What do you think about Mac?

My macbook - My own macbbok
May 21, 2007 4:08pm CST
I got a mac and im really satisfied and i think its maybe even bether than windows, Ive owned my macbook for a half year and im really in love with it, but whats you thought about macs and how do you like them?
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6 responses
@blondbat (503)
• United States
21 May 07
I have been working on Macs for over 15 years and I love it. I am on my 3rd computer at home and they were all Macs! My hubby has a series of PC's and likes to bug me about having a Mac, but I wouldn't buy a PC for my own use. I have to use them at work, and that's fine. But at home for me - I will never have anything but a Mac.
• Norway
21 May 07
Mac is always working and pc is always failing.
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@blondbat (503)
• United States
21 May 07
That's the truth. Don't know how many times I see hubby futzing w/his computers - I never have a lick of trouble w/mine. But then almost nobody writes viruses for Mac either. hehehe And they don't write wonky shareware either.
• United States
22 May 07
Whenever I have to use the Macs at my school I get really frustrated with the way their interface is set up... not to mention the ridiculous lack of a second mouse button. I don't know how Mac people can get anything done effectively. I'm glad I have a laptop now so I can bring my PC to school and I don't have to use the Macs anymore.
@blondbat (503)
• United States
22 May 07
All the Mac mice I have used have all the same buttons as any PC mice I have used. I go from Mac to PC and back again daily and haven't had anything I can do on PC that I can't do on a Mac or vice versa. I guess that would be kind of like being bi-lingual hehehehe
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
23 May 07
I have had my Mac for almost 2 years. I can not see myself ever going back to a Windows machine. I love the beauty and simplicity of the interface, it is su much more intuitive then Windows. It is also much more stable then a windows machine. No doubt in my mind Mac is the wave of the future. Plus Apple has the best support of any product that I have ever owned.
• United States
23 May 07
I really like Macs. I took graphic design courses on a Mac and I think they are much better for that. I also like that they have classes in the apple stores. The only problem with the Apple store is that they claim to be geniuses(sp?)but they told me I had to get a whole new ipod and all it needed was to be reset. Also, Macs are really expensive so I have to save up.
@fei1123 (56)
• China
22 May 07
I think Mac is good.The computer looks very beautiful.And the operating system fits on the professional design for the image, the voice and so on.But Mac in China is more expensive.If I have more money,I will buy one.
• Lebanon
23 May 07
I have a pc at home and am used to using pcs. When I first started using the macs that we had at school I was really frustrated. But after a while I found them to be much easier to use except for some minor annoyances. Although I don't think there is anything that bothers me about windows, I think that mac uses ram much more sufficiently and I also like how there are no viruses on mac. That way you can visit websites and download anything with no worry. I will be getting a vista laptop at the end of the month. I had considered getting a mac but decided not to because all of the software I need to install wont work on it and if I were to buy it it would have been about 3 times more expensive just like all mac software. Also more things come with the vista laptop I am getting such as a tv tuner and also I dont want to get a mac because leopard is coming out soon and then Ill have to spend another 200$ on that. I would have gotten a mac since they are easier to work on but there were many reasons for me to get a pc instead. I will probably switch to mac in a few years.