love relationships

May 22, 2007 2:52am CST
what was the sweetest thing you ever did foryour partner on your anniversary? ideas..ideas...flood in for more..
1 response
@ljcapps (1925)
• United States
22 May 07
What I TRIED to do I thought was sweet and would be memorable but it turned out to be a disaster. Let me explain, It was my wife and I 2nd anniversary, I had a surprise party set up. A few good friends coming over, food to grill up, drinks to make, the whole nine yards. I went to the local grocery store to buy supplies for the party we had successfully hidden from my wife. When I got back from the store I was very dismayed to find my wife curled up on the couch crying! Being the concerned husband that I am I asked her what was wrong? I was thinking that maybe her cat got hurt or something like that. She gives me this look that will make any man feel about a half an inch tall(about 1.5 cm) and says with tear filled eyes "You have forgotten our anniversary!" and the tears started flooding anew. I had no choice but to "let the cat out of the bag" and show her everything I had prepared for the party that night. For every other man with this idea DON'T DO IT!!!!!! Talk about seriously feeling like crap!
• Philippines
22 May 07
You should have kept her busy or ask a friend to distract her. women, it really means somthing for their partners to remember special occasions especially anniversaries. You did well did. Just a little polishing on some parts of the planning..
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• Philippines
22 May 07
what happened after?...what did she say?
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@ljcapps (1925)
• United States
22 May 07
Well she did apologize for making me feel like crap but it was my fault. The party went off without another hitch and we have now been together for four years and I have yet to make that same mistake on any other important days