Protest vote?

@buen04 (76)
May 24, 2007 5:12am CST
Most opposition senatoriables are in the magic 12 in the ongoing canvassing of the COMELEC. Political analysts say it is a sign of protest vote against GMA. Do you think so? Do you think Team Unity senatoriables' affiliation with GMA has something to do with it?
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8 responses
@paulific (189)
• Philippines
25 May 07
assuming: GMA won by cheating in 2204 then: whoever runs affiliated to her admin would find it hard to win by election without cheating indication: mike defensor is a skilled leader, but where is he standing in the counting now side: TU's candidates are also not worth voting for, most of them...
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
25 May 07
I guess it really is. Even I voted mostly from the opposition slate. I think its because they have lots of issues they tried to cover from the public. From the "hello Garci" scandal to Mike Arroyo's questionable secret funds.... and the list goes on. I guess they have covered so many things that the impression of the public their candidates will further be covered up.
@maribel1218 (3085)
• Philippines
25 May 07
The result of the current election shows that PINOYS are maturing in terms of selecting a QUALITY candidates for the senatorial slate and most of all majority of us are sicked and tired of voting a candidate from admin side because it was so obvious that they are running to cover the administration hidden agenda in our country. I salute every pinoy who made the right decesion last May 14 election and this country is in BAD NEED OF a GOOD and CREDIBLE SENATORS and they are now on the magic 12...ahon pinoy!!! thanks kabayan for this discussion..simply great!
• Philippines
29 May 07
Thanks kabayan for the best response!
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
26 May 07
People have spoken..any candidate affiliated with GMA no matter how good or capable surely won't make it to the senate. i think its the affiliation, you're right. those two in TU - angara and arroyo are both came from the opposition so totally its 12-0 for the oppossition. well..let's see what's next, its not yet over and no one knows how the magic spells.. I remember Lacson says, a vote for Trillanes is a vote against GMA, the reason why the man make it to top 12 for now..
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
26 May 07
The message is clear. The outcome of the just concluded may 14 elections for senators are a result of indirect protest against the present administration and it is unequivocal. The voters affirmed, “We are not happy with the present state of affairs. We dislike corruption, the tolerance of extra-judicial killings. We want to have more investigations into the malfeasance of Gloria and her government, to have a closure on the “Hello Garci” issue which has a lot to do with her claim of legitimacy. Life is hard and we don’t want GMA anymore in Malacañang." The results also indicate the negative endorsement of Gloria of her TU bets as compared with the strength of the positive effect of the endorsements of detained President Joseph Estrada, former President Corazon Aquino and Fernando Poe Jr.’s widow, Susan Roces.
• Philippines
26 May 07
Perhaps so. In my opinion the biggest influence on why people protested against GMA was the EVAT implementation. Majority of the voters came from the cosumers who felt the burden of added taxes in the price of commodities. Have you noticed??? a tax shall be deducted from the workers salary income then when you go to the market, the supermarket or if you eat at a food chain, a 12% vat is also deducted from what you purchased? I think at least 27% of a worker income goes to taxes.
@RookRocks (381)
• Philippines
25 May 07
I have to think so. Just as the Democrats won majority on US senatorial election after decades of minority status as a clear sign of discontent on the Republican's foreign policies, I also think that oppositions are winning the senatorial election because of the Filipinos' discontent (if not outright resistance or protest) to the administration's credibility, capability, and ideologies. If ever the opposition did win, I suppose we can expect a lot of changes in the near future. For better or for worse, who knows? But I think we made a good decision to give the opposition a chance. Let them prove that they can do better. They are more pressured to excel as of now because they have to meet the people's expectations. And if in the past the admin say all they do is talk, then let's see them in action and witness if they can do better. And the admin is getting stagnant. The injection of opposition will surely stir them again to action.
• Philippines
25 May 07
yup its a clear sign of protest vote against GMA. Filipinos got tired of irregularities in GMA administration. we want change. so the best way is to vote a new set of senatoriables with hope that these will start a new phase in philippine politics.