Update on my Quest!

@kitkat1 (1227)
May 24, 2007 1:18pm CST
Way back when i first started mylot i had posted discussion about my journey towards a healthier and happier body and how i had started working out at the gym and eating right. Well i started in january on the 8th day of the month and i was 230pounds now today not even a full five months later i have lost 50 pounds and 25 and a half inches of my body. I feel so much better and i thought i would share my happiness with you. And also remember you can do it i did so can you! Dont think of it like the way of eating a diet and the exercise and work let it be fun and a way of life you will thank yourself in the end and feel so much better. My journey to great health is still a long road to go but i am over halfway there already and dont plan to stop this is my life. If anyone would like to start with a program of some kind but are not sure of where to start let me know i will help in any way i can.
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4 responses
• United States
24 May 07
Kitkat in January I started LaWeightloss and have loss 28 lbs I have dizzy spells and balance problems and it is hard for me exercise except in my pool so if I fall it will not hurt. It has not been warm enough to get in the pool yet. I am planning to get in the pool today. I am at a stand still and am a little discouraged but I will keep it up. In the last two years I have lost 88 lbs. I started weight watchers and stoped now on LA. I have 80 more pounds to go. I hope I never get this big again. I will try not to. With health problems it is hard to exercise. I think I am getting a tredmill given to me. Yayaya. I had a used one and it speeded up and bucked me off. Boy I was in a world of pain. I know I do not crave fast food and I no longer can tolerate sweets. I live 2 blocks away from several fast food restaurants and can walk over there on good days and they do not even sound good to me. Good luck to you keep up the good work.
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
25 May 07
You keep up the good work to my friend do not get discouraged u are doing great 88 pounds in two years with the limited exercises you can do is just amazing. I am like you too fast foods and sugar dont appeal to me either anymore and that is a good thing. I have 30 pounds left to my goal but i could stand to lose 50 more but i will worry about that when i get rid of the other 30 i believe i will put more into my free wieght training then and turn the other 20 pounds of fat into muscle at least that is my intentions long ways to go yet and thanks for the post.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
31 May 07
Wow! Impressive-- Keep up the Great work- That is just amazing- and you are doing this through eating healthier and exercise? Any sort of a diet plan? Weight watchers, etc? I keep saying that I need to drop 15 pounds or so- It's just creeped up on me- I'm trying to get out an exercise more- and cut out the snacky things- Again congrats!
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
1 Jun 07
Diets dont work this is a life change for the better. I am just eating healthier things and getting some sort of exercise every day. This will be my life i dont think of it as a diet but a new way of life and it will work for life too. Dont need to cut out the snacky things either just portion control and make the snacky thing a healthier choice you will see the differences and feel the benefits for sure.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
30 May 07
Well done! You have done really really well, I mean 25.5 inches is no mean feat! It is fun, I go to the gym five times a week, although I am actually GAINING weight because I bodybuild, when I lost 3 stone, the best bit was seeing my clothes go down in size. I was a 38 waist, I'm now a trim '34 people also notice it as well which gives you more incentive and motivation! Keep up the great work!
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
24 May 07
Congratulations! Not only for losing the weight but for being consistant. I had an excellent weight management program. I was on it for a year, lost sixty pounds and was staying with it. I had planned to stay with it for another fifty pounds and then to maintain that loss. I, however, wasn't as consistent. We took a cruise and I started eating outside my weight management program, which was a very healthy balanced plan with real food and some supplements. Once I started eating the things I know are bad for me I couldn't seem to stop. So over the past year I've gained back 30 pounds. There are all kinds of reasons for this but no excuse. No one made me eat unhealthy foods. I don't like how I feel physically or emotionally with the weight gain. Yet I am not motivated to start over again. I keep hoping that when this particular fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue crash is over I will have the energy to go back on the plan.