Do you know anyone who smells bad?

@babykay (2131)
May 19, 2007 8:54pm CST
Someone that works in my workplace smells quite bad. Fortunately for me, she doesn't sit too close, but when she walks past the smell is quite noxious. If it were me, I would very much like to be made aware of this so I could wash and no longer be the focus for negative attention, but I don't know how to tell this woman - she is not a friend of mine, but I do feel sorry for her as people talk about her for smelling. She has some friends, I don't think they have said it to her as she continues to smell. What would you do? And would you like to be told if you smelled??
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3 responses
• United States
20 May 07
My brother can stink so bad sometimes. I am so glad I don't live with him anymore. What's bad is he gets so angry if you tell him he needs a shower. What's worse is he can step out of the shower smelly!!
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
20 May 07
wow, that is some achievement stepping out of the shower smelly! He mustn't scrub himself at all...
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• United States
20 May 07
I often wonder if he even uses soap!
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19 Apr 08
yes a girl in my class smells of raw fish and pee and she always denys it
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
20 May 07
I hope that I have friends and colleagues that will find a tactful way to tell me if I smell. I know for me, I have asthma and allergies, so I have a very sensitive nose. I can smell the germs when people sneeze. The worst thing for me is dust and strong odors. The other day, my roommate used her arousol deodorant in the same room with me and I panicked trying to find my rescue inhaler. I would pull her to the side and tell her that she has an offensive odor and if I were her, I would want people to tell me. Let her know that others have noticed it too, so that she does not feel as though you are picking on her. I believe that it is all in the way you say things. When you say things like this, the person has to get the impression that you care. If no one in the office feels like confronting her would be a good idea, then this is something that you can take to the supervisor. Body Odor can cause head aches and it can be hard to concentrate if you are wondering when she will pass you again. I know that there are some cultures that do not use deodorant. Want to smell something offensive, take a good shower and forget to put on deodorant on a hot sunny day. Wait a few hours and then take a whiff. After you are revived proceed quickly to reshower and please don't forget whatever it takes to keep that stench away.
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
20 May 07
Well I don't use very much deodorant but then again Ireland is not a hot country by any means. This girl smells like she has something wrong with her body odour, it is just so...pungent!! And while she does look clean, she still smells.