome to the world of marketing. Marketing is all about making your product loom attractive and big (even if it is not). Thats the only way to beat competitiors. And you cant really blame them - they are there to sell the product any way they can. I know coz im into marketing myself.
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@sihanik (118)
• Malaysia
19 May 07
no big nennen, advert usually paint a much beautiful pictual that is far too much than reality.
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
18 May 07
You all might get a kick out of this link I get McDonalds cravings on occassion and then usually feel disappointed when I get this tiny little burger with nothing on it that tastes like cardboard and french dressing and is about the same thickness as short paperback novel. And for this privelege we pay, what? $3+ and some severe gas.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
19 May 07
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@santuccie (3384)
• United States
18 May 07
It's always that way, methinks. The commercials always make food look heartier than it really is. Some of the best food out there isn't all up in your face on commercials. The best steak I've ever had was at a place called Jocko's in Nagano, CA. It was by no means an attractive restaurant. Rather than tables and booths, there were bench tables, like in a cafeteria. And it was noisy, just like a cafeteria (the place was always packed). It was neat watching the cooks throw the steaks onto grills in a patio sort of area outside the restaurant. They grilled 1-pound chunks of meat (not fillets) on wide-open flames. The meat was seasoned; no salt needed to be added. Up until that night, I'd always eaten steak medium-well to well done. I tasted my grandma's before I got mine, and ordered rare instead. It came, and I ate it all, after having eaten half of my grandma's. I rarely (if ever) pay any heed to commercials. I prefer "consumer reports." :)
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@paywise (500)
• Indonesia
20 May 07
Yes, I have done. When I bought a fried chicken with the rice. I found the rice has not mature cooking. I complaint and They didn't anything. So, I wrote these complaining to the news paper then changed my money. It's a jerk experience.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
20 May 07
Oh,the power media is so strong.:)
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• Nigeria
19 May 07
well most times i dont really dont believe some of these advert on the television. especially all these advert involving millions of money. i dont believe most of them. although some are real but others it seems its mixed up with criminals. most things u see on the advert if u purchase that goods will seee another thing entierly thats why i dont really believe so much in them.
19 May 07
Hi there, Your so right you see the pictures and it makes the food look so nice when you buy it its so different their small the salad looks so old and dont you just hate it when it looks like the burger has been chucked in its box its all over the place. ive given up on mcdonalds now.
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@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
22 May 07
Oh no... not always... and about McDonald's I don't eat their burgers... I don't like them. Their quality is very low!
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
20 May 07
I used to do that alot when I was pregnant and I would go out and get it too. But, I haven't done that in awhile, I guess I know how to control myself now.
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• Philippines
22 May 07
yes, i really get disappointed when this thing happens to me, too. those fast food chains have a habit of making those pictures so nice and delicious, so appealing at times the pictures are the reason why we go and order for an item. then when we get it, the disappointment of our life comes. it is not even half as tasty as we thought it to be, not as filling as it is claimed to be and not as big as shown in those pictures. i used to be vocal about these observations, until time came when i got wary of it and instead make them at home if i want to have a good fill of some foods.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
21 May 07
I'm sorry I cannot find my response so that I will say something here. Well,yes,I should admit that what your friend told you is absolutely right,but just right partly.Some manufacturers did it but most manufacturers didn't do it.Because the brand is extremely important for a company and once the goods of the brand are low-quality and are inspected by the local Admimistration of Industry and Commerce,the manufacturers will be failed.No customers will support this failed brand. So that if a manufacturer wants a win in the fierce competition,it must make sure that the goods of the brand is high-quality.For the minor manufactuuers,they may product low-quality goods and sell them in the mall.But for a long run,their low-quality goods will ruin themselves.
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@sp310070 (93)
• India
19 May 07
HI.NO we do not get the things exactly what we see in the adds.they show us many qualities of the product but we may get only two-three qualities.
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• United States
19 May 07
most likely 35% yes and rest no, 35% i consider to be very high now a days.
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