Splash Page Generator

United States
May 18, 2007 5:22pm CST
Splash pages make promoting in traffic exchanges easier. The main reason is because they are designed to load fast and get the users attention. There has been several sites launched that deal with splash page generating. One that I use is free. It is still new and not even launched. Changes are being made all the time and they just get better. http://www.lifechangesnetwork.ws/prefers/SPG It is easy to make a splash page with this new site. All that is needed is to enter data in a form, hit the submit button and then your splash page is displayed with the code to copy. One of the recent additions to the site is the encoding of the html code. This help keep my splash page from being copied as easy. http://www.lifechangesnetwork.ws/prefers/SPG Check out the site before they start charging for the service.
1 response
• United States
21 May 07
Thanks for this link, I will try this at when I have more time. I have to admit though, I am not much for splash pages or sites. More that 90% of the time, people go overboard with splash and it's so much of a headace....and something like this is likely to make more people go splash nuts, lol, just more of what we need....lol, again, thanks for the link....