Your kid's favorite movie??

United States
May 26, 2007 1:00am CST
What is your kids favorite movie and why do you think they like it so much. My oldest daughter's is Shrek not sure why but she loves it. My 2 year old is Finding Nemo and I think he loves it so much because it's in the water and he loves the water. I love them both. Finding Nemo more but Shrek has some hidden stuff that she still don't get yet.
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3 responses
@maehan (1439)
• United States
26 May 07
My boys are crazy over Incredible and Spiderman series. I can't stand it that they can watch over and over again till they can recite the script.
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• United States
26 May 07
My son loves those movies too and so do me and my husband. It must be a boy thing but his favorite is still Finding Nemo he goes crazy over it.
• United States
26 May 07
My little girl adores Toy Story and made us play the movie every hour of the day for three weeks. Then I rented Shrek and she dropped Toy Story. Then there was Monsters Inc. and then ELF (with Will Farrell) She adores the Christmas music. And, now she's onto the Grinch with Jim Carrey. I have never seen so many Christmas films (in the middle of the year) in my life. It's a regular happy fun time kid video fest at our house everyday. I don't get to watch my own tv anymore. I don't think I've seen a regular movie in ages. Or, anything on TV for that matter! LOL! :)
• United States
28 May 07
Yeah we days like that at our house too. Especially since I homeschool my kids days can be a little crazy.
• United States
8 Nov 07
Toy Story was like that at our house too. My 10 year old likes it and when she was younger we watched it every hour of the day and night too for I know 6 months. I think that she still considers it a favorite and I know she likes Nightmare before Christmas too.
• Philippines
18 Jul 07
my daughter favoritr movie was dora the explorer. she loves that very much and she can sung also the team song of dora the explorer.