Weird Meat?

May 20, 2007 11:37am CST
I love meat and i eat all kinds of it, but one day at a vacation i ended up eating hinny meat and i thought that was weird so im asking you whats the weirdest kind of meat you've eaten?
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4 responses
@hezoid (2144)
20 May 07
What sort of meat is hinny meat? I've enver heard of it before. The msot unusual meat i've eaten is probably vennison, that's as unusual as it gets for me! And that's only becuase i worked in a vennison factory.
• Norway
20 May 07
Hinny is a croosing between donkey and mule but im not really sure and thats why i think its weird.
@lonely_f16 (2146)
• Philippines
20 May 07
i don't know if this is considered weird but I don't like raw meat..
• Philippines
20 May 07
i mean, some other countries like their meat half-cooked or something like that
@dianagnes (1088)
• Singapore
20 May 07
its not actually weird.But that was my first and last time eat that meat.I usually only eat chicken,beef,mutton.But once,as i thought its a chicken,but i actually eat a Duck.That was really not my taste man..after i consume it,then i know its a duck,if not i wont even try it.Hmm..the taste is kinda like chicken but as i thought it a i think it is..
@tala91285 (1074)
• Philippines
23 May 07
I've eaten different kinds of meat like venison, mutton, veal.. I also eat frog meat and monitor lizard ("bayawak" in the Philippines) meat and eggs.