Hanging ? Shooting ? Poisoning ? Electrical shocking ?

@pkps1968 (415)
October 22, 2006 3:27pm CST
Which methed is most sutable for a capital punishment for a Murder or a raper ? Post your opinions !
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13 responses
@fritz27 (1136)
• United States
22 Oct 06
i actually saw on film once an electrocution. it was awful. i believe an eye for an eye, maybe that person should die the same way he or she committed murder. rapists, let the girls family alone with the man in a room. i don't think many people would actually kill someone like that, but there are a few who would. if it was my daughter, i wouldn't think twice of ending his life.
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@pkps1968 (415)
• India
27 Oct 06
Can you name the Filim ?
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
27 Oct 06
what if the eye in jeopardy was yours would you still feel the same way especially if you felt you were innocent?
@fritz27 (1136)
• United States
12 Dec 06
i'm sure i would feel different if one of my children had taken a life and i'm sure i'd be heart broken for everyone involved. i truly believe an eye for an eye, but only if there is 1000% proof positive that someone is guilty. as they say " opinions are like - -, everyone has one "
• India
25 Oct 06
Hanging should be avoided !
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@pkps1968 (415)
• India
30 Oct 06
Then u prefer Shooting ?
@karinna (233)
• United States
22 Oct 06
ok my mom and dad were living in boston mas because my older brother burned when our house caught fire unfourtunatly his whole body but he is still alive and doing well. well my dad is a coal minor always has been and one night he was out on a delivery and my mom was home with my other older brothers and pregnant with me when a man that my father knew came knocking on the door, my mom opend the door while the chain lock was still atached and told the man my dad will be back in 5 mins although she wasnt sure when he would be hom, so this man shoved the door in and tried to rape my mother and by the grace of God the neighbor heard the comotion and called the police. well at that time everyone knew who my parents were in this town because of what happend to my brother and the man was arrested and my father was contacted by the police to come to the station, well my father got there they told him what had happend (he saw my mom first) and they gave my father one of there batons-nightsticks and let my father in the cell with this man and the officers walked away, needless to say this man never came near my mother again. but this was in the 70's when things were differant but my father did what he felt he had to do.
• United States
27 Oct 06
wow-that is one powerful story......good resonse!
@Retta75 (93)
• Canada
22 Oct 06
Shooting or poisoning (gas chamber) would be the best methods of execution in my opinion. Shooting would be painful, and the gas chamber is just nasty cuz you don't die immediately.
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• India
23 Oct 06
Poisoning also create high level of irretation before deth !
@naha123 (1265)
• India
1 Nov 06
To me forgiveness is the greatest punishment to them. If he/she is not to be forgiven then hanging is the best one for me.
@pkps1968 (415)
• India
1 Nov 06
Nahaji, Hanging is very pain full process !
• United States
8 Dec 06
My honest opinion...I think they should do the same thing to the Murder or raper that they did to someone. If the person murdered someone then that person should have to die the same way he killed his victim. Ya know? I know that wouldnt happen so I think electrical shocking I guess. I think they should have to suffer the rest of their life though.
@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
27 Oct 06
• India
27 Oct 06
@BELMCstar (1341)
• Australia
22 Oct 06
All of the above are too good.
• India
23 Oct 06
Hanging a person , I cant imagine that seen ! Blocking of breething is very horable seen ! How can a man can do such things ?
@ephi4real (564)
• Nigeria
22 Oct 06
All those methods are awful. Personally I feel they should just be killed by medication, by Doctors or something. Just make it clicnical. Less brutality. The other methods are too gory.
@grump0ne (979)
• United States
23 Oct 06
The best punishment for these i think is to give the families affected 1/2 hour alone with them. no concequences to them.
@msqtech (15074)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Imprisonment for life. Hatred shouldnt have any part in the Justice system and we should allow that the prosecuting system may be in error